FORGET GODZILLA, FORGET KING KONG! A huge, prehistoric unkillable bug, an ARMADILLO of a solid TITANIUM steel BEDBUG has taken over NEW YORK CITY! These vermin cannot be killed. Freeze your whole apartment at the cost of several thousand dollars and two weeks later, sealed eggs hatch and you’ve got to freeze it again!
Cheap goods from India and China have shot our country down in more ways than one! They launched this bug on our shore with cotton duds that carried the steel vermin over and not only infected the cargo carriers but which have infected entire stores which have had to be closed! Read the New York newspapers to see just a few of the stores that closed their doors: Niketown, Puma’s flagship store, all Victoria Secrets, two huge Abercrombie Fitch stores, Bergdorfs had to close and fumigate for two days, then reopen. LINCOLN center was infected. If that is the case every cafe has a chair that can infect you. Every subway can infect you. DITTO EVERY TAXI! AMC movie theatres were infested. They claim they’re treated but 2 weeks later, the eggs hatch. This means no travel, no theatre, no movies, no eating out! No house guests who weren’t as careful as you were!
I have a gal researcher chum in NYC who had to change apartments many times and put all her stuff in storage and buy new. She told me that one pest corp, “BELL ENVIORNMENTAL SERVICES” did kill them in a friend’s home. “They take all your belongings to a deep freeze area in New Jersey, give it a two week freeze, just long enough to get the hatchlings. The problem is, they bring it back to you in the same trucks it went out in! ” So there’s this last little bug they have to get out of their bug killing services, I guess. To make a pun.
Anyway, so far she hasn’t had the moola to do the big freeze.Another method she heard about, they “hermetically seal and nitrogen- freeze” your entire apartment and its contents, the PCS’ keyboards, monitors. Not only bugs hidden in computer, keyboard but in printer, monitor and any creepie crawlies in your electrical outlets! But the seal and freeze must be repeated 2 weeks later. They put your clothing in bags with a 24$ toxic strip in each bag. They tell you don’t touch the bags for 2 weeks. The bug professionals return to take the strip out, with gloves as it kills people. Two children, Rachel and Rebecca died after the pest control company came. Google their names with bedbug as a search term.
This isn’t a bug you can kill in your laundry or dryer. Dryers that CAN go that high don’t exist. Even a regular dryer set on high will use tons of costly juice (electricity) so Big city laundries won’t spend what they should or could to have a TRULY HOT DRYER. Maybe the ole fashioned American bedbug would die in a dryer at 140deg but these ASIAN BUGS love it! They do not appear to die even at 200 degrees.Anyway at temps over 200, your elastic waistbands will be reduced to gum and your drawers and closets would still be mega contaminated. People freeze them and when the specimens thaw, they walk away, impervious. Ergo all New York is officially off limits today as it is contaminated.
You can call a SEAL AND FREEZE company, spend $ 2000 each time, twice being necessary, but the bedbugs still come back. MORE eggs hatch a few days later. you have to kill both waves. Do they hide in pet’s fur? Do they hide in your own hair? There’s a limit to what you can poison or freeze.
Bedbug killing facilities should exist everywhere but they do not. (Idea for a great business, by the way!)
So what can you do? No more guests for dinner. No more visits to theatres. Take your own bags to market, never use a plastic bag as they come from Asia.
ALREADY INFECTED? Peel your apartment of every object, ditch the mattresses which are like MINI NEW YORKS for a bug populace. Take all your clothing and electronic machines to a freeze kill place. Then, go home, strip, shower and paint the house with OIL PAINT. Those TOXIC FUMES won’t kill them but the oily slick will trap & kill bugs. Remember, no termite gases will work, no ORANGE fumes and NO PESTICIDE will work. No home fumigation will work. THEN you need a bagged up brand new, american made garment. Buy new or sew it yourself from material that has been put thru a dryer at over 200 degrees.
Buy American made mattresses for your home and hope the fuzz wasn’t spun in INDIA and brought over on a boat. AMERICAN MADE FUZZ factories will do real well. KAPOK itself is a Sanskrit word
Now, you can slowly carefully move back into your apartment but invite one guest for dinner and bingo, you’re contaminated again. Get on a subway, get in a taxi, you’re carrying bugs home so you gotta bike around town or buy a car and never let a stranger sit in it.
One Study indicated that even if you move your whole house and its effects into a storage unit for a few yrs. the bugs are still grinding away alive in there years later! I know a girl with 300$ a month storage unit fees and she can’t get her designer clothing out of there!
