Begin forwarded message:
From: “Stephanie McDowall”
Subject: Morsi’s Fall Set Up by Sellout to IMF, Bid to Deploy Egyptian Army vs. Syria; Nasserist Hamdeen Sabbahi Can Lead Egypt Out of Crisis «
Date: July 5, 2013 2:11:06 AM GMT+01:00
This audio by Historian, Webster Griffin Tarpley is definitely worth listening to regarding Egypt but also Ed Snowdon who Tarpley accuses of being a fraud & a triple agent for the U.S. Tarpley points out Snowdon became an instant media darling, & has not provided any new or harmful information regarding the U.S. Warrantless wiretapping is a ten year old story and has been well covered. He points out other matters regarding the disturbing history of Snowdon which must also be available to our own media but which they have chosen not to cover.Many other current events covered as well..Tarpley suggests reading writings of Egyptian Hamdeen Sabbahi but I could not find anything recent in English with just a quick search.A veteran Nasserist opposition figure and former member of parliament, Hamdeen Sabbahi is an outspoken critic of the United States and Israel.