-------------------------------------------------------- From: BE Goodman Date: Sat, 17 Apr 2004 23:05:02 EDT Subject: Re: Events of 9-11 - What do you think? To: •••@••.••• I want you to know that not only do I believe what you are saying about 9/11, but I started to think it even when the event occurred. I just didn't know how they did it. I have been interested in investigating this, and have heard somewhat a similar story from a number of different sources, which makes it all the more certain that it all adds up. An interview with a Col. Donn de Grand Pre, who for ten years had sold armaments throughout the world for the good ole USA, suddenly felt he was selling his soul to the devil, and got out of the firing range. His interview should be of interest to you because it tells EXACTLY how 9/11 was done. I think it is still on: WarFolly.com, and has written three books, the last of which is called "The Enemy Is Inside The Gates", and was with the Alex Jones radio show on February 25, 2004. I printed out the interview, and if you cannot find it any other way, I can arrange to mail it to you. He lives in Virginia, and I have spoken with him by phone: 540-547-2996. He does not have an email address. I am headed up to Washington soon, and was invited to stop in and talk with him. I am debating this, because, when I got his books, I was turned off by something you, too, have said. And that is that this was a Zionist plot, and Israel was in on it, also. Perhaps some of the people plotting this were Jewish, and perhaps I share a wariness re Sharon, (just as Bush & Co. is part of the USA, but that doesn't make all of USA like them). Being Jewish, and even being a simple human being, I don't like a whole group tarred and feathered by the few who perhaps deserve the titles. I wanted to immediately pass this on to a number of people on my email list, but had to hesitate, because the reference to Zionists and Israel would turn them off, as it did me, to the more important facts, or "presented facts" of what actually happened on 9/11. Exposure is the name of the game, and, I believe, what will undo the glue which this administration is so carefully using to hide its true objectives. (extreme secrecy). But this email does not include what I hesitated about, so will be forwarding this to the many on my list. Let's keep in touch I am part of an election coalition group, but I am more and more convinced that this election will be rigged, with machines that cannot be recounted, and are 85% owned by those who have vowed to re-elect Bush. So exposure is about the only way I can think to thwart his re-election. And we have got to spread the word, especially to those who feel we Americans cannot possibly do those horrible things!! So, God bless you, and let's keep in touch! Evelyn Goodman <mailto:•••@••.•••> -------------------- Dear Evelyn, Nice to hear from you. Thanks for taking the time to share and express your experiences and attitudes. I would appreciate if you could send a copy of the Grand Pre interview by email, if you have it handy. I too am bothered by Kaminski's compulsive need to bring in superfluous references to Zionism in everything he writes. Many of us have written to him about that being counter-productive, and I must say he has toned down somewhat over time in that regard. Nonetheless, I do not post many of his essays, even though I read many of them and usually find them quite useful. In general, I do not restrict my postings to things that I agree 100% with. Sometimes we can find unique and credible testimony embedded within the context of a disturbed mind. Why should we deprive ourselves of useful bits wherever we can find them? No one ever said this list was politically correct. I'm assuming everyone out there is an adult, thinks for themselves, and can pick the wheat from the chaff. Personnaly, I find it most effective to keep my analysis as simple as possible - focus on the central elements and use the least controversial of the available evidence that reveals those elements. I don't find it necessary to bring in the Isaeli connection when looking at 9/11, the War on Terrorism, or the role of the mass media. You discuss Zionism in terms of its psychological effect in argumentation, and that is a topic that deserves some further discussion. The problem comes up a lot, and it generates divisiveness and non-listening among folks who would do better to think of themselves as allies. Now that you've pointed out the elephant in the kitchen, let's take a look at it objectively. There is the State of Israel, there are the Zionist special interest groups in Israel and in the US, there is the Jewish culture, with its several branches, and there are the Jewish people and there are Israeli citizens. Those are all different things. My view of the Israeli state is that it is collaborating with the US in the grand imperialist adventure - each party a tool of the other (a bit like the relationship between the US and the UK). It's a symbiotic relationship that has gone on for decades. The Israelis