-------------------------------------------------------- Date: Thu, 4 May 2006 11:32:09 +0200 (W. Europe Standard Time) From: "Earl" To: <•••@••.•••> Subject: Re: What do you think is going on? Richard, Another interesting article, although I'm unsure of the source. http://wakeupfromyourslumber.blogspot.com/2006/05/us-dollar-gets-flushed-down-world.html Earl ---------- Thanks Earl, Here's the lead paragraph from that URL: U.S. currency was called "unreliable as a reserve currency" by Finance Minister Alexei Kudrin, made a taboo word by the Public Chamber and centrist politicians, and ditched by the general public amid reports of its imminent depreciation. -------------------------------------------------------- From: Stephen Shaw <> Subject: Re: * Engdahl: USA's 'geopolitical nightmare' * Date: Wed, 10 May 2006 18:28:25 -0400 To: Richard Moore <•••@••.•••> Richard, Here are some ramblings: I am thinking that the fabricated "war on terror" (to replace the much less versatile demonization of communism) was expected to be a central global domination tool and that the "Realists" supported it almost as widely as the neocons. The Realists may have thought that the "war on terror" should have been developed with more finesse and that the geopolitical mess that Engdahl describes may be the result of inexcusable clumsiness. It also may be that some insiders think that 9/11 was a badly executed operation that has consequently enabled 9/11 truth to consistently gain ground. If 9/11 truth reaches critical mass then it is a hot potato that the Realists are in the best position to disown. The Realists may have prodded on the zealous neocons knowing that the neocons would take the fall if things went sour. Maybe taking down the neocons is meant to derail 9/11 truth and salvage the "war on terror" as an intervention-justifying tool. Also - money these days is supposed to be so mobile that I resist thinking of the US as a coherent entity. As we've probably mentioned, it seems like the US is being subjected to the same treatment as the third world: bankrupted in order to pry it open to additional exploitation. Thinking outside the box, maybe the dollar is meant to collapse. I am sure somebody would make out like a bandit, in the short or long run, if it did. The question is how powerful are those who would want this to happen. Thomas Barnett (http://www.thomaspmbarnett.com/) once chuckled at the idea that we borrow money from China to spend as we please. He seemed to imply that we have no intention of paying it back. Thinking really big, the elites would seek to control all major players - east and west - and their only real enemy is people-power. Wars could be seen as money-making gambits that are irresistible to those who gain from them, but that the Realists or Globalists don't want them to be an end in themselves and want to move ahead to their vision of a privately controlled world. They may be angry at the feeding frenzy of the digression of making wars. And again, if China supports Iran and Iran tries to undermine the dollar, is China shooting itself in the foot? More questions than answers as usual! Regards, Stephen ------ Hi Stephen, Very sound thinking. You are laying out a spectrum of possibilities (aka brainstorming) - a key step in the process of analysis. Not only that, but your particular spectrum makes a lot of sense. imho, rkm -------------------------------------------------------- From: "Tim Murphy" <> Subject: Ameropathic Date: Sun, 14 May 2006 17:05:56 +0100 Ameropathic Definition: The US policy of neo-imperialist corporate fascism. The thinking and behaviour of those who rule the United States of America, their cronies and allies, typified by an irrational, psychotic belief in unrestrained free market capitalism combined with policies of domestic tyranny, religious fundamentalism and aggressive wars leading to environmental devastation and human genocide. Ameropath: One who follows the above policy. An American or follower or client, who engages in or supports the above policy of neo-imperialist corporate fascism. Ameropathy: The attitudes exhibited by Ameropaths and the symptoms of Ameropathic politics, economics, war and ecocide. ------ Hi Tim, Very creative! :-) rkm -------------------------------------------------------- From: "Peter Hollings" <> To: "'Richard Moore'" <•••@••.•••> Subject: RE: John Pilger on Iraq: the Salvador Option Date: Fri, 5 May 2006 12:54:18 -0400 Organization: Institute for Professionals in Taxation Looks like the "Bernard Lewis Plan" or Brzezinski's "Arc of Crisis" for the Middle East which was related to the so-called "Global War on Terrorism" several years ago in an article titled "Practice to Deceive: Chaos in the Middle East is not the Bush hawks' nightmare scenario--it's their plan" (http://www.washingtonmonthly.com/features/2003/0304.marshall.html). It's an old strategy practiced by the British in colonial Africa to win by getting the enemy to fight himself, resulting in fragmenting countries along ethnic lines and leading to weak, ineffectual states vulnerable to exploitation. In my opinion, this is certainly a very viable interpretation of events and it would certainly indicate that a wider war was forthcoming -- provided the overall strategy was (as seems likely) still in effect. The question is how to bring it about in the current political environment. Peter Hollings -------------------------------------------------------- From: "Marion Young" To: <•••@••.