Police hold down youth, force vaccination


Richard Moore

H1N1: Police Hold Down WV Boy During Forced Swine Flu Vaccination Posted by LBG1 on November 11th, 2009 

West Virginia Police Forcibly Hold Boy for H1N1 Flu Shot After He had Fled Gym

Maryland Parents Face Fines, Jail, Unless Kids Get H1N1 Vaccination

New Massachusetts Law: Adults Face Jail Unless They Get H1N1 Shot, Kids Can be Forcibly Removed from Parents so State can Vaccinate Kids

In a shocking story, a boy was held down by two deputies so that the boy, in middle school, would receive an H1N1 shot during a vaccination clinic held at the Wheeling West Virginia Middle School last Friday.

According to the Wheeling Intelligencer, it took the “strength of two deputies” to hold down the boy. To make matters even worse, prior to the shot the boy had fled the gymnasium, where the school’s resource officer, a local deputy at the Ohio County’s Sheriff’s Office, allegedly “coaxed” the boy back inside.

According to a witness, health department Administrator Howard Gamble, who stated during a regular Wheeling-Ohio County Health Board meeting Tuesday, he saw another Sheriff’s deputy aid the first deputy “hold the kid down”.

From the Intelligencer:

He noted the boy’s mother could not bear to watch the scene and left the gymnasium. Out of apparent fear of receiving the injection, the student ran out of the building. The school’s resource officer, Ohio County Sheriff’s Deputy John Haglock, coaxed the boy back inside. Once at the shot station, however, Haglock apparently needed some help keeping the boy still, and another deputy assisted.

“He tried to run. I looked over and saw two sheriff’s deputies holding a kid down,” Gamble said. “Mom took off, she couldn’t take it. You had one nurse with the needle, two deputies holding him, one nurse is grabbing hands – because that’s what they want to do, to go after the needle. And that’s the last thing you want.”

We spoke to Ohio County Sheriff Pat Butler about the incident. While he was helpful, he stated that “this was the first” he’d heard of the incident. We asked why the deputies were there, did the school board request them to be there during the vaccination clinic?

Sheriff Butler responded that “it had to be the SRO, each school has a school resource officer. The Sheriff’s Department only has one SRO at each school”. When we asked about the “second deputy”, Butler stated that the Wheeling Police Department has SRO’s at each school.

Perhaps that is the “second deputy” to which the health department official was referring.

It’s apparent the boy was forcibly vaccinated, and, that according to witnesses, two members of the police were involved. What’s in dispute is who the second officer was, whether he was a member of the Sheriff’s Department, whom the head of the school board claimed was there, or, a member of the local police department.

The site Prison Planet posted a FOX News video where parents of 1600 students in Maryland were ordered to court facing fines or jail time if they didn’t get their kids state mandated vaccinations for H1N1, Chicken Pox, and Hepatitis B.

The following video is from FOX News on a controversial new law in Massachusetts where the police can vaccinate adults against their will, jail people who refuse to get the shot, while the police can remove children from their parents in order to have the children vaccinated.

[3 mn. video]


Image – H1N1 shot

CLARIFICATION: For those readers who have asked, “forced vaccination” does not refer to the entire clinic, which was presumably held from 3-8 pm as others in Ohio Co. It refers to the act of forcing someone who does not want the vaccine (the boy) to take the shot. Readers can decide for themselves if this is okay or not.


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