* Mahboob A. Khawaja: Fallacy of Terrorism *


Richard Moore

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Fallacy of Terrorism
Role of Canadian Intelligence Agencies to Terrorize Citizens

By Mahboob A. Khawaja, Ph.D.

12/16/07 "ICH" -- - -Do cruelty, falsehood and wickedness have known faces and 
shapes? Only if you have experienced it, you will know it. If so, would you not 
strive to seek the protection of law and ultimate goal of justice? The quest for
justice itself presupposes injustice. In Western democracies, manufactured 
³suspicion² and individual opinions, not the facts of life, are fast becoming 
the criterion measurement of legal provisions to prosecute innocent citizens as 
alleged terrorist across North America and Europe. Guatanama Bay could well be 
identified as the ³Abu Ghraib² of America. The American led ³ war of choice²: 
perpetual war creating perpetual fear contributing to perpetual profits, the 
mutual alliance of the governments and mass media networks to carve up images of
Muslims and Islam as the focused creed of alleged terrorism. Eric Margolis (³ 
The big lie about ŒIslamic Fascism¹²: Aug 28, 2006), a distinguished Canadian 
journalist quotes the observation of Sir Peter Ustinov: ³terrorism is the war of
the poor, and war is the terrorism of the rich.²

Canadian Maher Arar was the first victim. He was guilty of traveling thru JFK 
shortly after the 9/11 attacks, but Canadian intelligence agencies identified 
him as a fundamentalist and security risk. He was suspected to have been 
involved in something that later on Canadian establishments could not prove 
except they arranged third party torture and victimize him for long time. The 
political dictum of ³suspicion² was used to imprison Maher Arar in Syria. How 
conveniently suspicion was transformed into accepted norm to arrest, imprison 
and torture Muslims throughout the Western world. ³Suspicion² became the 
threshold for police actions, not the societal laws to use force to demonstrate 
the opinions and preconceived notions of the few minority elite against the 
citizens.. History was re-enacted not learnt from, when people of Japanese 
origin were interned in Canada and the US during the 2nd WW. It was suspicion 
implied as law of the land ­ a political, moral and legal injustice to the 
citizens of Canada and America who had no role to play in the making of the WW2.
Half century later, both Canada and the US offered apology to those either in 
graveyards or their succeeding generations kept the harsh memory of sufferings 
alive. After the Maher Arar tragedy, it was Dr. Khawaja and his family, the next
targeted victims of the ³War on Terror.² According to the Globe and Mail (July 
18, 2005), President Bush had instructed Paul Martin to ³fix Khawaja.² On March 
29, 2004, Canadian Intelligence armed brigade attacked the Khawaja family 
residence in Orleans and at gunpoint arrested his wife and school children were 
called out of the classroom under the guise of ³bomb making² but found no 
evidence to support the accusation. The newspaper Citizens and CBC were 
instrumental to falsify the information base and articulated fear mongering 
fictitious episode to misinform the public. While this stunt was staged near the
capital, the agency formally requested Saudi Arabia to detain Dr. Khawaja who 
was teaching in a university. What were the charges against as per the 
documentary evidence? He is father of accused Momin Khawaja, who since March 
2004 is a political prisoner of conscience at a Canadian detention center 
without a trial on charges of ³terrorism² involvement in the UK case of March 
2004. The then Security Minister Ms. Anne McClellan denied ever requesting a 
foreign government to arrest the scholar. The real world events and documentary 
evidence provide a different picture that the Canadian Government was lying to 
safeguard its illegal action against its own citizen. Does a political Minister 
ever lie? Do agents of intelligence services ever lie? The honorable Judge 
presiding over the Maher Arar investigation clearly pointed out the history of 
misinformation and lies involving the official intelligence organizations. 
Consequently, the Chief of the one of the intelligence agency was asked to 