•••> Subject: Re: What do you think is going on? Date: Thu, 4 May 2006 09:32:18 -0700 Here's something to add to the good thoughts out there: The planet is overpopulated and the elitists would love to drastically reduce our numbers. Because BushCo has done some of the most dastardly acts against our Constitution, Americans and the world, there may be something far more sinister going on here. What if the bird flu pandemic that is now widely thought to happen soon was man-made? Or, what if it is a naturally occurring pestilence that BushCo can manipulate into something far worse than it should be by mismanaging the protection of our people? It was estimated that 30-50% of the population died during the 1300s from the Plague. At today's count, no country is prepared to handle that quantity of deaths. If something like this were to occur, with or without the horrors of an Iran War, this country would go into mass chaos. Look what happened with Katrina. There were people who heard explosions at the levy when the hurricane hit. It's possible that a major threat was made worse with a little help from those with a sinister agenda, along with negligence and incompetence to ensure a failed rescue. Yes, this is a conspiracy theory. But we are now faced with the fact that 911 is no longer considered just a conspiracy theory, but an actual event brought on by BushCo. They have, and continue to, carry out shock after shock of actions that are unbelievable to the uninformed and naive. Nothing would surprise me what these madmen would do to achieve their ultimate goal of world domination. Bush is overriding laws and ignoring Congress. This seems to be a sign of a far more sinister form of government ahead. With their crumbling empire and the King now exposed as naked, this group of thugs is desperate and will do anything to reach their goals they have long pursued in the dungeons. They are more dangerous now than ever before and must be stopped. --------- Hi Marion, You make a lot of sense. The bird flu epidemic, by the way, is the result of factory farming, which the media studiously avoids mentioning. rkm -------------------------------------------------------- From: FFRANKMAX Date: Thu, 4 May 2006 12:16:10 EDT Subject: Re: What do you think is going on? To: •••@••.••• THE PARADIGM IS THE ENEMY: The State of the Peak Oil Movement at the Cusp of Collapse - A Speech by Michael C. Ruppert for the Local Solutions to the Energy Dilemma Conference - April 27-29, New York City, at Cooper Union http://www.fromthewilderness.com/free/ww3/042706_paradigm_speech.shtml "This is the most important speech of my life. If you read anything I've written this year, read this" - MCR -------------------------------------------------------- From: "JAMES MACGREGOR" <> To: <•••@••.•••> Subject: RE: What do you think is going on? Date: Thu, 4 May 2006 21:47:32 +0100 The varied responses make clear the dangers of attempting to forecast what's about to happen to an apparently rudderless S.S World with such individuals on the bridge. Vey interseting, though. jim -------------------------------------------------------- From: Firefly Date: Thu, 4 May 2006 20:25:28 EDT Subject: Feedback-----What do you think is going on? To: •••@••.••• Mt. Washington, Los Angeles, CA 90026 Ah ho, RKM, earlier contribution from Canada >> It's also possible that the quagmire is exactly what the bosses want and that Rumsfeld has succeeded, that public opinion simply doesn't matter anymore and that Rumsfeld's fall will be merely window-dressing. I agree with the Canadian comment. Quagmire means more budget appropriations. Note how much extra millions they keep asking. With corporate media in place at all strategic papers, airwaves & netwaves -- public opinion is not a problem for the neocons. They are betting again that the next 9-11 will take care of any public opinion questions. This is why we should all brace ourselves for the next 9-11. Lilia Adecer Cajilog (Firefly) Volunteers for Tawo POB 1456 South Pasadena, CA 91031 -------------------------------------------------------- Date: Mon, 08 May 2006 15:47:49 +0800 From: Tony Troughton-Smith <> Reply-To: •••@••.••• To: Richard Moore <•••@••.•••> Subject: Cuba's 'Peak Oil' Hi Richard A friend forwarded the following to me, and I thought it might interest you. It's about a film, it seems, not a book, despite the title! My local socialist group is planning to try to obtain this film, which might be an interesting meeting. Regards Tony Book Reviews The Power of Community: How Cuba Survived Peak Oil By John N. Cooper May 5, 2006, 11:15 http://www.axisoflogic.com/artman/publish/article_21913.shtml -------------------------------------------------------- From: "Brian Hill" <> To: <•••@••.•••> Subject: RE: What do you think is going on? Date: Mon, 8 May 2006 09:40:47 -0700 Organization: Institute for Cultural Ecology What is typical for empires during their post-classic stage of evolution is that increasingly their plans fail - this could be a manifestation. Also, archeologists who study the disintegration of civilizations well know that a major cause for the leveling of imperialist states is that it becomes harder and harder for them to control their colonies and conquer new ones which their imperial appetites demand in order to continue. There is now question about which way the wind is blowing. Brian -------------------------------------------------------- From: "T K Wilson" <> To: <•••@••.