Bcc: FYI
rkm website: http://cyberjournal.org
Robert Stark interviewed me a few months back. Due to technical problems the interview came available only just now. We had a very interesting chat. I was absolutely impressed by his preparation, all the major issues under discussion at Real Currencies are discussed in just an hour.
Stark used to be associated with the Voice of Reason Broadcast Network, but has moved to Counter Currents. The Interview can be found here.
- How Mutual Credit Works
- The Goals of Monetary Reform.http://realcurrencies.wordpress.com/2012/01/04/the-goal-of-monetary-reform/
- Why Banking must be interest freehttp://realcurrencies.wordpress.com/2012/01/06/usurious-usurpation/ and how interest is a wealth transfer from the poor to rich.http://realcurrencies.wordpress.com/2011/10/07/the-problem-is-not-debt-its-interest/
- How the government creates the monopoly with the legal tender laws and hands it over to the private banking cartel.
- Other Monetary Reform Movements such as the Greenbakers, Public Banking, and Social Credit.
- A comprehensive critique of Austrian Economics.http://realcurrencies.wordpress.com/faux-economics/
- How Libertarianism as controlled opposition.http://realcurrencies.wordpress.com/2012/02/17/how-the-money-power-created-libertarianism-and-austrian-economics/
- Is Anti Usury Activism Anti-Semitic? http://realcurrencies.wordpress.com/is-anti-usury-activism-antisemitic/ and how it became associated with fascism after WWII.
- Why there isn’t a strong populist movement, and the phony left right paradigm represented by Occupy Wall Street and the Tea Party
- The Euro Crisis. http://realcurrencies.wordpress.com/the-euro-crisis/