Egyptians are saying ‘get used to it America, we’ve been this way since the time of the pharaohs. Mummies have mummified bedbugs. Only mummification could kill them!
This isn’t going to go away. We’re in recession and need cheap duds. Every day, huge ships the size of the Empire State bldg move across the Atlantic, filled with the blood sucking bugs. This means do not buy anything not made in America (though a decade from now, our own factories will have been infested by workers bringing bugs in on their clothing.) But now, today, all shipping containers are filled with the vermin. Coach bag shops had to close, infected by the shipping containers. All cotton is infected. That means buy yardage, put it thru a hot dryer and sew it yourself!
THESE BUGS WERE BRED TO BE INDOMITABLE. Imagine a world where a male fertilizes with touch and does not have to do the whole mating dance. Imagine a world where that female thusly touched then makes 500 babies and her pregnancies last a mere 14 days. Her kids grow up in a few weeks and do the same thing all over again.
Get out of new york!Chicago, Kansas, because other cities along the rails of trade from all big ports and cities will soon have this same tidal wave of infected homes, closets, bedrooms, beds, sofas.
Homeowner policies don’t cover this. If you rent a room to a tenant today and two weeks from now their belongings are infected and they sue you for the value, someone can force the sale of your house! And just when we all need to RENT ROOMS as we’re in a recession!
Apartment owners, your tenant renters can sue you bigtime and insurance companies don’t cover this. So you can’t ‘recover’ in any sense of that word. You do not want to be a landlord anymore. ENTIRE neighborhoods will become contaminated. This can destroy your property value. SELL your properties now and buy CHINESE MUTUAL FUNDS.
NEW BUSINESSES: ZIPLOCK bag company for your clothing, large bags, and a highly toxic pest strip which you sign for, like a gun and bullets, and have to account for later, its disposal highly regulated, is gonna make money!
311. website is giving misinformation. They say leave clothing bagged for 2 weeks. WRONG. The critters live
just fine on a fast. Blood is so nutritious that they can live MONTHS without a fix! Centuries, kinda like Bram Stoker vampires!TOURIST INDUSTRY IS GONNA DIE HERE! America has always had a fabulous attraction for Europeans and rich Latinos. NO MORE! These folks are gonna hear about the BUG; they don’t want to pay 200$ a day for a hotel room where they are going to get infected and have to ditch every stitch! They are starting to realize that when they bag their stuff up and go back to Kentucky or Paris France, they carry the putaine merde Americaine bugs with them.
Countries that are infected EGYPT, INDIA, CHINA. Merchandise from these countries and foreign students bring the bugs with them. That’s how we know who has it.
In the case of merchandise it infects everything in the storage container. Leather goods carry the bug into leather shops. In the case of PEOPLE, classrooms/ universities with foreign students have infected labs.classrooms.
LIABILITY laws might at this point allow law suits but the laws will change soon! READ the HEADLINES:Ick! Bedbug invasion hits stores, offices! Manhattan’s bedbug invasion bites stores, offices with costs of battling the creepy critters. Is no place safe?
By Adrianne Pasquarelli
July 2010Move over, Dracula. There’s a new bloodsucker in town. Just ask lingerie chain Victoria’s Secret. Earlier this month, after news reports surfaced of a bedbug infestation at a downtown retailer, the Ohio-based company proactively checked its 10 Manhattan sites and found what officials described as “isolated areas that may have been impacted.” It closed one midtown store for several hours and discarded contaminated inventory. Such measures cost a bundle, but Victoria’s Secret can at least take comfort in the fact that it’s in good company.
“This summer alone, we’ve treated about 20 stores,” says Diego Vasquez, general manager at West Village-based exterminator EcoChoice. “Last year, it was mostly residential, but this year, we’re getting a lot of calls from federal and city buildings, libraries. It’s growing.”
Bedbugs—nocturnal, bloodsucking insects about the size of an apple seed and notoriously tough to eradicate—are taking a bite out of Manhattan business this summer. Once perceived as an outer-borough residential scourge, they’ve been found nesting in some of the city’s priciest spaces in recent weeks. The bugs may be little, but their effect can be big, from damaging a brand’s image, to sparking major changes in retailers’ return policies, to requiring frequent pest-control checkups that can cost thousands of dollars a visit.
So far, infested stores in Manhattan include Abercrombie & Fitch’s South Street Seaport shop, its Hollister division’s SoHo flagship, the Bed Bath & Beyond-owned BuyBuy Baby in Chelsea.