provide seasoned terrorist trainers so the White House can have plausible deniability about the atrocities in Latin America. The US provides the billions of dollars of aid necessary to maintain the formidable Israeli military. The list of collaborations goes on and on. The Mossad is highly respected in terms of its Intelligence competence, both with information and with operations. It would not be at all surprising if the Mossad were to be tapped to carry out very deep cover operations in the US. Particularly if only the top levels of the US Intelligence network were in the know about the op. The Mossad has the necessary know-how, they keep good security, they have agents whose faces aren't familiar to the domestic Intelligence and law enforcement communities, and they can disappear back home when the job's done. And they owe us. An ideal choice I'd say. To me, it doesn't matter much who was tapped to do the 9/11 job. The important questions are about those at the top who made the decisions and issued the instructions. There was no lack of available operatives, Mossad just being a likely and presumably handy choice. Zionism is real, and fundamentalist Zionism is real. From before Israel was a state there has always been an element in the leadership with an extreme view regarding ethnic cleansing, expansionism, and a Greater State of Israel - all linked with a fundamentalist Biblical interpretation in which their imperialist agenda is seen as the Will of God. Sharon has long been part of this wing. I recall reading that he personally participated in massacres of Palestinian villagers as a lead up the formation of the Israeli state. These are the kind of people who now determine policy for Israel. They are like the neocons in the White House. Except they've been in power a lot longer. Neither group is representative of the sentiments of their populations generally. The neocons and the Zionists have a lot in common. Both groups are expansionist imperialists, they both deal a lot in terrorism, and they both cultivate a primitive tribal level of religious response in their constituencies. In a very real sense, they are playing out the script of a typical cult, something the CIA has been rehearsing for years, ever since People's Temple. And the script is not that different than the one followed by that earlier fascist leader, the one who appealed to the primitive tribal levels of the Germanic psyche. In fact, there's a very direct link between the Nazi regime and the groups currently in power in the US and Israel. I have a great posting on that when we finish this thread. Zionism is both an elite agenda and a propaganda tool. It's content is about imperialism, and it expresses itself as a set of cult doctrines linked to deeply held primitive feelings in elements of the population - not only of Israel, but perhaps more significantly in the American Jewish community. The exploitation of this kind of propaganda is a very important tool of the Israeli state and it's leadership. Part of their propaganda effort is devoted to claiming that anyone who opposes the extreme Zionist agenda - and the way things are being handled in Palestine - is in fact anti-Semitic. (Kaminski plays into their hands with his choice of language.) Again, the propaganda appeals to deeply held primitive feelings, in this case tapping into collective guilt around the Holocaust. They are expanding the base of their cult following beyond those who respond to the fundamentalist interpretation of the Old Testament. "Either you support the struggle of Israel, whatever that leads to, or you're anti-Semitic." It's not that different than Bush's, "Either you're with us, or you're with the terrorists." As regards the election, I'm sure the script has already been written as to who will get elected and what the agenda and rhetoric of the new Administration will be. Here is an opportunity for a corporate reorganization, a bit of consolidation perhaps, a soothing of the domestic feathers. The election of Kerry would not be any great blow for freedom, it would just be a change of style, and the playing out of the script. Effort put into the elections is like stones thrown against a castle wall. Of humorous interest to those inside, but hardly a threat to them. do stay in touch, rkm -------------------------------------------------------- From: M Date: Sat, 17 Apr 2004 08:44:06 EDT Subject: Re: Kaminski: The fatal flaw in the 9/11 coverup To: •••@••.••• CC: •••@••.