Did you know that the U.S. vaccinates more than any other country in the world …
“VACCINE NATION” DVD from NY Times bestselling author Gary Null, Ph.D.
A wonderful new film from one of America’s top health experts
about a highly questionable multi-billion $$ industry
that is protected from lawsuits! FACT: Vaccines have NEVER prevented disease. FACT: Vaccines contain harmful ingredients which are directly injected,
bypassing all of the body’s built-in filters (e.g., skin) FACT: Research has discovered a direct relationship between vaccines
and developmental problems, autism and auto-immune disease FACT: The rate of autism has risen from 1 in 10,000 to 1 in 150 FACT: One out of every 5 American children now has “special needs”
THIS AND MUCH MORE in Gary Null’s new release … including the
heart-rending story of Alan Yurko, sentenced to life in prison
for “Shaken Baby Syndrome,” another result of damage by vaccines!
5 Stars! VACCINE NATION by Gary Null, Ph.D.
DVD $20
Order here
“Finding out about vaccines led me to create another postcard in the INDEPENDENT THINKER’S FACT SHEET series. We’re made to think
vaccinations are a kind of health insurance policy,
that they “immunize” us … but they don’t.” — Sofia, creator of “911 Mysteries”
50,000 printed!
10 facts on the front Dozens of resources on the back books/videos/websites Get 100 cards for $11
Click to order postcards See full image here