July 8, 2008 Free Energy and the Open Source Energy Movement (Part 2) By Steve Windisch (jibbguy) Part 2 of the series: This installment examines Dr. T. Henry Moray’s work, the important energy savings technology known as “Rotoverter”, and an Open Source free energy device that nearly anyone can build themselves. :::::::: Free Energy and the Open Source Energy Movement (Part 2) by jibbguy 7-2008 Also see Part One of this series. As in the previous article in this series and those yet to come; we will examine several revolutionary inventions which have the capability to utterly change our world… for the better. By eliminating our requirement for using petroleum and coal as fuels; these devices would provide cheap, abundant, and completely pollution-free energy for homes, businesses, factories, and vehicles. Also, we will look at some less radical yet important technologies that, if widely embraced, could save us money and energy today… With little cost or trouble. Featured in this installment is the “Rotoverter”, a fairly simple modification that could save untold Megawatts of power world-wide. And we will continue examining the new phenomena of the Open Source Energy movement on the Internet; and how the intrepid home researchers, experimenters, and enthusiasts of this ever-growing movement are changing the paradigm of invention…. And possibly our entire society along with it. As mentioned in the earlier installment, “free energy” is a buzz word relating to devices and technologies that utilize sources of energy that are, at the very least; non-traditional and often quite unique, revolutionary, and controversial. Several of these devices have a quality known as “over unity”: Producing more energy than they apparently consume, with a “Coefficient Of Performance greater than one” (COP>1); meaning an observed energy efficiency of over 100%. The energy form that they utilize is usually not “observable”.. Nor does it often conform to laws of Physics accepted by mainstream science. Called by many names: Zero Point Energy, Radiant Energy, Energy from the Vacuum, Orgone, and others; these mysterious forces have to date defied any attempts to measure, quantify, or define them. Yet, the reproducible devices and experiments that can tap into them reveal the existence of something. Something not well understood, and something vehemently denied by many in the mainstream. And it is important to note, that these amazing things are not all “new”… Dr. T. Henry Moray: Forgotten Genius Free energy has a long history, as we previously saw with the “Master”, Nikola Tesla who was so advanced in his thinking, that over 100 years later we are now just beginning to achieve his dreams and fully reproduce his work. But there have been many other Maestros of the cosmos, people of extraordinary talent and brilliance, who have left a mark that even the deepest suppressions have not been able to erase. Thomas Henry Moray was one such man. T. Henry Moray was a Utah inventor who in the 1920’s began experimenting with radiant energy; gaining insight and inspiration from Tesla’s work, and by discovering the odd self-amplifying characteristics of crystal radio sets (which if used with a proper grounding acting as an subterranean antenna, could pick up amazingly high power levels and signal strength that would often mysteriously grow in amplitude over time). He invented and began using Germanium-based semi-conductors; some of the material coming from an unknown white powder mineral he found while doing Mormon missionary work in Sweden as a young man (know as Moray’s famous “Swedish Stone”). His work with solid state semiconductors was at least 20 years ahead of its time; and would not be widely done until the 1950’s. In fact, Dr. Shockley, who is credited with inventing the transistor at Bell Labs; studied Moray’s work very closely. Dr. Moray incorporated these revolutionary components into his new radiant energy generator devices along with specialized and radical tube designs using small bits of mildly radioactive material. By the early 1930’s; Moray had created an utterly unique device that produced electricity without any external fuel input, only via a grounding stake and a long aerial (he later found that the long aerial could be dispensed with, but not the earth ground). He soon held public demonstrations in several cities in front of hundreds of people; many of them engineers and scientists. The device consisted of a wooden box about the size of a common microwave oven…Yet in its final version was said to produce over 30,000 Watts of electricity! Moray tested his devices in front of skeptical witnesses out in the desert, in the mountains many miles from civilization… Even underwater… To prove that he was not tapping power in the air from electrical power lines via coupled inductance or any other traditional source. It is estimated that well over a thousand people witnessed his demonstrations. Eventually, he even came to the attention of President Franklin Delano Roosevelt; who ordered that the government provide him aid in his work.
