Sen. Joe Lieberman: Orwellian doublespeak re/Yemen


Richard Moore

This whole Yemen / failed-plane-bomb thing is so transparent. It’s the same old US modus operandi: Battleship Maine, Pearl Harbor, Gulf of Tonkin incident, Oklahoma City bombing, 9/11, and the list goes on. Always an arranged incident when the US wants to start a war, escalate one, or move closer to fascism.
Lieberman says:

“if we don’t act preemptively, Yemen will be tomorrow’s war.”

What he actually means is that Yemen has already become today’s war. 
Hoekstra says:

We have about 90 Yemenese left in Gitmo. They should stay there

What he actually means is that concentration camps are here to stay
sick, sick, sick,

Lieberman: Next Stop On The War On Terror Express – Yemen!

Global Research, December 28, 2009

Yesterday, Rep. Pete Hoekstra (R-MI) and Sen. Joe Lieberman (I-CT) told Fox News viewers about the latest country posing a threat to America: Yemen. 

Lieberman was particularly dire, warning that “if we don’t act preemptively, Yemen will be tomorrow’s war.”

On Fox News Sunday, Chris Wallace asked Hoekstra and Lieberman what kind of attitude America should take toward Yemen. 

Hoekstra replied that “Yemen is a hot spot, we need to do everything we can to work with that government.”

He continued: “We have about 90 Yemenese left in Gitmo. They should stay there, they should not go back to Yemen. If they go back to Yemen we will very soon find them back on the battlefield going after Americans and other Western interests.”

Lieberman agreed with Hoekstra: 

“It would be a mistake to send these 90 people back to Yemen because based on the past of what’s happened when we released people from Guantanamo, a certain number of them have gone back into the fight against us.”

Lieberman went even further, referencing a recent trip to Yemen during which a U.S. official there said to him: “Iraq was yesterday’s war. Afghanistan is today’s war. If we don’t act pre-emptively, Yemen will be tomorrow’s war. That’s the danger we face.”