•••> Subject: Re: * Engdahl: USA's 'geopolitical nightmare' * Date: Tue, 9 May 2006 22:31:47 -0500 Here's an article from Asia Times which is apropos' to the subject. Sent to me by a friend (ac). Cheney puts Moscow to the hardness test By M K Bhadrakumar http://www.atimes.com/atimes/Central_Asia/HE09Ag01.html ------- Hi TK, Here's the lead paragraph... "No legitimate interest is served when oil and gas become tools of intimidation or blackmail, either by supply manipulation or attempts to monopolize transportation," Cheney told the gathering, in remarks intended to be heard in the Kremlin. This is really funny, coming from a US official, in the wake of illegal invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq - both concerned with manipulating supply and monopolizing transportation. rkm -------------------------------------------------------- From: "Radical Press" <•••@••.•••> To: <•••@••.•••> Subject: Re: * Engdahl: USA's 'geopolitical nightmare' * Date: Tue, 9 May 2006 21:33:43 -0700 Dear Richard, Thank you for Engdahl's article. What I think is "going on" is business as usual for the political Zionists who have been directing US domestic and foreign policy since the days of Colonel House and Woodrow Wilson's administration. There is nothing really new in the Zionists' agenda other than to state the obvious, which is that their long-term objective since day one was to destroy the USA as a sovereign nation in order to bring in their hideous notion of a one world government. Engdahl's comment that Walt and Mearsheimer's article on the Israeli lobby is "The most fascinating indication of a sea-change within the American political establishment towards the Bush Doctrine and those who are behind it...." needs to be taken with a grain of salt. I say that because in the next breath he's talking about the "old-guard foreign policy establishment" of Kissinger and Brzezinski, et al, all Zionist Jews like the current crop of cronies now in the process of dismantling the empire for ulterior motives. Political analysts who overlook the past century (almost) of control over US policies by the Zionist Jews are betraying a naivete that only those who have researched the long term goals of these criminals can recognize. If the media in the USA is beginning to attack Bush and Co it's only to cover their own asses and certainly not to benefit the average American citizen. We must always remain cognizant of the fact that all of the US/Great Britain media is in the hands of the Zionist cartel and they do not print or display anything unless it is to benefit themselves first and foremost. Rather than a "sea-change" I see only a different set of Zionist deck chairs being rearranged. Sorry if this sounds unduly pessimistic but I believe it's closer to the truth than what Engdahl's letting on. Time, of course, will tell. Best regards, Arthur Topham Pub/Ed The Radical Press -------- Hi Arthur, There are a lot of people these days who agree with you on this, but I'm not one of them. One thing to keep in mind is that there is a direct lineage from wartime Nazi collaborators to today's US leadership. Prescott Bush, for example, employed slave labor from Auschwitz in his factories, which operated throughout the war. Zionism has been a handy tool in supporting US policies in the Middle East, but that doesn't mean Zionists are in charge. Israel may take comfort in its close alliance with the US, but Israel is an extremely vulnerable position if a nuclear shooting war emerges out of the various Mideast tensions. Rather than Israel being the tail wagging the dog, I see Israel (in terms of its state policies) as being an attack dog, sent in to the fray ahead of its masters, to take the first bullets. I see Mearsheimer's article as being a sign that the close alignment of US policy with Zionism may be subject to change. imho, rkm -------------------------------------------------------- Date: Thu, 11 May 2006 01:40:16 +0200 Subject: "Come Out of the White House with Your Hands Up!" From: "H. Ritter" <> have a look at <http://chicago.indymedia.org/newswire/display/71971/index.php> Love and Peace Henner Ritter - Stuttgart/Germany -------- Hi Henner, Thanks. Here's the beginning of that article: Reynolds: "Come Out of the White House with Your Hands Up!" Madison, WI Saturday, May 6, 2006 An enthusiastic standing-room-only crowd packed the Wisconsin Historical Society auditorium Saturday to hear ex-Bush Administration insider Morgan Reynolds prosecute top administration and military officials for the 9/11 inside job. Reynolds indicted Richard Cheney, George W. Bush, former Joint Chiefs Chairman Richard Meyers, confessed WTC demolisher and insurance-fraudster Larry Silverstein, and others for mass murder, conspiracy, and other charges including high treason. The enthusiastic response from the overflow crowd was a de facto vote for conviction on all counts. ---<snip>--- -------------------------------------------------------- -- -------------------------------------------------------- Escaping the Matrix website http://escapingthematrix.org/ cyberjournal website http://cyberjournal.org subscribe cyberjournal list mailto:•••@••.••• Posting archives http://cyberjournal.org/show_archives/ Blogs: cyberjournal forum http://cyberjournal-rkm.blogspot.com/ Achieving real democracy http://harmonization.blogspot.com/ for readers of ETM http://matrixreaders.blogspot.com/ Community Empowerment http://empowermentinitiatives.blogspot.com/ Blogger made easy http://quaylargo.com/help/ezblogger.html