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—– Original Message —–
From: Paul Manly
Cc: Paul Manly
Sent: Monday, June 28, 2010 9:28 PM
Subject: G20 Toronto – Black Block get green light to rampage?
Hi All
Here are some alternative perspectives on what happened at the G20 protests in Toronto. Please feel free to circulate and post.
First my interview with a photo journalist who followed the black block for 1.5 hours and 24 blocks without any police interference until they reached the official designated protest site, got out of their black clothes, dispersed through the crowd and left the scene. Then the police brutally attacked peaceful protesters in the designated protest zone with batons and pepper spray.
G20 Toronto Black Block get green light to rampage? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p5G7aCgXtWg
Full video of police charging on protesters as they finished singing the national anthem
How respectful – they waited until the anthem was over and then charged!
Describes her arrest and detainment at Toronto Film Studio makeshift prison including strip searches and threats or rape.
The peaceful protest courtesy Alex Lisman. This is the story the media hasn’t covered. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2mL46t8H4oU
More of the peaceful protest where I followed Dave Coles from the Communications Energy and Paperworkers Union. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_zQchFZ8zLw
Amnesty International is calling for an inquiry and so are some folks on facebook
Canadians Demanding a Public Inquiry into Toronto G20 on Facebook
During the 12 days I was in Toronto I witnessed the police overreact and provoke innocent people. The first person I videotaped being arrested was charged and detained for 3 hours on Monday June 21 for possession of break and enter tools – the break and enter tool was the key to her workplace! The police didn’t listen to her and only released her after finally calling her employer. She asked me not to post the video.
I have lots of footage of police searching people on the street and as they try to enter parks in the vicinity of protests. I have footage of journalists and innocent bystanders being attacked and I have footage of the Council of Canadians and the canoe flotilla as they tried to paddle to Deerhurst resort. We had five police boats, two helicopters and RCMP zodiacs at ready to stop four canoes! Security indeed!
I also have great footage of events and speakers at the Peoples Summit Launch and the Shout Out for Global Justice and interviews with people on the streets explaining why they and all of us should be opposed to the agenda of the G20. I will be posting lots of this content on the Canadians Nanaimo youtube site as well as packaging programming for the Smart Change Cable Access Coalition project.
Happy to be Home
Paul Manly
250 729-1254
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