To poison the mindset of soft-hearted Canadian public thru the media screen, 
young Momin was chained to show the public that he is abnormal and dangerous to 
public interest, not that he has done anything wrong or illegal. Four years 
later, his case has not gone to trial because the government has no tangible 
evidence to prove the accusation in a public court. The prosecution uses dogmas,
not facts that a secret trial should be conducted to protect the interest of the
state. In a democratic valued society as Canada is, how ridiculous it seems that
if the prosecution is sure of its claim, why not have an open public trial? Why 
to look for escape from the real world? After all, what is so secret about 
political terrorism? Does it mean that informed public will no longer trust in 
the official version and realize that it was a political trial, not a criminal 
case to start with? Consequently, the masses will point finger at the continuing
failure of the intelligence services to use ³suspicion², and not the law of the 
land to prosecute its own citizens. Now the prosecution insists on a secret 
trial of Momin Khawaja whereas public opinions are questioning the official 
dictum. For Four years, Momin has been imprisoned for unproven allegations under
the law of suspicion to have participated in some conspiracy to bomb making 
theory. The defense lawyer Mr. Greenspon argues to have access to secret files 
on terror suspect and clarifies that ³MOMIN KHAWAJA IS AT RISK OF BEING WRONGLY 
DEFENCE AGAINST TERRORISM CHARGES.² Contrary to this, the prosecution claims 
that an open trial would harm the national security and relations with foreign 
governments. To defy logic and facts, the prosecution contends two distinct 
orders of TRUTH. Truth is One, not many, that it is a political trial as it is 
being identified by the Canadian Justice Department to be mindful of ³security 
policy² and relations with foreign governments ­ as the reasoning to hold the 
secret trial. In democratic governance, the official opinion is flawed, secret 
trials are a negation of liberty, human rights, freedom and justice ­ justice 
delayed is justice denied. Momin and his family are continued to be punished, 
not because they are guilty of any crimes except on suspicion; they are being 
treated as guilty of crimes without committing any crimes. In several 
communication, Dr. Khawaja asked the Federal Minster, why he and his family are 
being systematically victimized? The Minister would only reply with ³no 
comments.² Amnesty International asked the Canadian Government the same question
but got abstract reply. Would the new Progressive Conservative Canadian 
Government review its policy and take initiative to apologize from the innocent 
victims of its inherited policy on terrorism? Would it free Momin Khawaja after 
four years of harsh ordeal at a detention center? Would the current Minister of 
Security with first-hand knowledge of the issues initiate action and facilitate 
measures to deliver justice and compensate the Khawaja family for the state 
sponsored terrorism against its own citizens? After all President Bush is 
leaving the White House soon and perhaps Canada needs to see its own policy 
interest and national priorities rather than blindly follow the American 
adventures to undo the world peace and harmony. Eric Margolis sheds more light 
on the media created images fostered by the governmental policy sponsorship: ³ 
In the Western world, hatred of Muslims has become a key ideological hallmark of
rightwing parties. We see this overtly in the United States, France, Italy, 
Holland Šand most lately Canada.²

End cannot be assumed based on the notion of ³suspicion², and dogmas cannot 
replace truth to explain the facts of human life. When facts live in denial, 
dogmas construct dark illusions to assert the political agenda for encroachment 
of human rights, dignity and real freedom. The Canadian intelligence apparatus 
enjoys history of flawed record to victimize people under the ³war on terror.² 
Given the obvious public mistrust, they seem to be overwhelmingly occupied in 
building castles over moving sand. British author and producer Adam Curtis 
(³Power of Nightmares re-awakened² BBC), made attempts to re-awaken the human 
conscience that the myth of international terrorism is a misleading political 
phenomenon to embark on American ambitions of global hegemony. Michael Meacher, 
MP and former UK Minister of Environment of Blair¹s Cabinet points out to the 
same agenda (³This War on Terrorism is Bogus:²): ³It seems that the so called 
³war on terrorism² is being used largely as bogus cover for achieving wider US 
strategic geopolitical objectives.² On the part of targeted victims of this war 
of choice is similar to those cases of the 2nd WW internment of people of 
Japanese, German and Italian origins in North America. The search for justice 
itself implies the pr-existence of injustice. Justice and societal harmony 
cannot be preached in the name of illegal detentions and systematic torture of 
the citizens. Targeted victims look to human conscience to stop the continued 
political cruelty, violations of human rights and travesty of justice. Those 
whose lives have been destroyed by the false official claims of terrorism, do 
ask the living and THINKING People of the globe, could there be two distinct 
orders of truth? Is there any legal stipulations in Canada to prosecute state 
sponsored terrorism and wickedness?

Dr. Mahboob A. Khawaja, the author is a political scientist with interests in 
strategic studies and comparative cultures and civilizations affairs of Muslims 
and the West, and author of several publications including: Muslims and the 
West: Quest for Change and Conflict Resolution and ³Pakistan: Enigma of Change.²

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