Police state : Heritage Foundation : anti-war = terrorist?


Richard Moore

    The leaders of the "anti-war" movement today are leftists
    in ideology. Almost all oppose capitalism and believe in
    socialism; many are Communists. At root, they are
    anti-American rather than anti-war.

If this is true, then anti-war demonstrations would be
perceived as terrorist acts. Think tanks like the Heritage
Foundation create a Matrix reality for consumption by
Washington policy makers.



The Politics of Peace: What's Behind the Anti-War Movement? 

Date: August 30, 2005 

Speaker(s): John J. Tierney, Jr., Author 

    Dana Dillon 
    Senior Policy Analyst, 
    Asian Studies Center, 
    The Heritage Foundation 

    James Dean 
    Deputy Director, 
    Government Relations Foreign and Defense Policy, 
    The Heritage Foundation

To describe current anti-war protest as a reaction to the
invasion of Iraq or an anti-Bush phenomenon is to miss the
point. A closer look at the protestors and their
associations reveals a pedigree going back at least to the
Vietnam era and beyond to the "progressive" and protest
politics of earlier decades. The leaders of the "anti-war"
movement today are leftists in ideology. Almost all oppose
capitalism and believe in socialism; many are Communists.
At root, they are anti-American rather than anti-war.
Anti-war groups comprise an authentic political movement.
They have distinctive forms of organization, outlets for
propaganda, favored strategies and tactics, and access to
information technology that increasingly allows their
communications to be instantaneous and global. In short,
they are a political force.

In "The Politics of Peace" - just published by the Capital
Research Center - Professor John Tierney, Jr., focuses on
the individuals and groups who lead and coordinate the
demonstrations, orchestrate media stunts, network across
the Internet, and provide the organization and direction
to what he describes as a permanent, full-time cadre of
professional operatives.

John J. Tierney, Jr., is Faculty Chairman and Walter
Kohler Professor of International Relations at The
Institute of World Politics. Formerly, he served as
Special Assistant and Foreign Affairs Officer at the U.S.
Arms Control and Disarmament Agency (1981-1993);
participated in various national security negotiations for
the U.S. Government; was Executive Director of the
Congressional Caucus on National Defense and the National
Security Research Group at the U.S. House of
Representatives; and was Chairman of the Politics
Department at the Catholic University of America.

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