••• Kaminski> "...by America's notoriously brainwashed Zionist press." richard this kind of phrase is offensive to some people. it certainly is offensive to me. and as you may or may not know i am very open minded. in fact, i believe there was a 911 conspiracy. its not a frigging 'zionist press.' it's a freaknig 'mainstream corporate media.' i worked in newspapers for 23 years, knight-ridder chain, and didn't have one frigging zionist boss. or jewish one. tonyfrigging ridder and his henchmen were some other type of monster. be very careful about spreading hate where none is due. and you know i like you and i like your work. as for why their records didn't show up on credit cards, they paid cash. the level of this piece is not up to your standard. -------------------- Dear M, I agree that it is more useful to talk about "corporate media". The point really is that the media follows an elite agenda. The subject of "Who is the elite?" is a separate topic. But since you are responding to the question of Zionist influence on the media, let's talk about that. I am interpreting the world "Zionism" as I did above - it's both an elite agenda (of imperialism) and a propaganda ideology based on an appeal to deeply held beliefs. It refers to fundamentalist interpretations of scripture, and in that way resonates with fundamentalist Christians. It links to Holoaust guilt, and tries to paint all critics as anti-Semites. It is a fair question to ask to what degree the Zionist view influences the content of the media. Such influence need not come in the form of Jewish editors or executives, not by any means. Perhaps we should begin by acknowledging that the media, particularly in the USA, acts as if it is very heavily influenced indeed. Perhaps it is just coincidence, but the stories we see are always supportive of the Israeli government and its policies. You always see the faces and and the bereaved families when there's a terrorist bombing in Israel - horrible pictures of harm to innocent civilians. Wheras the Palestinians are always presented with quite different pictures. You see people with raised fists, with automatic weapons, nameless mobs - they don't look like innocent civilians. Attacks by Israel are always accompanied by justifications, it's never a case of terrorism no matter how brutal, how random, or how deadly. If you were a Zionist who could somehow pull the strings, you couldn't ask for a better result. The fact is that propaganda is extremely important to the Israeli regime. Public support in the US is absolutely critical to the survival of the state, being entirely dependent on billions in US aid. There are many Jewish organizations which are active in promoting the Israeli position in the media. Just imagine the letters that would come in to the New York Times if it seriously challenged fundamental Israeli interests. And given the close alliance between US and Israel, it is in the interest of the White House that its ally be presented in a good light. Thus even if there weren't a direct influence by Zionist organizations, the standard US propaganda mechanism would end up exerting that influence by proxy. I would say that we have a "Zionist compliant" media, and I'd say the compliance is achieved by a variety of methods. "Zionist media" is off-center as an overall characterization, it misses as you say the support for globalization and corporate interests, which is more at the center of elite policy. I don't think this kind of discussion is "spreading hate." We all need to face the facts. The propagandists want us to assume that criticism of Israel is a sign of anti-Semitism. Kaminski should keep that in mind when he chooses how to express himself. He fails to do that, and so the propaganda climate causes many readers to dismiss him as an anti-Semite. But readers have a responsibility as well. If they want to find out the truth, they need to resist the propaganda pressures on them. The world Zionist should not be seen as a red flag of dismissal. It is a useful term, just like Neocon. sorry you were offended, rkm -------------------------------------------------------- Date: Sun, 18 Apr 2004 13:54:23 +0800 To: •••@••.••• From: Dion Giles Subject: Re: Events of 9-11 - What do you think? I have found the discussion very useful, but short of evidence of a really effective and reliable mechanism for precise control of airliners from the ground I can't buy the notion that the PNAC crowd did it. Without such a mechanism it required individuals who (1) were highly skilled pilots and (2) were prepared to write themselves off to advance the PNAC agenda. I find this no more believable than the scenario fed us by the US beneficiaries. Tentatively I would advance the proposition that the PNAC group (or a subgroup within it) were well acquainted IN DETAIL with the proposed attack -- time, place and method -- and decided to let it roll because of the benefit (which is HUGE) that they could gain from it. Involvement of Mossad both in gaining the necessary information and in agreeing to conceal it (because of the relatively even greater potential gain for consolidation and expansion of racist Israel) is almost certain. There would not be the competence outside Mossad to keep abreast of the plot and keep this knowledge secret. It is highly unlikely that any group in the USA would have this dual capability. Summary: Planned and carried out by Islamic terrorists, monitored in detail by Mossad, facilitated by key elements in Washington. Three major enemies of the people working in concert for perceived advantage. Dion Giles Western Australia ---------------- Dear Dion, Thanks for sharing