The photo shows Dr. Moray at a public demonstration in 1934, lighting thirty-five 150 Watt light bulbs and other devices such as a clothes iron, all from the radiant generator machine seen at center. People were allowed to inspect the device… The possibility of hidden batteries, coupled inductance, or wall power being responsible in any way was non-existent. Even today, there is no battery or transmitted inductance technology that could do this; as the demonstrations often lasted for hours. Many witnesses have stated that the light coming from the bulbs was unique, of a radiant brilliance much different than regular 60 Hertz wall power. Also, the strange components in the device never heated-up as regular electronic parts do…. Clearly suggesting that a wholly different and unknown power source was being utilized (many modern researchers suggest the frequency of the power generated was around 4,000 Hertz; and that it exhibited “negative resistance” and the properties of “cold electricity”). Dr. Moray once mentioned that the device’s power output was slightly less at night than in the day time. Dr. Moray had apparently found a method for tapping into radiant energy from the “ether”… An unlimited source of freely available power. Yet, as is often the case with free energy devices and their inventors… Once patents were submitted his troubles were only beginning. The U.S. Patent Office repeatedly refused his patents, oddly stating despite depositions of witnesses, that: “It could never work”… They claimed that because Moray did not have “heaters” in his electronic tubes, that it was “impossible” for them to operate. He soon received many offers to sell the technology from power companies and electronics firms. Dr. Moray refused to sell the technology unless the buyer agreed to make it freely available for sale to all.. The result being there would be no selling agreements as there was no means of insuring the buyer would not just shelve the device permanently. And soon, harassment and worse became the norm in his life: He was shot at several times while driving and working in the lab (being wounded once in the leg), and an assistant the U.S. government had sent to help him “went berserk” one day and utterly smashed his only working prototype device at the time. Soon Dr. Moray was greeting visitors with a loaded pistol in front of him on the desk. Years went by, with a sort of “standoff” coming into effect where Dr. Moray was not able to gain any funding to manufacture the device himself (despite his marvelous track record as an inventor of many successful radio-related devices); and no deals could be made to sell the technology to his terms. He wrote several books; and successfully patented and sold other, less “troublesome” inventions. Finally in disgust, he turned his genius to other sectors… And came up with another incredible technology that is even today unequaled or fully explainable (at least openly). While experimenting with better ways to refine mining ores in the mid 1950’s ; Dr. Moray is said to have found a way to transmute elements… Perhaps using some of the radiant energy properties and special components from his earlier work. When treated with his high frequency wave process, non-commercially viable ore dross that had already been subject to extraction could yield a very surprising amount of metal, in fact an “impossible” amount that was more than was thought to be totally contained by the ore. He was quickly set-up by mining concerns to do further work, and had a ore treatment line running that was the wonder of many mining engineers who came to witness it (there are several written reports and papers on it). By treating the mined material such as gold to energy rays and radioactivity, the ore content would grow significantly. Many suggest Dr. Moray tapped into a way to produce Cold Fusion; or perhaps a method of combining “mono-atomic” elements (single atoms or clusters of 2 or 3 together, which are not detectable by weight, chemical assay, or even nearly all forms of modern spectroscopy); into larger clump groupings of multiple atoms that could then be detected and collected. It is rumored that this technology was soon declared “secret” by the government, and open study of it stopped. “Modern mainstream science” had no more success explaining this phenomena than it did his radiant energy generator. Here is the problem that mainstream science had with Dr. Moray’s work then; and still has today: There were far too many reliable witnesses… Many of them engineers, professors, and scientists; people with professionally skeptical viewpoints, that saw these things with their own eyes and were unable to debunk them. Too many for this to be ignored, and Dr. Moray’s imminence and credibility has long been a constant thorn in the side of the deniers of free energy in the mainstream scientific community. Perhaps if there had been an Open Source Energy movement back then…. And Dr. Moray had decided to sidestep the usual invention / patent / manufacturing agreement process…. Then we would be powering our homes and vehicles with upgraded versions of his device today. His secretiveness has gotten him some criticism over the years (despite showing much in the patent submissions and in his writings, he kept the secrets of his special solid-state components and tubes quite closely), and this has made reproducing his work very difficult and no one has publicly claimed to do so successfully yet. But Dr. Moray was a product of his times: A loyal American who believed in the ideals he was taught… That a man with an invention could freely market it and become successful; and should expect to gain wealth and