* Mexico City: The Spirit Of Resistance *


Richard Moore

Original source URL:

        The people of Mexico have shown they're fed up with decades
        of fraud, corruption and abuse and for months have taken to
        the streets in numbers large enough to make a difference and
        for the world to take note. They're joined in protest by
        their comrades in Oaxaca, other states, and by Subcomandante
        Marcos and the many thousands of his supporters and
        organizations across the country. He's leading them in his
        national Zapatista Other Campaign organized outside the
        political process to end Mexico's unjust economic system of
        neoliberal predatory capitalism wanting to replace it with a
        democratic system of social and economic justice for the
        people in a country long denied either.

 The Spirit Of Resistance
In Mexico City
By Stephen Lendman

National Action Party (PAN) candidate Felipe Calderon had center stage at 12:01 
AM, December 1 at the presidential residence of Los Pinos as Mexico's new 
president addressed the country on national television after a brief stealth 
swearing-in ceremony for him to the office he didn't win and will now assume 
illegitimately because of the fraud-laden electoral coup d'etat that gave it to 
him. He then had to be slipped in a back door of the Congress later that morning
to take the oath of office there, as constitutionally required, in a second 
"lightning-fast" chaotic ceremony preceded by a brawl between lawmakers for and 
against the new president who then left as fast as he entered and is now off to 
a rocky start.

At the same time, outside in Mexico City's streets, hundreds of thousands of 
people assembled early in the morning in the vast Zocalo square supporting 
opposition Democratic Revolution Party (PRD) candidate Andres Manuel Lopez 
Obrador, who changed his earlier plans to march on Congress and instead held a 
peaceful mass-protest march of his supporters through the city center to avoid 
clashes with the police that might have turned violent. It went as far as 
Chapultepec Park, the entrance to the secured area, to demonstrate opposition to
Mr. Calderon and to support Lopez Obrador who was denied the presidency he won 
now handed over illegitimately to Mr. Calderon. Obrador told the crowd his fight
will continue because "it is not possible that there are no democratic elections
in Mexico. We are not rebels without a cause, like the media want to portray us.
Sometimes they forget the real issue at hand, they forget that we were robbed of
the presidential election."

Earlier on Tuesday, November 28, opposition legislators occupied the speaker's 
podium in the Parliament's Chamber of Deputies lower house where Calderon was 
scheduled to be sworn in as is customary. They remained there, humiliating Mr. 
Calderon and forcing him first to settle for a well-guarded private bewitching 
hour ceremony, unprecedented in the country's history, and then have to repeat 
it in the brawling environment of the lower house and mass-opposition controlled
anger in the streets outside. Not a good way to begin a presidency that may not 
get any easier ahead. It led the Council on Hemispheric Affairs (COHA) on 
December 1 to write an article with the long and ominous title - "With 
Calderon's Deeply Troubled Inauguration Last Night, Amidst a Deteriorating 
Security Situation in Oaxaca, the Possibility of a New Mexican Revolution Cannot
Be Ruled Out." What COHA didn't say was that it appears that revolution may have
already begun and is beginning to spread slowly throughout most parts of the 
country where "the people the color of the earth" live and are now demanding 
their rights.

In the earlier wee-hours ceremony COHA referred to, Calderon was presented the 
tri-color ceremonial sash by outgoing PAN president Vincente Fox, and it now 
remains to be seen what he can do with it as he assumes his new office in a 
weakened position against an opposition with vast support determined to continue
resisting his legitimacy. For weeks following the fraud-laden July 2 general 
election, mass protests filled the streets of Mexico City and its vast Zocalo 

The struggle continued in an atmosphere of post-election turmoil that energized 
the Mexican public including the courageous people of Oaxaca who've been 
battling since May for the rights they've long been denied including the removal
of the corrupt and repressive state governor Ulises Ruiz and united to do it by 
forming the Popular Assembly of the People of Oaxaca (APPO). They're now faced 
off against 4500 of the country's Federal Preventative Police (PFP) and thuggish
paramilitary assassins sent to the state to target them. Still, they've stood 
their ground bravely in their determined confrontation that shows no signs of 
ending despite brutal police harassment on the streets with tear-gassing, 
illegal home searches and seizures, people disappeared, many dozens or hundreds 
illegally arrested for protesting injustice and falsely accused of "hindering 
free passage, sedition, criminal association, conspiracy, theft, rebellion, and 
threats" and at least 17 killed including American documentary filmmaker and 
journalist Brad Will and dozens wounded.

Weeks before the early morning stealth inauguration in Mexico City, the ruling 
PAN party set up a militarized zone around the Chamber of Deputies in the 
capital preparing for whatever might unfold in the run-up to December 1 and its 
aftermath still to come. The area was turned into an armed camp with 1200 elite 
PFP in riot gear along with Police of the Presidential Guard manning checkpoints
in the surrounding streets in an atmosphere of martial law that persists and may
signal trouble ahead on the streets of Mexico City similar to what's now 
happening in Oaxaca and beginning to spread elsewhere.