your ideas. I agree fully that the Kamakazi notion is not credible for Western pilots, and I've seen no one propose that. The remote control devices are real however. I've seen that confirmed many times from diverse sources. Just the other day in the Irish Times, for example, I was reading about a different kind of automatic override that is being developed. This new kind is a computer system that takes over control if a plane is approaching any large building or mountain (it uses GPS). At the end of the article was a very brief note which said, and I paraphrase, "An FAA official pointed out that planes have for some time been equipped with remote control devices". (This was intended to reduce doubts about the new system.) Whether they are installed or not is a matter of fact, not of theory. Once installed, all it takes is the addition of a simple video camera and flying the plane remotely becomes trivial. It's just like playing a video game. It could be done from anywhere - from a bunker under ground, from an AWACS plane, or anywhere in between. On one screen you'd have the video feed from the nose of the plane, and on the other screen you'd have a satellite close-up of the plane from above. You move your joystick, and the plane moves on both screens. The Islamic terrorist theory is only credible if you are willing to accept the Official Story about the collapse of the towers. There is a LOT of evidence against that story. If you watch the video of the collapse, you can see little explosions on each floor as it collapses, and the rate of collapse moves downward faster than gravity could move the mass. That's not how a building collapses, but it is how a demolition system works. Once you accept the demolition notion, then it becomes clear that the hijackers were not the primary perps. And if it was a carefully planned Intelligence operation, then there's no way those amateurs would have been allowed to determine its outcome. cheers, rkm -------------------------------------------------------- From: "Robert Bolman" To: <•••@••.•••> Subject: The Stand Down Date: Sat, 17 Apr 2004 22:18:51 -0700 rkm> Well, it turns out that just two weeks before 9-11, President Bush issued a directive saying that in future commercial intercepts could not be authorized locally, but would henceforth require Presidential authorization. Why did he do that? Mr Moore, I enjoy your posts. I've been focusing at some length on the stand down as perhaps the greatest 9-11 "smoking gun". Your most recent post was the first I had heard of the above. This would certainly explain the stand down. But now we're left with having to explain that presidential directive. Where did you get the above information? It didn't mention it in "The New Pearl Harbor" by David Ray Griffin. (I'm only half way through it, but have covered the stand down section). It seems like a very important piece of information to have heard nothing about until now. Sincerely, Robert Bolman -------------- Dear Robert, I first heard about the Presidential directive in a radio broadcast by John Judge. We did learn in the regular media that on the day a Presidential order would have been required for an intercept - but the reports didn't say why it was required or why it wasn't forthcoming. John Judge is a very interesting source. He knows his facts, he articulates well, he doesn't have that annoying drone that characterizes many conspiracy research buffs, and he talks about the big picture as well as the details - the why as well as the how. I've got three audio CDs of his and copies can be made available for anyone interested. "jeb" sent in a copy (below) of an earlier directive, one that centralized the intercept decisions in the office of FAA Administrator - who must then send his request to the National Military Command Center (NMCC). Even without the more recent directive, it is clear that the White House could easily instruct the NMCC to check with the White House before proceeding with any intercepts. The major enabling step was the centralization of the decision making process. all the best, rkm -------------------------------------------------------- From: Jim Bailey To: •••@••.••• Subject: The fatal flaw in the 9/11 coverup - Richard K. Moore Date: Sat, 17 Apr 2004 23:09:30 -0700 rkm > Well, it turns out that just two weeks before 9-11, President Bush issued a directive saying that in future commercial intercepts could not be authorized locally, but would henceforth require Presidential authorization. The attached was put on the web; do you have a later-dated document giving intercept authority back to Bush? If so, please add it to your reply. jeb [ jeb - sorry, I don't have a copy of the later document - thanks for this one - rkm] ___________________________________________________ CHAIRMAN OF THE JOINT CHIEFS OF STAFF INSTRUCTION J-3 CJCSI 3610.01A DISTRIBUTION: A, B, C, J, S 1 June 2001 AIRCRAFT PIRACY (HIJACKING) AND DESTRUCTION OF DERELICT AIRBORNE OBJECTS References: See Enclosure D. 1. Purpose. This instruction provides guidance to the Deputy Director for Operations (DDO), National Military Command Center (NMCC), and operational commanders in the event of an aircraft piracy (hijacking) or request for destruction of derelict airborne objects. 