Police State : UK : going after young children


Richard Moore

In some ways the UK regime seems to becoming even more 
repressive than that in the U.S...

    Mr Darling said: "There are many parts of the country in many
    communities where a lot of problems have been caused by
    surprisingly young children and we have to ask ourselves how
    do we deal with that.
        The Mail on Sunday reported that possible proposals could
    include "sin bin" residential units for "neighbours from
    hell", to be policed by security guards with powers to impose
    curfews and detain residents.
        The paper also suggested the prime minister was looking at
    plans to confiscate the homes of parents whose children are
    accused of persistent anti-social behaviour.

As with 'anti-terrorist' legislation, the emphasis here is
on punishing people without charging them with crimes.



Child offenders 'must be tackled' 

Ministers are looking at the "options available" for dealing
with bad behaviour by young children, Transport Secretary
Alistair Darling has said.

Children's charity the NSPCC said media reports of some of the
government's proposals, such as segregating problem families,
were "deeply disturbing".

The Sunday Telegraph said anti-social behaviour orders for
under-10s may be created, which the NSPCC also slammed.

A Downing Street spokesman said he did not "recognise" the
plans reported.

But Mr Darling told ITV1's Jonathan Dimbleby show ministers
had to "deal with" very young offenders who made people's
lives a "misery".

'Lighter sanction'

Currently under-10s cannot receive Asbos because, under law,
they are not considered capable of committing a crime.

The Sunday Telegraph said adapting the orders to this age
group would involve a "lighter sanction" and that younger
children were "unlikely" to be named and shamed.

Asbos prevent those affected from committing specified
anti-social acts or entering certain areas.

    Children who cause trouble can themselves come from very
    troubled backgrounds
    - Phillip Noyes, NSPCC 

Mr Darling said: "There are many parts of the country in many
communities where a lot of problems have been caused by
surprisingly young children and we have to ask ourselves how
do we deal with that.

"What we're doing at the moment is looking at the options
available to us, in order to ensure that people do not have
their lives disrupted or sometimes made a complete misery."

Any "baby Asbo" plan is thought to be a long-term one,
precluding it from being included in the government's
forthcoming Respect Bill.

It is thought that this legislation will extend the system of
parent orders, which force families to seek help to improve
relationships and discipline.

Binge drinkers who repeatedly offend could be named and shamed
in a similar way to those given Asbos, according to political

The Mail on Sunday reported that possible proposals could
include "sin bin" residential units for "neighbours from
hell", to be policed by security guards with powers to impose
curfews and detain residents.

The paper also suggested the prime minister was looking at
plans to confiscate the homes of parents whose children are
accused of persistent anti-social behaviour.


A Downing Street spokesman said: "The prime minister has been
very clear about making anti-social behaviour one of his

But he added: "We don't recognise these specific ideas. There
is a consultation and discussions going on with police about
what additional powers they need."

The NSPCC's public policy director Phillip Noyes said the
measures, reported in a number of Sunday papers, would do
"more harm than good" if they were introduced.

"These reported proposals are deeply disturbing," he said.

"Children who cause trouble can themselves come from very
troubled backgrounds.

"Their behaviour must be addressed in a way that meets their
best interests."

He added that any plans to extend Asbos to children under 10
must be approached with "extreme caution" as children under
the age of criminal responsibility should not be drawn into
the criminal justice system.

Shadow home secretary David Davis said: "With the legal age of
criminal responsibility being 10, the government needs to
explain how the breach of such an Asbo could be punished.

"There is also a serious risk of stigmatising a child of such
a young age, even without naming and shaming them."

Liberal Democrat home affairs spokesman Mark Oaten said Asbos
were a "quick-fix" solution to complex social problems.

He told The Politics Show on BBC One it was more important to
"break the cycle" of offending.

Story from BBC NEWS: 

Published: 2005/10/09 16:36:49 GMT 



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