In addition, three-meter high metal fences were erected around the Chamber of 
Deputies building and remain in place, closing it off like a fortress needing 
protection from the people of Mexico the elected leaders are supposed to 
represent but never do in a country with a long tradition of authoritarian rule,
corruption, dismissiveness of peoples' rights, and service only to the interests
of wealth and power. The scene there represents an ominous symbol of state 
repression past and more likely to come that Felipe Calderon signaled on 
November 20 when he said: "My government will make use of all the force of the 
Mexican state, with the laws at hand and the power of the institutions. This is 
a war that we are going to win..."

Straightaway, this man shows he means it by his appointment of Jalisco Governor 
Francisco Ramirez Acuna to the powerful post of Interior Minister that 
effectively puts him in charge of state-directed repression. He assumes his new 
office with a well-earned reputation in his home state as a hard line 
authoritarian known for cracking down on protesters and imprisoning dissidents 
while, at the same time, allowing narco-traffickers and criminal entrepreneurs 
safe haven under his jurisdiction and benefitting along with them.

He, Mr. Calderon, and others in the new government will get plenty of support 
for what they have in mind from the Bush administration. It has its eye on 
exploiting all remaining parts of Mexico it hasn't yet gotten its hands on since
it grabbed so much of it from the IMF-imposed structural adjustment policies of 
the 1980s that resulted in large-scale privatizations of state-owned industries,
economic deregulation favorable to Washington, and mandated wage restraint that 
held pay increases below the rate of inflation whenever any were gotten at all.

Calderon and Bush will also be close allies working together to further the 
business gains already in place from the destructive 1994 NAFTA agreement that 
predatory corporate giants benefitted hugely from and now want to broaden into a
North American union, effectively erasing the borders of the three 
NAFTA-participating countries and surrendering the sovereignty of the two 
smaller ones to the hegemony of the one dominant one, adversely affecting the 
people of all three countries who always end up the losers in deals like this, 
if it happens.

If the opposition in Mexico has any say about it, post-election schemes cooked 
up by the PAN in service to its dominant northern neighbor may not go as 
planned. Opposition PRD candidate Lopez Obrador (ALMO, as he's affectionately 
known) promises to resist the new illegitimate government, and on November 20 
(the anniversary date of Mexico's 1910 revolution) conducted his own swearing-in
ceremony in Mexico City's Zocalo as Mexico's "legitimate president" before 
hundreds of thousands of supporters. He named his cabinet members joining him 
and told the crowd "There are millions of Mexicans who are not willing to accept
more abuses (and that his) legitimate government (would work for the poor)." He 
added Mr. Calderon (he calls a US "puppet") "cannot feel secure (in the office 
he didn't win and he's) the lowly servant of the white-collar criminals (who 
stole it for him)." He also presented 20 measures he intends to work for 
including preventing the privatization of the nation's energy sector Big US Oil 
has long eyed to control.

The battle lines are now drawn and began peacefully on the streets near the 
Parliament building on December 1 in response to Lopez Obrador asking his 
supporters to come out in them in protest with more sure to follow. Security 
forces have been there for months and will be aligned against them whenever 
they're in the streets or square and were joined by hundreds of Navy officers 
deployed around the Parliament, at least for the inauguration, already protected
by several thousand elite police and members of the Presidential Guard. This was
just day one of round one as Felipe Calderon begins his potentially turbulent 
six-year term in office that may hold many surprises as it unfolds.

The people of Mexico have shown they're fed up with decades of fraud, corruption
and abuse and for months have taken to the streets in numbers large enough to 
make a difference and for the world to take note. They're joined in protest by 
their comrades in Oaxaca, other states, and by Subcomandante Marcos and the many
thousands of his supporters and organizations across the country. He's leading 
them in his national Zapatista Other Campaign organized outside the political 
process to end Mexico's unjust economic system of neoliberal predatory 
capitalism wanting to replace it with a democratic system of social and economic
justice for the people in a country long denied either.

Events ebb and flow south of the border, but overall the atmosphere's electric 
and more ripe for change now than it's been since Emiliano Zapata Salazar's 
heroic efforts led a national revolutionary movement against the Porfirio Diaz 
dictatorship in 1910 that overthrew him the following year. It was historic and 
now is a symbol of what courageous people hope will ignite a new spirit of 
resistance leading to change in what may be a watershed moment in Mexico's 

It it happens, it won't come without struggle. Mexican governments aren't known 
for yielding easily to protests against their authority, and this one can expect
plenty of help from the Bush administration already reeling from the opposition 
it faces in a growing number of Latin American nations and sure to become more 
hostile and determined to resist new threats in the region as they arise. For 
Washington, Mexico is the cornerstone of the hemisphere it feels it has a lien 
on and losing it would be another catastrophic blow adding to its strategic 
defeats in the Middle East brought on by the Bush administration's arrogance, 
blunders and ineptness.

The people of Mexico have other ideas, they're now playing out in real time, and
as events ahead unfold it may be that Mexican history will be made in the hearts
of the people and the spirit they show in the streets they take to and not in 
the halls of power where it usually happens.

Stephen Lendman lives in Chicago and can be reached at 
•••@••.•••. Also visit his blog site at 
sjlendman.blogspot.com.{rtf1macansicpg10000cocoartf824 cocoasubrtf420


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