Bcc: FYI
I’ve been saying for some time that recent US interventionism has ultimately been directed at the interests of Russia and China, that we have in fact been seeing acts of war against Russia and China. For example, if you destabilize a country, and bring about regime change, in order to cut off sources of supply to an enemy, or to otherwise hamstring an enemy, that is an act of war against that enemy. This is the principle the US always cites, when it talks about its ‘interests being threatened’ by some action of another nation.
I’ve also said that sooner or later Russia and China must draw their line in the sand somewhere. They’ve put up with CIA-sponsored colored revolutions, provocative missile systems, encirclement by US military bases, regime changes that have harmed their interests, and the list goes on. It appears that in Syria, based on the article below and similar ones I’ve seen, Russia has drawn a firm line in the sand against this particular regime-change project.
These are first-rank weapons systems that Russia is deploying in Syria, capable of responding to attacks by first-rank weapons systems. As regards the mercenary so-called ‘opposition fighters’, the Syrian army has basically won that war. The real purpose of the first-rank systems is to repel any invasion from major outside forces, or any attempt to create a no-fly zone. They couldn’t defeat a full-scale US invasion, but in response to any kind of attack they would do major damage to attacking forces – the kind of damage that could lead to escalation of hostilities: sunken naval vessels, downed US planes, decimated US battalions, etc.
I’ve also heard reports that a sizable contingent of Russian ‘volunteers’, ex-military people with frontline experience in places like Chechnya, are awaiting permission from Syria to deploy there. Besides the military know-how and weapons they would bring, they would create a situation where US intervention would be an attack on Russian citizens. And lest we forget, there is a Russian Naval base in Syria. The potential for escalation is very real.
Russia, it seems, is declaring that it won’t back down on this one. It’s taking a stand; it will defend its interests with military force, and is willing to face the threat of escalation. Obama, meanwhile, shows no sign of giving up on the regime-change project, and tells us he intends to escalate it with increased arms deliveries. Not since the Cuban missile crisis have we seen such an ominous case of ‘who will blink first’. And in both cases, the threat of nuclear confrontation looms large.
InI 17:52 on June 18, 2013
Tags: putin ( 19 ), s300, s400
(Translated from the Arabic)
During his recent visit to London and meeting with British Prime Minister Cameron, President Putin passed on a message to the US and France in response to their recent announcement that they will arm the [Al Nusrah] fighters in Syria.
As Russia is a sovereign nation dealing with the sovereign, legitimate government of Syria, some new arms which have never left Russia before [previously deployed in Syria] will be delivered to the Syrian military.
The Patriot Missiles will be hit and [repelled] with S 300 SAM [already installed in Syria]. Putin also threatened to deliver the more advanced S400 anti-aircraft missiles (see image below) far superior to the Patriot missiles and ranked as the World’s most advanced air defense system.

He added that Russia will also supply Syria with state-of –the-art 24-Barrell rocket launcherswhich have a range of 60 km ranked as the most developed artillery weapon of its kind.(see video below)

He added that Russia will supply 400 of these launchers which will be able to destroy all targets around Syria’s borders.
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