There are many more shopping haunts the public doesn’t know about, since retailers always request confidentiality agreements, according to Jennifer Erdogan, director of the bedbug division at exterminator Bell Environmental Services.
“Bedbugs scare people,” she says. “Stores don’t want to lose business.”
Perfect weather for breedingOffices aren’t immune to the fear, either. Both advertising agency Euro RSCG Worldwide in Hudson Square and publishing firm Hachette Book Group near Grand Central Terminal discovered bedbugs in their offices this month.
“Employees were understandably concerned,” says a spokeswoman for Hachette, which spent last week chemically treating its Park Avenue offices. “You read about it all over town, and when it happens in your own office space, it’s a little worrying.”
Meanwhile, a Brooklyn movie theater has been infested. So, too, has the triage room in Kings County Hospital.
The city tracked more than 31,700 bedbug-related 311 calls during the year ended June 30, a nearly 20% rise over the prior year. During a scorching summer when temperatures have consistently exceeded 90 degrees, these relentless critters are multiplying exponentially.
“Heat speeds up their life cycle, and if the feeding is good for them, then more eggs can be produced and more bugs will populate,” says Lou Sorkin, an entomologist at the American Museum of Natural History.
Bedbugs don’t carry disease; they simply suck a person’s blood for up to 10 minutes, usually when that person is asleep, leaving an itchy welt. And bedbugs don’t fly (the only good news you’ll read in this story); they simply spread as if they do, lurking inside a fashionably cuffed pant leg or the lining of a handbag, commuting from home to store to office and back.
Since many stores downplay bedbug news—claiming, for instance, that an outpost is closed for “maintenance,” as a sign outside Hollister reportedly read this month—there’s no way to easily locate infestations.
“Most people don’t discover they have bedbugs until there are about 120 present, which takes close to a month,” says pest-control expert Ms. Erdogan.
The financial damage can be severe. It’s up to business owners to eliminate bedbugs in their buildings, according to a spokeswoman for the city’s Department of Health and Mental Hygiene. Businesses also must deal with potential public outcries, especially when databases like are tracking their every bug.
“It can be extremely damaging,” says Michael Londrigan, chair of fashion merchandising at fashion institute LIM College. “If the news starts spreading nationally, people will be concerned.”
Pest-elimination measures generally start at around $5,000 for a simple 5,000-square-foot office and can surpass $50,000 for a 10,000-square-foot call center or store with lots of equipment or inventory. Since fumigation is illegal in crowded Manhattan, some companies opt to move items off-site for treatment and extermination. Heat chambers or freezing methods can also be employed on-site.
Fumigated inventory goes back on the shelves, but many retailers discard all infested product. For a 40,000-square-foot flagship like Hollister’s, this could mean $1 million in dumped apparel, experts estimate.
“Those sales are just lost”Then there’s the lost revenue during the prime back-to-school shopping season. The Hollister and Abercrombie stores were both closed for several days, missing out on tens of thousands of dollars of sales per day.
“Those sales are just lost—they never get them back,” says Mr. Londrigan.
Since the outbreaks at stores might have been started by clothing returns, many retailers are expected to begin tightening their take-back policies, something they’ve been itching to do anyway, say industry pros. Instead of having a leisurely 90 days to return unwanted merchandise, customers might soon have just a week or two to bring back unused, unwashed items with attached tags and a receipt—in the same bag used for the purchase.
“Retailers will take advantage of this to be more restrictive with returns,” says Matt Hogan, a brand strategist.
Businesses are also trying to get ahead of the bugs by signing on for preventive programs with exterminators that can include monthly visits by bedbug-sniffing dogs. The costs can range from $250 to several thousand dollars a visit.
Timothy Wong, the technical director for Lower East Side-based M&M Pest Control, says his company now has 19 hotel clients, 50 commercial offices and 25 recent retail clients all receiving checkups.
“They don’t want to call us when they have the problem,” he says. “They want to call us before it starts.”
By Jennifer AlseverBedbugs mean big money — whether you’re a victim or an exterminator. The result: an exploding bedbug business that is not likely to die down anytime soon.
Why? Bedbugs are expert hitchhikers, catching rides inside purses, shoes, luggage, clothes and shopping bags, and they can secretly set up camp in new locations, going for up to a year without feeding. They’re showing up in college dorms, nursing homes, day care centers, libraries, funeral homes and even movie theaters.
And they are tough to get rid of.
