Police state : UK : propaganda for arbitrary detention


Richard Moore

    Mr Wilson said any shorter period of detention would limit
    the ability of the police to investigate terrorism.

This is not an adequate explanation. 

   "The public overwhelmingly want this thing because they
    understand far better than some of my colleagues in
    parliament the threat that we face."

If this is true, it would indicate the MPs are more aware of
what's going on, behind the propaganda, than most people are.
As they should be; that's their job.



Police chief defends terror plan

    This is about international criminal investigation in a
    new world where terrorism shows that people are prepared
    to be suicide bombers and kill many people
    - Peter Wilson, Acpos president 

Scotland's most senior police officer has defended the UK
Government's plan to allow terror suspects to be held for
up to 90 days without trial.

Peter Wilson, president of the Association of Chief Police
Officers in Scotland (Acpos), said the step was vital to
countering terrorism.

His call came after a disclosure that the plans could be
watered down.

The matter has been reserved to Westminster, but
independent MSP Margo MacDonald said Holyrood must debate

Prime Minister Tony Blair has been facing stiff opposition
on the proposal in the Terrorism Bill, drawn up in
response to the suicide bomb attacks in London in July and
the continuing threat of further acts.

A Downing Street spokeswoman confirmed to the BBC News
website that he was considering compromise.

However, Fife Chief Constable Mr Wilson, who was in charge
of the security operation for the G8 summit, said the
proposal was based on the professional judgement and
experience of the police.

He told the BBC's Politics Show: "My appeal would be to
recognise that this is a proposal coming forward supported
by policing, experienced policing based on examples.

"It's not about internment or anything of that sort that
still lies in the mind.

"This is about international criminal investigation in a
new world where terrorism shows that people are prepared
to be suicide bombers and kill many people.

'Different take'

"We're likely to see it again. It's important that the
powers are put in place when they can be and that's within
the current bill."

Mr Wilson said any shorter period of detention would limit
the ability of the police to investigate terrorism.

Ms MacDonald said the ministers in London had failed to
take account of the views in Scotland.

She said: "We all have a different take on these things in
Scotland and absolutely certainly it should be debated in
the Scottish Parliament where we are responsible for the
sharp end of policing.

"We have got to carry out the policy so it seems
absolutely crazy that there shouldn't have been a
discussion and a debate here in Scotland that would feed
into the British debate."

Glasgow South Labour MP Tom Harris said there should be no
compromise on the issue.

He said: "I think we should be putting this challenge to
MPs on all sides of the house and we should be reminding
them that the public are watching.

"The public overwhelmingly want this thing because they
understand far better than some of my colleagues in
parliament the threat that we face."

Scottish National Party MP Stewart Hosie said he was due
to meet Home Office ministers on Monday to press home his
party's opposition to the measure.

He said: "We have already called for extra measures to be
introduced to aid the fight against terrorism, but the
SNP, along with a majority of MPs across all parties, do
not agree with the specific measures contained in the
Terrorism Bill.

"I will also be demanding answers as to why the UK
Government did not seek to even speak with the lord
advocate about these far-reaching proposals, despite the
fact that policing any new laws in this area would be a
matter for Holyrood ministers."

Story from BBC NEWS: 

Published: 2005/11/06 14:59:22 GMT 



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