Marti Oakley: House passes Food Fascism Act


Richard Moore

Bcc: contributors

The Jackasses did it! HR 2749 the Seizure of the 
US food supply and production passed the House
Despite some really eloquent speeches to the contrary, our ‘for sale’ House of Representatives passed the Food Fascism Act euphemistically called a food safety act, by a margin of about 140 over the naysayers.
True to form, Rosa DeLauro spoke about things she knows nothing about and couldn’t care less;  Rosa just loves her some Monsanto!
And that exclusion for farms??? Gone!  And that includes you organic idiots who thought you had kissed enough behinds to have your industry excluded.
The newly revised bill that appeared overnight after the original was defeated 29th of July, now includes all those farms we were told would not be affected by this legislation.  Of course those big agri-corporations made out like bandits. Biopiracy is going to have a profitable future thanks to the political whores in congress we call our representatives.
The entire HR 2749 bill was completely wiped and replaced with an amendment that was the text of another bill similar to, but far more lethal than the first.  Now, please tell me again that backroom deals and pre-planned votes don’t happen in congress.  To make it look bi-partisan, some Democrats voted no, and some Republicans voted yes.  This was to make you think they had actually debated and considered what they all intended to do anyway.
The bill that passed does only two seizes control of food production and supply and then hands it over to big agri-corporations.  The remaining content of the bill is a primer on enforcement – meaning all the powers they have granted themselves to prevent you from claiming Constitutional protections, and enabling them to violate your rights on multiple levels..all for food safety of course.
There is NOTHING in this bill that will address, prevent or otherwise affect the safety of food.  This was federal encroachment which will be extended to the states with the cooperation of state officials.  This bill did nothing but establish a police agency, granting it massive and uncontrolled enforcement capabilities allowing it to make up even more rules to benefit its corporate sponsors, as it moves along.
Oh! And did I mention this will be done by expanding the FDA?  The FDA for god’s sake!
A November 2007 report titled “Subcommittee on Science and Technology, FDA Science and Mission at Risk” doc was a scathing review of the not only the inadequacies of FDA, but the fact that it in no way can assure the safety of food in the United States.
That report cited the massive failure of FDA to perform even its basic functions, going on to declare the agency’s problems were the result of corporate influence and funding. It should have been declared defunct right then and there, but of course the lobbyists who stalk the hallways of congress on behalf bio-pirates and other parasitic corporations just wouldn’t hear of such a thing.
I can only assume the report on the massive failure of FDA to operate on even a cursory level ended up in the restrooms to wipe the behinds of all those royal asses who hold down seats in the House and who voted today to end competition for industrialized corporate producers while wiping out family and independent operations.
And it wasn’t just the House that sold us out.  In the last few months various organic associations and other assorted producers came out with what they described as “myths on the net” about the intention of these bills.  These bills were not going to apply to family and independent farms and ranches and surely not to organic growers.  That was just internet hysteria!  I wonder who was hysterical last evening as this bill passed specifically bringing them under the expanded FDA authority?
And drinks all around!
I have no doubt that dinner and drinks were being supplied last evening by corporate lobbyists as a way to thank House members for passing this seizure of the US food production and supply. FDA was probably pouring the champagne.
I wonder if anyone thought to invite those organic groups?
Maybe they could give everyone a big dose of Vioxx when they arrive, spike it with a Gardasil shot and then wash it all down with a big giant super sized diet soda loaded with that yummy aspartame.  This should all be followed by a meal consisting of gmo infected fruits and veggies with a big slab of genetically altered meat just oozing antibiotics, growth hormones and the residues from chemicals of all kinds, shipped in from a country who gave their word they ‘inspected’ the food before shipping it.
After all, thanks to Henry Waxman and his cohorts in Constitutional Crime, that’s what is going to end up on our plates.
(C) 2009 Marti Oakley
July 31, 2009

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