“We are on the threshold of a bedbug pandemic, not just in the United States, but around the world,” said Missy Henriksen, spokeswoman for the National Pest Management Association, an industry trade group. “They can go into clean and dirty properties alike. They are equal opportunity pests.”
That’s good if you’re an exterminator or make stuff that kills bedbugs. Revenues from bedbug extermination hit $258 million last year, up from $98 million 2006, according to the trade group, which represents 7,000 pest control companies. Industry officials expect 2010 revenues to be even bigger.
“It is absolutely out of control right now,” says Andy Carace, owner of Pest End Exterminators, based in Derry, N.H. So far this year, the 28-employee company has had 800 bedbug jobs. Five years ago, it had 50 cases.
“Bedbugs have been identified as the single most difficult pest to treat in our industry,” Henriksen says.
Extermination is a tough job. Pesticides such as DDT once nearly wiped out the bedbug problem 50 years ago, but there is no one single effective way to tackle them today. One method used successfully in Ohio, for instance, might not work on a different bedbug strain in New York, says Henriksen.
Bedbug victims may have to pay hundreds and even thousands of dollars for extermination, since most cases require repeated treatments.
To meet demand, Pest End created a new bedbug division, hired three new employees and spent $15,000 to buy and train a 2-year-old beagle named Rascal who can sniff out bedbugs and their eggs. Carace says a trained dog can find bugs faster and with better accuracy than a technician can.
Pest End now gets 15 to 30 calls a day from hysterical homeowners wanting to book Rascal at $200 an hour. Nationwide, dogs are used in about 15 percent of bedbug cases.
“A lot of people call and they think they have bedbugs and they don’t,” says Courtney Nicholson, Pest End’s bedbug dog handler. “Some people start scratching themselves, driving themselves crazy. There’s a bit of paranoia.”
Homeowners and hoteliers are not the only ones affected by the creepy crawlies. Last month, Nike Town, Victoria Secret and Abercrombie & Fitch closed the doors of their New York City outlets to deal with bedbug infestations. Used furniture stores, office buildings and Laundromats have been affected. Hospitals, nursing homes and cruise ships are seeking advice on what to do if they’re invaded as well.
“These companies may be spending hundreds of thousands of dollars dealing with bedbugs and managing hysteria,” says Jeff White, research entomologist for, a for-profit online clearinghouse of bedbug information. White says he has seen hotel rooms stripped down to the concrete to purge the pests.
For retailers, the expense extends beyond extermination and includes lost revenues due to business closures and contaminated products that must be discarded. Most insurance policies don’t cover infestations so any costs come straight out of the bottom line. Return policies may change to prevent contamination from returns from bedbug-ridden homes, says White.
The even bigger cost is obvious: What happens to a store’s reputation when customers can’t shake the heebie-jeebies and to come back and spend money?
“We have clients across the board who are concerned about this,” says JoAnn Sullivan, who advises retail clients on the topic for Marsh Risk Consulting. She tells them to treat a bedbug infestation much like they would a food recall.
“You want to have a plan,” she says. “It’s going to get out, so get out in front of the story.”
Consumers can choose from a wide range of products, although it is hard to say what might be effective.
There are $160 FabricTech mattress covers, $10 specialty sprays and $30 luggage liners. For $22, people can buy “interceptors,” which are placed under a bed’s legs to trap the bugs on their way up to a nighttime snack. For $320, a portable heating unit is said to kill off “stowaway” bedbugs hidden in luggage.
Another new gadget, NightWatch Bedbug monitor, is supposed to identify bedbugs by mimicking a sleeping person by releasing heat and carbon dioxide that attracts the bugs. The cost: $422. There are even $30,000 portable insect inferno trailers for sale that fire up the heat to kill bugs in a couch or mattress.
Many makers tout “green” products, promising safer solutions over harmful chemicals, and bedbug experts say it’s tough to know which products are legitimate and which are not.
“There is potential for fraud,” says Jerome Goddard, a Mississippi State medical entomologist. A maker of a “green” herbal spray recently embellished comments Goddard made about the spray’s effectiveness and then implied in advertisements that Goddard endorsed it when he did not.
“Whenever there is a buck to be made, people may stretch the truth,” he says.
Many county or university extension services also offer online advice on how to sort through bedbug products, and, which is run by the National Pest Management Association, lets people search for reputable pest control companies.
The Environmental Protection Agency recently warned consumers to also check whether the pesticides to be used have been approved by the EPA and are approved for treating bedbugs.
New York: invasion of indestructible bed bugs
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