security for his family from his labors. Unfortunately, what we have seen over and over is that in the case of free energy; where much more is at stake than just an incrementally better product or process, that this is just not allowed to happen. So instead of great change with untold social ramifications, perhaps we will be allowed some small changes that can still be significant…. Important Energy Saving Technology: The “Rotoverter” Not everything in the vast world of Free Energy is about mysterious forces powering exotic devices without any apparent fuel. Some concepts and technologies are simply about using traditional forms of energy more wisely… In ways that have been…. If not openly “suppressed”… Then at least ignored and under-reported. The “Rotoverter” is such a technology that represents a relatively easy modification that can be done to existing consumer AC motor systems, that would greatly lower their power usage without affecting their operation…. And so lower the electric power bill of consumers and small businesses, while helping the ecology by lessening energy consumption generally. It is quite possible that if fully implemented, that Rotoverter could single-handedly eliminate the “demand” to build ever more and larger power plants running on fossil fuels or nuclear energy… And lower demand on existing plants; especially in the worst times of all for grid power use: During summer heat-waves in the cities. A Rotoverter conversion of an AC motor operating in a home, farm, or small business such as found in refrigerators, air conditioners, and water irrigation pumps could cost as little as roughly $150.00 per unit… But could save up to $500 yearly or more in energy savings; depending on how heavy the usage and the local power rates. These familiar AC products consume far more energy than everything else in the home, farm, shop, or office put together…. Especially in warmer climates and during summer in the cities when air conditioners account for the highest single usage of non-industrial power on the grid by far. What a Rotoverter conversion does, is simply change the internal impedance of the motor windings while under operation by lowering the operational voltage and adding capacitance for “Power Correction”. By increasing the “Impedance” of the motor’s windings (the AC version of “Resistance”) and cutting down on the motor’s operating Voltage, the total Amperage current flow and power Wattage usage is lowered across the board… And dramatically so when under steady-load, lower-torque conditions. Motors are made to be heavy-duty; mainly to handle the great start-up current and top torque loads needed for all possible operating conditions. However, these high-current conditions are a small portion of the total time used. So while under normal load operation, Rotoverter cuts back on the current draw and greatly lowers power cost, without affecting the operation of the product at all. For instance: Modifying a window-mount room air conditioner’s AC motor to Rotoverter technology means that once the device has been powered on and set to the normal desired power setting; by simply flipping a switch on the added control box the power usage of the air conditioner will drop by as much as 50% … Without any less cold air being dispensed! If the user’s electric bill goes up by $300 per month in the hot summer months when the air conditioning is used heavily… Then this could be an estimated savings of $150.00 on that bill. The conversion could pay for itself the first month… Especially if government grant money or tax incentives for saving energy were added in. For those using renewable energy such as solar power for “off-grid” operation… These savings can be especially dramatic and meaningful. An AC ¾ horsepower motor running at speed and low load with “RV” conversion can be powered from one 150 Watt solar panel (using batteries and an inverter to convert the DC into AC). Because both the operating voltage and current are significantly lowered while using Rotoverter; the same motor without “RV” may need up to 8 such panels to have all the required voltage and heavy current needed to operate properly. Such a significantly smaller draw also means fewer or smaller size storage batteries and lower Wattage-rated inverters are required for the same application. This means that when using Solar or Wind technology to power the home, boat, or farm; existing AC motors in common house-hold appliances can still be used with the greatest possible efficiency… Eliminating the need to convert appliances over to use expensive DC motors. Even when factoring in the power loss of an inverter; an AC motor with Rotoverter would still be significantly more energy-efficient than a DC motor of the same rating running directly from a battery bank (and the RV system would retain the flexibility of still being able to run directly from the AC mains). The basic theory for Rotoverter technology is not new… Similar techniques have been used in large industrial three-phase motors for over 80 years; known as “Power Correction Factor”… Which also uses capacitance (as well as inductance and other means) as a way to greatly improve the “Power Factor” of these big heavy-duty motors… Increasing both their efficiency and longevity in demanding industrial conditions. But this Power Correcting technology hasn’t been seen in consumer products