Under the pretext of security against the bogeyman of terrorism that they have created, funded and supported themselves since 9-11, what can only be described as a monstrous criminal cabal, has been wreaking havoc on the entire planet since the day they got away with the murder of 2,999 innocent civilians on September 11, 2001.
Of late, thanks to the more and more revelations that are finally seeping through to the world’s populace and getting by the media filter set up globally by that country’s special services and the western government-controlled-mass-media, people are truly beginning to finally wake up, and now someone has finally had the courage, along with an undeniable justification, to stand up and do what the world should have done years ago, files charges against the monsters in Washington.
After watching the United States first deny visas to the Venezuelan delegation to the United Nations General Assembly and then prohibit the aircraft of the President of Venezuela Nicolas Maduro from flying over the US occupied Latin American Caribbean island of Puerto Rico, the President of Bolivia Evo Morales has decided enough is enough and will be filing charges against the criminal cabal in Washington with the International Criminal Court (ICC) in the Hague.
President Morales, himself the victim of US interference in the flight of the presidential aircraft of a sovereign nation recently, over unfounded suspicions that Edward Snowden may have been on his plane, has stated that he will be filling crimes against humanity charges with the ICC.
At a press conference in Bolivia President Morales made the following statement to the world’s press: “I would like to announce that we are preparing a lawsuit against (US President) Barack Obama to condemn him for crimes against humanity,” further describing Obama as a “criminal” who willingly violates international law. “
“We cannot accept that the US carries on with politics of intimidation and the prohibition of flights by presidents,”said President Morales, and also that the latest incident “demonstrates the country’s predisposition to humiliate other governments and committing crimes against other nations.”
During the same press conference President Morales also called for an emergency session of the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC) to decide on what joint actions could be take over recent US actions. He has also suggested that the Bolivarian Alliance for the Americas (ALBA) nations should consider a boycott of the upcoming United Nations General Assembly in New York City as a response.
The president of Venezuela Nicola Maduro called the US action “an act of intimidation by North American imperialism.”
After the plane was denied the right to enter the airspace over the Atlantic near US occupied Puerto Rico, Venezuelan Foreign Minister Elias Jaua told reporters the action was an “insult.”
“We denounce this as another insult of North American imperialism against the government,” Foreign Minister Jaua said.
President Maduro’s flight, which was en route to China, was forced to find an alternate path according to Jaua, he called the action “An act of aggression,”and stated: “No one can deny airspace to a plane carrying a president on an international state visit. There is no valid argument to refuse airspace.”
By its own actions the United States is continuing to isolate itself from the world community and prove itself to be the single most dangerous rogue nation in the world. With its plethora of actions that are illegal under international law (including aggressive war after aggressive war) its practice of branding anyone it does not like as rogue state and attempting to bomb them and kill their leader, and its continued unrepentant spying and interference into the affairs of other nations, even moderate states and staunch US allies are beginning to realize the true nature of the beast.
If the United States is taken to the Hague for war crimes and crimes against humanity the possibilities for the door opening to prosecution for a whole series of violations of international law may present itself. This includes the illegal and continuing indefinite detention going on at Guantanamo Bay Cuba, endless renditions, the arrests of Russian citizens in third countries, extra-judicial executions, illegal espionage and spying activities, droning, the support of terrorists such as Al-Qaeda and the use of non-state fighters to destabilize Syria and other countries, all of the crimes committed by Al-Qaeda acting on US direction and finally a true independent investigation into the animals who were behind 9-11.
The US of course will continue with their arrogant impunity and egregious violations of international law as they have plans in place to launch an invasion of the Netherlands and the Hague if one of their ilk is arrested, but once charges are filed there may be enough international support to actually bring about a serious accounting. Of course this may be wishful thinking but it does in fact appear that the world has truly had enough of US aggression.
Imagine a situation where NATO was supposed to protect the Netherlands and Europe from an American attack. If European countries fall into disfavor with the imperial psychopaths in Washington who support child-killing cannibal terrorists in Syria, they may risk being branded rogue nations as well and have their countries bombed.
The US on trial for war crimes and crimes against humanity? Could happen. It would mean that the world was finally beating a cancer that will destroy it, and to think that this may be brought about by the President of Bolivia Evo Morales, who was so easily dismissed by America, would be true and wonderful poetic justice. Regardless US illegality has to end and the cancer has to be cut out to save the patient.