Forum for Stable Currencies
January 15th, 2010 | Weblinks 2 Comments »
Fourteen sites and blogs with one mission:
a better future despite capitalism the way it’s been institutionalised.
A click on the screenshot gets you to the site.
1. Forum – Archive Our first meetings from 1998 until 2004, covering the CAUSES of the ills of our monetary system, the EFFECTS in terms of victims of financial and legal exploitation, and the REMEDIES, such as local and regional currencies, besides submissions to Select Committees at the House of Lords and Commons. Questions with Written Answers were our “political tool” in the Lords.
2. Forum – News Under the auspices of Austin Mitchell MP we submitted Early Day Motions (EDM) in the House of Commons that were signed by a total of 70 MPs. We are also running two online petitions, targeting the Treasury Select Committee.
The overarching article was published by theAccountancy Business and the Public Interest Journal.
3. Forum – LobbyingEventually, a human rights lawyer advised us to “go for Parliamentary Scrutiny via the Treasury Select Committee”. It so happened that the Committee was inviting evidence on climate change in response to the Stern review.
Hence we submitted Green Credit for Green Purposes.
4. Green Credit for Green GrowthLobbying the Treasury Select Committee turned out to be most interesting “political entertainment”: Committee members are paid to grill “witnesses”, and Chairman John McFall MP clearly enjoys his power over all financial institutions and their employees. However, business is still as usual, and we were never invited to give oral evidence, nor could I get a private meeting.
5. How is Green Growth Possible?Beginning to enjoy the “blogging fever”, the documents submitted to the Treasury Select Committee gave rise to these attempts to get the message across online. But it’s a complex topic that needs to address:
- the mathematics of exponential growth
- the economics of inflation, GDP and other measures
- the politics of creating currency and controlling the money supply.
6. Forum – Political summaryIn February 2008 Nobel peace prize winner Dr. Muhammad Yunus came to London and I organised an event to launch his book Creating a World without Poverty: Social Business and the Future of Capitalism at St. James’s Church Piccadilly. This site summarizes our political activities and reflects the meeting, besides the need for registering online.
The event led to the following blog.
7. YunuSphere – Expanding Dr. Yunus’ Sphere of InfluenceDr. Yunus’ book galvanized my energies to “do something” about “social business and the future of capitalism”. But the blog seemed to be the only line of success: it became popular, and I learned more about blogging.
However, while Dr. Yunus encourages people to start their social business, he has given up on governments and institutions who have notoriously failed us.
8. Money as Debt also known as Credit Living six tube stops away from Westminster (rather than in Bangladesh), I still felt compelled to get to the root of all problems – not only by handing the book to the Chancellor and the Chairman of the Treasury Select Committee.
Hence this blog – as another attempt to spread the knowledge about the ills of financial capitalism.
9. Financial Fairness for Voters and Taxpayers, please! – An Online PetitionThis petition addresses the effects of our monetary, financial and economic system, as it is compounded by legal and judiciary corruption.
It is written on behalf of victims and targeted at the Treasury Select Committee and appeals to ascertain the political rights of citizens as voters and as taxpayers.
10. Stop the Cash Crumble to Equalize the Credit CrunchThis online petition – also presented to the Treasury Select Committee – only to be ignored, once again, addresses the causes of our monetary, financial and economic system.
Interesting to watch the high number of page views, compared with the low number of signatures. This was the only list of email addresses I used until I decided to use a professional list service.
11. Room 14 – A Foundation for Change Another Forum meeting led to this blog, highlighting the plight of the victims of financial and legal exploitation. The morning focussed on the causes, while the afternoon gave victims a chance to tell their stories. Very interestingly, many found many connections leading to the same solicitor or court for example. With a video camera in the room, Brad Meyer got “hooked” and continued taking an interest in these stories that led to the next blog.
12.Enforcement of the Bank of England Act 1694 Our most recent EDM relates to the good intentions of the authors of the Bank of England Act 1694. It was signed by 13 MPs and is the basis for “tackling the serious oppression of HM subjects”. However, David Taylor MP has sadly died since. By grouping cases, we aim to change the law, as has been done before. At our last meeting, Austin Mitchell MP recommended that we stage our own public inquiries.
13. Public Debts for Vested Interest PaymentsPublic or National Debts are the scourge of humanity. Started by the Bank of England in 1694, they became the central bankers’ formula for enslaving nation states – under the disguise of “democracy”, i.e. hiding behind elected politicians who do NOT hold the currency strings of their respective country. With the aid of web technologies, we aim at “economic democracy” for a future worth living for all of humanity.
14. Stop the oppression of the British peopleThis petition was one of the outcomes of our meeting at the House of Lords on March 09, 2010. It is targeted at HM The Queen as she upholds the law of the land that goes back to Magna Carta.
2 Responses
Lucky 13 – A Superb, well laid out Resource – Congratulations.
Please keep up the good work
With best regards