since the 1940’s , when it disappeared from the marketplace….Until now, that is. And when it does re-appear it will be mainly because of the efforts of the Open Source Energy movement and the hard work of many people in it; as well as from growing grass-roots pressure of consumers all over the world demanding Rotoverter / power correcting technology in their products. So this is what the Rotoverter was designed to do; and will do on a wide scale as it becomes more accepted, developed, and incorporated into new consumer products: It will greatly increase the efficiency of home, farm, and small business devices running on single or three phase AC synchronous or variable frequency drive motors, dramatically lowering their power consumption, and significantly lessoning the need for fossil fuel or nuclear energy to run our electrical grid. A tall order, eh?… And one that is so simple to implement that there is scarce legitimate reason for opposing it. As presently designed (and in simplified layman’s terms), a Rotoverter conversion consists of re-wiring the internal connections of the AC motor’s windings; bringing them out to an external control box that has switches, resistors, and various-sized AC capacitors inside. When the motor has been started up and reached normal operation, then the switches are thrown to add the extra capacitors into the circuit (… This switching can eventually be done automatically once appliance and motor companies fully embrace the technology for consumer use, and digitally automate the controls). This added capacitance raises the motor winding’s internal impedance, and thus under “Ohm’s Law”, lowers the current flow and total power usage.. All without lowering the actual work the motor is doing. The motor’s over-all horse power is lowered while using Rotoverter: But when running in steady operation and in nearly all conditions, the added horses are not needed at all anyway. There is also evidence that the converted motors will run smoother, cooler.. And will last years longer when operated using this “power-correcting”-like technology. An interesting quirk about the Rotoverter system is that the bigger the motor for the load, the more total energy savings can be accomplished. If a system is “underpowered” with a relatively small and weak motor, the savings are less dramatic. It is actually more efficient over-all to use a larger horse-power rated motor verses a smaller one when a Rotoverter conversion is added; because when the motor is at speed but in “idle” condition (a low amount of torque being drawn on it), the energy savings are the most dramatic, like up to 75% less power used than without the Rotoverter conversion. Small motors working too close to their top rated horsepower under normal conditions cannot save nearly as much energy using Rotoverter. So the bigger the motor, the more torque it naturally has at the minimal current “idle” condition, and the less current will be drawn from it to do the steady-state of work that is most common in refrigeration, air conditioning, and many forms of irrigation and other water pumping (a huge user of electricity in the agricultural sector). Another possible drawback is that motors that change speeds starting and stopping often, and with widely varying current loads will benefit less from the technology (…such as most washing machines). But there are enough consumer air conditioners, refrigerators, freezers, small business production devices, and water pumps on the planet alone to make Rotoverter a highly significant energy saving device. Larger motors used in machine shops or other higher-usage, higher-torque production applications can also benefit cost-wise by converting over to Frequency Drive motor controls. This varies the frequency cycles of the AC power to control speed; and when used along with Rotoverter, will increase the possible torque of the motor greatly while still saving very significant amounts of energy. Although the additional cost of a Frequency Drive system may not be worth it for many home consumer applications; for businesses such as machine- or wood-working shops and sawing mills (or water pumping facilities); this can add up to very impressive yearly savings in energy and money. Rotoverter Drillpress The above photo shows a Rotoverter conversion of a machine ship drill press. The control box has several switches for adding in various sized capacitors to “tune” the power factor for best performance under different load conditions. This large motor idles on less than 400 mA of current for a total power usage of 140 Watts, with an estimated efficiency rating of 94% (without RV, it could consume as much as 8 times more power at low torque idle). What is needed to get Rotoverter into the marketplace is a letter writing and petition campaign; and the interest of the mainstream media. Once the awareness is there, then the technology will “sell itself” to consumers who are becoming desperate to lower ever-rising energy costs. State, local, and Federal governments must become involved, providing tax credits and incentives for homeowners and businesses to use the Rotoverter / Power Correcting technology. On the Panacea-BOCAF site (linked at the end of this article), a petition can be signed demanding action from our political leaders. Full details, technical specifications, and detailed instructions and advice for