2. Cancellation. CJCSI 3610.01, 31 July 1997. 3. Applicability. This instruction applies to the Joint Staff, Services, unified commands, and the US Element, North American Aerospace Defense Command (USELEMNORAD). 4. Policy. a. Aircraft Piracy (Hijacking) of Civil and Military Aircraft. Pursuant to references a and b, the Administrator, Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), has exclusive responsibility to direct law enforcement activity related to actual or attempted aircraft piracy (hijacking) in the "special aircraft jurisdiction" of the United States. When requested by the Administrator, Department of Defense will provide assistance to these law enforcement efforts. Pursuant to reference c, the NMCC is the focal point within Department of Defense for providing assistance. In the event of a hijacking, the NMCC will be notified by the most expeditious means by the FAA. The NMCC will, with the exception of immediate responses as authorized by reference d, forward requests for DOD assistance to the Secretary of Defense for approval. DOD assistance to the FAA will be provided in accordance with reference d. Additional guidance is provided in Enclosure A. ___________________________________________________ -------------------------------------------------------- Date: Sat, 17 Apr 2004 19:49:04 -0800 To: •••@••.••• From: "Fred V. Cook" Subject: Re: Events of 9-11 - What do you think? Dear Richard, Thank you for pursuing your inquiry in the way in which you are. I believe that the inquiry does turn toward the psychology and ideology which enable people to remain in denial. My own observation is that it has several components. a) The implications that "our own government" has executed a terror campaign and coup against US democracy are just too disturbing to contemplate. Many people do not have the free attention or flexibility of character to undergo a change of world view of the scope which such an idea would require. Their "sanity" or adjustment to "reality-for-them" is so fragile that they feel that their psychological survival depends upon not paying attention to such threatening ideas. Hence, the basic psychological defense of denial. My father, for example, says "Even if it were true, there's nothing I can do about it. It just raises my blood pressure to think about it and I can't afford that." A corollary is that it is just too implausible: The basic argument is "You couldn't pull off an operation of that scale without having too many people involved. It would inevitably leak." (This of course also denies that the information we HAVE been finding constitutes a "leak".) b) The "mainstream media" which represent a virtual oligopoly at this point have carried only homeopathic, "inoculating/immunizing" doses of the hardcore information and analysis which shows the Bush Administration is lying about 9/11. The result is that many people dismiss the information they do hear as (i) wild speculation, somewhere between flying saucers and the survival of Elvis and Hitler in credibility and importance, "the view from a grassy knoll in Roswell" is my concise summary of this "conspiracy theorist" putdown; (ii) Because, until recently, the main people who were willing to RISK their social position and credibility by publicly questioning the core of the 9/11 mythology were people who were already suspicious of the Bush regime and its motives, so that people in my union (for example) tend to dismiss the 'bringers of bad tidings' as "ultra-leftist", "pinko-greens", "whiners", "narcissistic attention-seekers", etc. c) people who want to (1) be included in "polite company", (2) be safe from political repression, (3) be employable, particularly in "sensitive" positions are careful not to appear disloyal to the administration - even if they may have doubts which they keep to themselves. Questioning 9/11 is still not a popular position and one of the means of "soft" repression is to privately and publicly ridicule people who don't conform. d) active surveillance and political repression against people who publicly question the official story of 9/11 is an accomplished fact here in the US of A. People who "make a nuisance of themselves" by making a public fuss about the lying - such as by consistently speaking up at public meetings, demonstrating in the streets, sitting in at Congress people's offices, etc. are more likely to wind up on the "watch list" and have their phone's tapped and generally receive a higher degree of "enforcement" all around. True. You are safer if you are white, middle class or higher, and of course a born citizen - HOWEVER - this administration HAS flagrantly violated the civil and human rights of a number of people, so far with impunity, by branding them as "enemy combatants". It also has at its disposal a "media and justice system" which is quite capable of framing, convicting