* Raleigh Myers: overpopulation reconsidered *


Richard Moore

       "If every family of five were steward of an acre of land,
        with the Permaculture and infrastructure consolidation, the
        entire population of the planet could fit east of the
        Mississippi river in the lower forty eight united states..."

Date: Thu, 10 May 2007 19:16:37 -0400
From: Raleigh Myers <•••@••.•••>
Subject: Not and Energy Crisis but a PLANET INTERFACE EXERCISE

Raleigh Myers
Worksheet bio

Not and Energy Crisis but a PLANET INTERFACE EXERCISE

When depopulation is mentioned we immediately think of it as a military term 
from those who are attempting to justify the high moral ground for selfishness.

As for overpopulation solutions we have to rethink our life support priorities. 
If every family of five were steward of an acre of land, with the Permaculture 
and infrastructure consolidation, the entire population of the planet could fit 
east of the Mississippi river in the lower forty eight united states with a 
higher standard of living than we depicted in our Waltons training videos of the
seventies. http://raenergy.igc.org/home.html#artists

It seems that many good people are missing the fine points of life support here.
If one was in the process of redesigning a system of life support for the planet
it would not resemble the surrogate supply systems of the Corporatist world. The
means of production in the hands of the currency controllers seem to resemble 
the hammer to everything looks lie a nail analogy. We need to reassemble in such
away that benefits most of our population while we lessen the resource use for 
the total.

In this we do not have much choice and kickstarting a dead planet is basically 
what we are doing. We began a few years ago and did some training videos (how to
live on a small planet) called the Waltons on TV. The basic idea was to show how
we could live in one city rather than five where we abandon for hours days 
seasons much of our living facilities. This consolidation of the infrastructure 
enables the single living space phenomenon to emerge. Live work food schooling 
at home with three generation under one roof saves two thirds of the houses, the
roads, transportation needs, the four cities we don't need and simplifies the 
construction of new villages which we will need to occupy the vavlov areas due 
to the impending glaciation which is in a Time shift acceleration cause by 
anthropomorphic global warming. The climate change will hinder surrogate 
agriculture and the energy and water distribution strategies need to be 
revamped. Many will have to abandon areas of sever weather and flooding. We have
to do it faster than what would have been the case if we had lived in the solar 

We have bundled a fifty year overview and solution menue to get you up to speed 
on the real parameters of the situation that others are now just beginning to 
realize. So you can get started most everything is covered in the hyperlinks to 
show how we need to retrofit existing structure stock and cities as well as plan
new systems and villages along with the harmonization strategies needed to blend
it all together. http://raenergy.igc.org/energypolicy.html

The connectivity of conflicting groups. Religions were founded around the 
teachings of wise men prophets wizards or what ever, with the intention to teach
spirituality which is the art of connectivity to rejoin humanity as a 
commonality. Five thousand religions attempting to suckle one source and center 
just doesn't seem to be part of any logical master plan. Re-joining was the idea
but we were stymied by the usual zealot Mammonist infiltrators and now we have 
five thousand or so dueling dividians systematically keeping mankind from 
connecting or perusing their best interests. This needs to be addressed. 

How people should get together to harmonize their way to agreement as well as a 
text explaining how we got Matrixed. Escaping the Matrix is the Door Getting 
Through to the other side _ Global Transformation: The Text: A stream of 
consciousness on problem and solution


The paradigm shift is the nuts and bolts of how we need to get there from and 
engineering point of view. http://raenergy.igc.org/index2.html

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