converting devices to Rotoverter can also be found there (an “acrobat” document covering the subject can be found here: http://www.panaceauniversity.org/RV.pdf ) ; as well as other sites and forums of the Open Source Energy movement. Installing Rotoverter conversions to the public would be a great start-up business for young entrepreneurs and the technically-minded… There is no “exclusivity” here, or fears of patent infringement: It is an Open Source project; and the gifted and generous inventors and developers of this technology wish the world to benefit from it (such as Mr. Hector Perez-Torres who was the prime inventor). Rotoverter also has some very interesting effects and encouraging possibilities for “free energy”.. Such as a new permanent-magnet motor designed especially to utilize it; and the possibility of “reactance” being harnessed within the motor as extra power output while running… So it may be possible in the future to use specially-designed, super-efficient motors using Rotoverter technology to power generators… So that the total output of energy is greater than that which drives the motor. However, this is for the future. Right now, Rotoverter has the capability to greatly impact our power usage TODAY. There really is no excuse for continuing to waste energy from fossil fuel in these perilous times: It can be tolerated no longer. And it us up to us, the public, to insure there will be no delay in embracing this very important pollution-fighting technology and others like it… For the good of the planet, and for the good of our own pocketbooks. Peering into the Open Source Energy Movement: Inventions and Inventors Delving into a website forum of the Open Source Energy movement and starting to read the many threads there that represent the study and replication of different free energy devices, one can be quickly overwhelmed by the jargon and technical terms. Unless the reader has a technical background, much that is said there is incomprehensible. Yet, even still, there often comes an odd sense of drama…. A quickness of interest, as one reads the forum threads from the beginning. Because one notices right away that something extraordinary is happening here… Invention and collaboration, yes; but even more than that: It is a sense of anticipation, of fascination and eagerness to see the project progress. The reader is drawn into it…. And will often consume the many pages and hundreds of posts non-stop up to the latest with a sense of excitement. Because there is a chance, always a chance… That this post, or the next one, represents something amazing… Something of possible major significance to our lives. It is a truly entertaining and fascinating experience for many people. Several of these forum threads represent new and exotic technologies such as the “TPU”; a device mentioned in the first article of this series, but one yet to be successfully reproduced. The TPU or similar devices may someday, if fully replicated, generate large amounts of electricity without any moving parts. But other more numerous forum threads are for less ambitious, mysterious, or maybe even “sexy” projects… But the devices represented can often be reproduced at home and the results tested, seen, and experienced first-hand without much time, money, or effort being invested… Or much technical skill required. For these reasons, the less ambitious projects are often the most important for the Free Energy cause; and also excellent examples of how the Open Source Energy movement is supposed to work. Recently one such thread and excellent example of Open Source inventiveness and collaboration was opened on a forum; “Energetic Forum / Renewable Energy“; Called“Free Energy at Last Step-by-Step Must See“ (link at end of document). This thread was opened by a well-respected member of the free energy community, known only by his Internet “handle”; **~Imhotep~** (such names are the norm in this genre, as personal security in the on-line world is of legitimate concern). What he has done is use the work of previous inventors in a new way to create a device that has the potential of showing free energy over-unity performance. And the key is that he did so in a very easy to reproduce manner; with detailed instruction videos, schematics, parts lists, drawings, photos, and written instructions. By doing the research, work, and documentation… And publishing and linking it all in the forum thread, **~Imhotep~** has made it easy for anyone with a mildly technical background to build their own working free energy demonstration and experimentation device. What the **~Imhotep~** conversion device could consist of is an old recycled computer cooling fan (“Brushless” DC motor from a PC’s power supply or case), two batteries (one for “charge” output, the other for “source” to power the device), and a handful of low-cost electronic components such as transistors, capacitors, resistors, and diodes. Using the detailed instructions, the motor is first disassembled and the windings inside are carefully re-wired (perhaps the most difficult part of the project). Then, the electronic components are assembled and soldered according to the easy-to-read documentation; the batteries connected, and the device completed. When the device operates (using power from the first “source’ battery), the fan not only does the usual physical work of moving air; but