and executing people who prove to be "too much of a problem". I have heard (understandably unconfirmed) reports of middle and upper middle class (upstanding US citizens and probably Republicans at that) individuals being given a whirlwind tour of "our" new persuasion, interrogation, and detention facilities just off shore when they refused to cooperate with certain covert expropriation plans of the administration - it is all officially SECRET under the cloak of the P.A.T.R.I.O.T. act. When you realize what they can do to you (starting with kidnapping) WITH IMPUNITY - you have to be stronger, in many ways, than most not to just shut up and go along. AN ACQUAINTANCE of mine was a highly decorated fireman from Oakland, CA. He went East to work on the WTC fires following 9/11. He was a very bright guy; a winner of the MacArthur genius prize in fact. Shortly after returning, he went out of the country on vacation. The last I heard he had died under very odd circumstances. At present, it is, for me, one of those "loose ends" awaiting investigation. My guess is that having been there at Ground Zero and being as perceptive and bright as he was, he may have wound up "knowing too much" and starting to ask questions . . . a little bit like the fireman who is supposed to have found an unexploded bomb near the nursery INSIDE the Federal Building in Oklahoma City immediately after it was supposedly destroyed by a truck bomb on the street outside - and somehow met his death the day before he was to have been awarded a medal in a public ceremony. e) the "9/11 Truth" movement itself has engaged in some nasty process - including rudeness and outright exclusion of people who want to bring evidence into the discussion which is at odds with the currently dominant explanation of this or that event. One example that I found shocking was the exclusion of people who wanted to present John Judge's view, including supposed DNA evidence that an airliner HAD crashed into the Pentagon (as opposed to the popular "it was a cruise missile" theory). The question of just HOW the World Trade Center towers fell down (pre-positioned standard demolition charges, vs. microwave phase weapon to vaporize the water latent in concrete) is another area of controversy in which the 9/11 Truth movement has shown itself capable of more heat than light. This undermines the credibility of the whole enterprise because outsiders see "intellectual irresponsibility" and rudeness carrying the day rather than a true market place of ideas and principled intellectual competition. f) Related to (e) is the discussion within the 9/11 truth movement and the wider "covert ops" view of US history (see PREVAILING WINDS, CAIB, etc.) is the discussion of just how widespread and consolidated the 9/11 operation is - is it a "renegade" minority within the National Security community, or does it - as I suspect - actually have mirror operations in ALL the intelligence services of all the major national players around the world? Does it represent a consensus ONLY of the narrowest of NeoCons and Armageddonists, or does the Globalist-MultiLateralist faction also give its tacit support because in the last analysis because THEY ALSO SEE A NEED FOR an easy road to fascism in case the anti-corporate globalization forces start getting out of hand. I hope this is a useful contribution to your inquiry. As you might imagine, I've been asking myself and people around me the same sorts of questions SINCE 9/11. I was one of those people who was shocked when I answered the phone and turned on the TV to see the first WTC tower in smoke and flames. When I saw the jet go through the SECOND tower I IMMEDIATELY thought "Reichstag Fire" and "Pearl Harbor" and "Holy Shit, they're really doing it!" with all the "New American Century" type implications, and I said so to my partner with whom I was watching the TV. As you might have guessed, I am one of those "alternative" history buffs who doesn't trust the US government (or any others for that matter) and hasn't since before the Pentagon Papers. I grew up next to a Strategic Air Command (nuclear bomber) base and spent all my school years with the offspring of Air Force personnel. I know that you can't have TWO hijacked airliners fly through TWO sky scrapers in New York City without having a "stand-down" order on the jets which otherwise are ALWAYS standing by to scramble. I grew up with the kids of the men who fly those interceptor jets. That is why I immediately "read" the event as I did - this sort of thing doesn't happen in the US without orders from the top. I look forward to further discussion, Fred ---------------------------- Dear Fred, Good stuff! With a very nice rundown of the various inhibitors to facing the truth - all the reasons why it's good to keep your head in the sand. I think this one is perhaps central: > Many people do not have the free attention or flexibility of character to undergo a change of world view of the scope which such an idea would require. Yes, we are talking about a shift in world view. I'd