because of the modification to the windings it also now sends back power into the system via DC pulse spikes; which charge the second battery. As mentioned in the previous article; these DC spike pulses (and their collapsing magnetic field) would appear to have the characteristic of “unlocking” zero-point or radiant energy, and allowing it to enter the device. The charge battery then collects this “extra” energy for re-use. It is a simple yet very clever system that although may be of relatively small output, nevertheless proves the concept quite well. **~Imhotep~**’s device, like many similar ones using the same principles, exhibits some interesting phenomena. It will produce large radiant sparks when the output wires are shorted or arced together by hand; which appear much different than a “normal” electrical arc. And like the John Bedini desulfating battery chargers, the spike pulses coming back from the motor can recharge disposable batteries previously thought to be non-rechargeable. Also, it will de-sulfate old “dead” sulfated batteries, over time making them “like-new” again (meaning that their internal electrodes had been gradually coated with SO4 ions, the most common reason for the failure of old lead-acid and other types of batteries). So for a few dollars and a few hours work, a moderately-skilled experimenter can have themselves a system that runs a small fan, recharges nearly any type of battery, and desulfates old batteries to boot… All “for free” energy-wise: Meaning that this replication has the capability to run at “over-unity” (COP>1, over 100% energy efficiency) in that the “charge” battery is gaining back more energy into it than the “source” battery provides to run the fan. Swapping the batteries periodically will insure a continual charge is on both. This very basic system could be stepped-up in size, using bigger and multiple brushless DC modified fan motors; producing greater amounts of free energy…. And that is the ultimate point. A toy? Perhaps; but one that exhibits free energy and is also a useful means of charging small batteries in an emergency. And one that is a wonderful example of how the Open Source Energy movement is changing the face of invention. Because these intrepid inventors and researchers like **~Imhotep~** are not waiting to get government university grants (… That never come for free energy research), they are not reliant on a corporation’s R&D funding, and they are not trying to make millions off of patents that could likely be somehow blocked or suppressed anyway. Nor do they particularly care if someone in the mainstream scientific community says that it is “impossible”…. They are simply doing it: And making it reproducible to an extent that it is rather hard to deny. This example is one of many that can be seen by browsing the sites listed at the end of this document. The author is very pleased that **~Imhotep~** has agreed to share some insight with us, allowing the readers to get some feeling for what the people “in the trenches” of the Open Source Energy movement are doing and thinking… And what motivates them to pursue this important work. He is a resident of the U.S.A. and was interviewed June 2008 for this article. ___________________________________________________ jibbguy: Please tell what you are trying to achieve with your experiments and research? **~Imhotep~**: We wanted an easily-built demonstration model of a free energy device; that when completed, can also be used for stretching your power capability in case of power outages such as storms or other events that could stop you from going out and buying new batteries. The device can charge alkaline and zinc carbon batteries, and also has some success with lithium ion and lead acid as well. jibbguy: Can you describe for us the effect that is seen in the brushless DC motor-generator systems that you have developed? **~Imhotep~**: In my personal opinion, there is a complex scientific explanation but few really care about that…. In more layman’s terms, there was a diode in the original circuitry that blocked coil collapse voltage from going back into the system. What we have done is removed that blocking diode and its circuitry; and rerouted that collapsing field voltage to charge a capacitor or a battery; or to be used later to do other forms of work. These other possible uses are now being developed. jibbguy: What do you think about the current state of alternative / free energy today in 2008, and what do you expect to see in the future? **~Imhotep~**: I see that we live in very exciting times. Finally experimenters like myself can easily collaborate with other experimenters despite their locations because of the Internet. And if you read the forums you will find there are super-intelligent people throughout the globe; and that when good collaboration happens, progress and solutions come at lightning speed with very little or no funding. jibbguy: Tell us a little about how you became interested in this subject, and what made you decide to pursue it? **~Imhotep~**: I have had a lifetime of experience in electronics, making electronic repair a career. But after all the storms that hit the southern area of the U.S. during the 2005 storm season; A lot of areas went without power for extended periods of time, including mine. After life got back to normal I knew that there had to be a better way