characterize it this way... The standard world view believes in the reality of Democracy and of Constitutional process. "We have a good political system, and we just need to elect better people." The other world view sees the government as an agency which keeps the people under control on behalf of behind-the-scenes power holders. That is a big shift, and "theories about 9/11" is not a very good context in which to expect someone to make that shift. Indeed, the shift we are talking about is exactly why I grabbed on to The Matrix metaphor and wrote "Esaping the Matrix". The shift we are talking about is escaping from the media matrix world of illusion, and seeing the world the way it really is - taking the Red Pill. And as in the film, the real world has some very dismal aspects. Cypher is not the only one who would prefer to return to the Matrix. I think a bit of historical context is necessary before anyone would consider risking such a shift in view. If you can see that the US has always operated this way, then it's easier to accept that it continues to do so. > "You couldn't pull off an operation of that scale without having too many people involved. It would inevitably leak." I've heard this one a lot. I think we're talking about another shift in world view, this time about the media instead of about the government. The standard world view is that what you see in the media is basically a good first-draft version of what's going on in the world. You see lots of viewpoints, and shows like 60 Minutes dig down and expose the dirt. Sooner or later it all comes out. The other world view is that the stories the media tells us are basically fiction. I am referring not to the little details, but to the underlying interpretive narrative. We see pictures of troops in Iraq - that's real. We are told they are bringing democracy - that's fiction. A policy decision is made at the highest levels about how the war will be "spun". That view is articulated by government officials and shows up on CNN, BBC, SKY, etc. The rest of the Western media follows the line if for no other reason than that they would look silly if they didn't. Again, I think historical context is necessary for anyone to make this shift. You need to see that populations have been routinely lied to throughout history, in most nations. Particularly when warfare or imperial adventures are involved. There's always a fictional narrative about Noble Causes and carrying the flag to Do Good. The simple geopolitical considerations which actually drive the events are left out of the narrative. This is easier to see and accept when it's in the past. thanks again, rkm -------------------------------------------------------- Date: Sun, 18 Apr 2004 09:49:27 +0100 From: tstewart To: •••@••.••• Subject: RE: Events of 9-11 - What do you think? aside fact tidbit... all german purchases of commercial airliners are stripped of their electronic nav systems. guess german security maybe know about the override backdoor, and aren't going to let themselves get done. This has been standard practice with them since long before the hit... as to psychology, in my exchanges, theres firstly, *no way, they couldn't/wouldn't* then *too much control, too organised* [which is contradictory given the reciprocal] or in Postmodernese, that its a totalizing closure, and any such conclusion is unsustainable...nothing that tidy, all the loose ends, can be anything but a work of fiction... but the killer is the pragmatic....even if this is 'true', it doesn't leave us anything to do. its uncomfortable to believe, so i won't. and here, rightly as you said, we are into psychology, or more accurately psychoanalysis, the realms of repression... but also the loneliness. a voice alone, in the wilderness, often stays silent. Thanks yet again for your work. ------------------------ Dear t, You hit on the same major points raised by Fred (above). These seem to be the biggies, and they are both about a shift in world view. No one is going to make such a shift over an event surrounded by such controversy as 9/11 is. That would be tail wagging the dog of the belief system. Given that none of us really knows how we can change things, it is indeed frightening to accept that we are basically helpless pawns in the hands or ruthless unaccountable masters. To believe that puts one out in the cold, so to speak. Perhaps we are dealing with yet another shift in life perspective: the acceptance of insecurity as a basic fact of life - We are like dust in the wind, impermanent and blown by forces beyond our understanding. It's a spiritual thing, the "impermanence of all things", it's about the inevitability of death. It's something you need to accept before you can get beyond it to the other side. Once you see that there is no real safety, no sure path, then you are free to act. Instead of seeking the safe path to align yourself with, you are free to create your own path. Again, this kind of shift in perspective is not likely to be considered in the context of a 9/11 discussion. thanks for your contribution to this thread, rkm -------------------------------------------------------- Date: Sun, 18 Apr 2004 01:58:37 -0400 From: Isaacs To: •••@••.