to prepare and be less dependent on others for power generation. That’s when I started researching the work of Tesla, E.V. Gray, Bedini, Newman, Lindemann, and others. I noticed there was much common ground with all their research, and Bedini’s “School Girl Motor” was my first candidate for replication. I didn’t understand his circuits, because conventionally they shouldn’t have worked. And after watching a great DVD by Dr. Peter Lindemann called “Electric Motor Secrets“; the light bulb went off… And in some of my studies regarding locksmithing security devices, it was verified what Bedini was talking about. It quickly became easy after that to find other ways to use this phenomenon. I was led in the forums by Ren to a schematic that Rick Friedricks had presented; which I later modified to an easier version. And the rest is history. jibbguy: What are your plans for the next project? **~Imhotep~**: An even simpler version, which is “off-the-shelf” with only 2 or 3 parts so that anyone can build it. Not as powerful, but still gets the job done. And another much more powerful version also using off-the-shelf parts, that takes a bit more caution to use. Also I am starting a website that will review and teach basic skills in electronics; and which will be a centralized host for all my current and future projects. jibbguy: Thank you for your answers, and for the great work you have done. The quality and amount of documentation you have provided for internet experimenters to reproduce your free energy device is truly an excellent example of what the Open Source Energy movement can do… May all your new projects be as successful as this last one was! ________________________________________ The many devices out there like the **~Imhotep~** brushless DC fan motor conversion are making an important point: Free energy is for real. For a small amount of money using recycled parts, someone can build these devices themselves and witness the phenomena. This still may not be enough proof for some; and like the proverbial pot of gold at the end of the rainbow, perhaps the pot is the wrong shape or color to yet be accepted. But this is not really the point. If enough of us replicate and start using these devices, continued denial will soon begin to look rather comical and foolish. If children bring these devices into their schools’ science fairs… If university students replicate and write papers on the effects… Then things will begin to change. We will see universities finally deigning to study these phenomena seriously… Companies begin to freely market them… And our political leaders actually talking about them publicly. These are the major goals of the Open Source Energy movement. In future installments in this series, we will examine more devices and inventors, and speak with some of the major players of this important movement. If these subjects interest you; please take a moment to review and sign the petition at Panacea-BOCAF. * * * End Part 2 Suggested links: The Panacea-BOCAF site… Dedicated to the Open Source Energy movement. A great resource with tons of useful info, including a large section devoted to ROTOVERTER . Please sign the petition here! : http://www.panacea-bocaf.org The Energetic Ministries / Energetic Forum: Wonderful forum with many free energy topics; including the mentioned **~Imhotep~** thread with videos and photos ( see“Free Energy At Last Step By Step Must See” ):http://www.energeticforum.com/renewable-energy The very extensive Overunity forums; where internet inventors and experimenters share their projects using the Open Source model. Fascinating reading! :http://www.Overunity.com Dr. Peter Lindemann’s site, great source of information and the place to buy his excellent DVD’s, they are a requirement to truly understanding this subject:http://www.free-energy.wsCol. Tom Beardon’s excellent site; the most comprehensive available for the new physics theories explaining free energy principals, as well as listings of many inventions: http://www.cheniere.org The Pure Energy Systems main page; a great source of general information and current news: http://peswiki.com Inventor John Bedini’s website, a major source for understanding magnetic motors, and his pulsing, de-sulfating battery chargers: http://www.icehouse.net/john34/index.htm Rex Research. A top resource for free energy devices:http://www.rexresearch.comKeeleynet. Interesting fount of info for news and hundreds of inventions: http://www.keelynet.com Air Car Access, a great site for exploring the wonders of compressed air and the many inventions that have utilized it.. An often over-looked subject with great promise for free energy: http://www.aircaraccess.com Many thanks to all the wonderful and dedicated people who have helped with this self-appointed Open Source Energy project! Especially to Mr. Ashtweth Palise of Panacea-BOCAF, Mr. Stefan Hartmann of Overunity.com, Mr. Aaron Murakami of Energetic Ministries / Energetic Forums, and Dr. Peter Lindemann… Whose very wise advice may not always be followed by me, but is certainly appreciated! With such quality and caring people, and the thousands more just as dedicated all over the world; the people of this planet may yet have access to abundant and clean energy! — jibbguy Author’s Bio: a concerned citizen and supporter of a new Coalition 3rd Party; as well as the Open Source Energy Movement! |