••• Subject: Re: Events of 9-11 - What do you think? rkm > So again I ask the question. You in the jury, what do you believe about 9-11? And why? Hello Richard, It seems to me that the lack of interception needs a detailed explanation from the U.S. "authorities" ( everybody seems to favour that word so I just thought that I would use it too ). However, just like the validity of Bush's "election" one must suspect that the questions surrounding 9/11 will remain unanswered. Time presses on and the likelihood of answers, as well their significance, diminishes daily. Whether they executed it or not, the Bush administration has leveraged 9/11 into an impending catastrophe for America that goes far beyond any direct 9/11 consequences. America is disliked and distrusted. The military is stretched to the breaking point in an Iraq that has been spun out of control. The oil dependency grows by the day. The trade imbalance grows and the once mighty greenback is in retreat. The blue collar jobs have left for China. The white collar jobs are departing for India. My juror's decision is that 9/11 has been mishandled so badly that it has brought forward America's decline and fall by several decades. The "election" of George W. Bush has been deadly for America. The hijacking of American democracy is proving to be fatal. The lack of real democracy has left America without an immune system and the wound from 9/11 has quickly become a lethal infection. Who was responsible simply no longer matters. Regards, Paul Isaacs ----------- Dear Paul, You say: > 9/11 has been mishandled so badly that it has brought forward America's decline and fall by several decades. When you say "mishandled", you are implying that someone is bungling, that they are not getting the results they intended. You are suggesting that the White House is disappointed with the way things have turned out, and wishes it had done things differently. Do you really believe that is the case? In fact, there is little for the White House to be disappointed about. They have succeeded in establishing the framework for their New American Century. Under the banner of the War On Terrorism they can now invade anywhere they want to, and get by with it. With propaganda, fear tactics, and appeals to patriotism, they manage to maintain the necessary level of public support. While we may not like the direction of the US economy, Halliburten and Bush's other corporate cronies are raking in megabucks of our money with military spending and construction projects in Iraq. The decline of the US economy is not a result of bungling - what we are seeing is a systematic looting of our treasury and resources. It's part of globalization, of privatization, of the fascist takeover. GW Bush had earlier such experience when he participated in looting the S&L Industry. If you can see this, then it does make a difference who was responsible for 9/11. You can then see that 9/11 was not an event that caused certain changes, rather it was an operation designed to enable those changes. You say: > just like the validity of Bush's "election" one must suspect that the questions surrounding 9/11 will remain unanswered. What do you mean by "unanswered"? I suspect that you mean, "will not be answered in the mainstream media"... When it finally shows up on 60 Minutes, or Meet The Press, or the New York Times, then finally it's real. All else is speculation, preliminary theorizing. Am I on the right track? It's strange how most of us give the media so much credibility, so much legitimacy. It's built into our language - we watch the "news", implying that we are seeing the new things that are happening. We don't say we are watching the "corporate story feed", which is closer to the truth. But to give up on the media is a bit like giving up on religion - it leaves you with a big vacuum. You're losing the Third Estate, an almost official branch of our political system. It leaves you in the position of needing to decide for yourself what is true. Scary stuff. cheers, rkm -- ============================================================ "...the Patriot Act followed 9-11 as smoothly as the suspension of the Weimar constitution followed the Reichstag fire." - Srdja Trifkovic There is not a problem with the system. The system is the problem. Faith in humanity, not gods, ideologies, or programs. _____________________________ cyberjournal home page: http://cyberjournal.org "Zen of Global Transformation" home page: http://www.QuayLargo.com/Transformation/ QuayLargo discussion forum: http://www.QuayLargo.com/Transformation/ShowChat/?ScreenName=ShowThreads cj list archives: http://cyberjournal.org/cj/show_archives/?lists=cj newslog list archives: http://cyberjournal.org/cj/show_archives/?lists=newslog 'Truthout' excellent news source: http://www.truthout.org subscribe addresses for cj list: •••@••.••• •••@••.••• ============================================================