Madsen: The CIA’s “Worldwide Attack Matrix”


Richard Moore

Original source URL:

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Sept. 4, 2006 -- The CIA's "Worldwide Attack Matrix" continues to target 
political leaders who stymie U.S. oil and natural gas company and other 
Bush-Cheney global plans. Created by then-CIA Director George Tenet in the 
aftermath of the 9-11 attacks, the CIA's "Worldwide Attack Matrix," a James Bond
007-style "License to Kill" designed to assassinate foreign "terrorists" 
regardless of where they live, has been used to eliminate troublesome rebel, 
progressive, and secessionist leaders who bear no threat against the United 
States but who threaten a number of U.S. energy company interests and other 
economic and political interests.

Former Baluchistan Governor and Chief Minister Nawab Akbar Khan Bugti, who 
served Pakistani leaders like President Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto (an ethnic Sindhi 
who was executed by a U.S.-backed military government) and ousted and jailed 
Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif, was recently brutally assassinated by the CIA- and 
US Special Forces-backed security forces of Pakistan's dictator General Pervez 
Musharraf (a so-called ally of the Bush-Cheney-Blair "Global War on Terror").  
Bugti, the charismatic 79-year Baluchi leader, was killed after he went 
underground in support of Baluchi autonomist forces who have become increasingly
opposed to Punjabi human rights violations against ethnic Baluchis. The Baluchi 
Liberation Army responded to Punjabi aggression against Baluchis by launching 
attacks against natural gas pipelines in Baluchistan -- tactics that immediately
earned the wrath of the oil-centric Bush-Cheney regime. Against the wishes of 
Pakistan's political and intelligence establishment, Musharraf ordered his 
forces to kill Bugti and against Muslim traditions, Bugti's body -- likely 
mutilated in the air attack assassination -- has not been returned to the family
for burial in accordance with Muslim religious tenets. Musharraf's actions 
received the full backing of the Bush administration, which defended the action 
as necessary to preserve a "strong and unified" Pakistan. The Bush crime cartel 
wants to clear Baluchistan of troublesome independence-minded tribal leaders 
like Bugti before construction gets fully underway on the Pakistan leg of the 
Central Asian Gas pipeline (CentGas) from Turkmenistan through Afghanistan and 
to the Arabian Sea in Baluchistan. The Bush cartel also wants to ensure that 
Baluchistan secessionists do not interfere in future military actions across the
Pakistani Baluchistan border into Iranian Baluchistan.

It is noteworthy that Bugti was opposed to Musharraf's and the Inter Services 
Intelligence (ISI) support for local Taliban forces who are using the area 
around Quetta, the Baluchistan capital, as a base to launch attacks against U.S.
"Coalition" forces in Afghanistan. For that reason, the assassination of Bugti 
earned the condemnation of the Hamid Karzai government in Afghanistan, as well 
as the government of India, which both realize that Musharraf and the ISI are 
the primary foreign backers of the Taliban. As the production of opium poppies 
reached an all-time high in the Afghan-Pakistan border areas, Bugti's opposition
to the Taliban opium smuggling pipelines also did not sit well with either 
Musharraf, ISI, or people like Richard Armitage, Musharraf's chief Washington 
backer, who is no stranger to the global opium trade, having dealt with Taliban 
and Burma's Golden Triangle opium smuggling in support of off-the-books U.S. 
intelligence operations during his entire intelligence career.

The "Worldwide Attack Matrix" assassination of Bugti is the latest in a string 
of U.S.-sanctioned killings of secessionist and rebel leaders since 9-11. Others
assassinated by U.S. intelligence assets include Theys Eluay, West Papuan 
independence leader killed by U.S.-trained Indonesian Special Forces in Nov. 
2001 (Freeport McMoRan, a U.S. mining company, wants the West Papuan 
independence forces eliminated); Abdullah Syafii, Free Aceh Movement leader 
killed by Indonesian Special Forces in northern Sumatra in January 2002. (The 
Aceh independence movement threatened the interests of Exxo0n Mobil in the 
secessionist province); Nigerian Justice Minister and Attorney General Chief 
Bole Ige, a Yoruba leader who championed the interests of the southern Nigerian 
tribes (Igbo, Ogoni, and Yoruba) people opposed to the influence of oil 
companies like Exxon Mobil and Chevron Texaco. Ige was killed by unknown 
assailants Ibadan in Nov. 2001; Elie Hobeika, Lebanese Christian leader who was 
opposed to U.S. plans for an oil and military terminus in Lebanon, killed by a 
car bomb in March 2002; Benjamin Hrangkhwal, leader of the northeast India 
National Liberation Front of Tripura, assassinated in February 2002  by 
U.S.-trained and supported Indian paramilitary forces trained at a nearby jungle
warfare training center; Mikael "Mike" Nassar, associate of Hobeika's, 
assassinated gangland-style in Brazil along with his wife; Archbishop of Cali, 
Isaias Duarte, opposed to U.S.- supported paramilitaries and their U.S. military
trainers, gunned down in front of his church in Mar. 2002; Angolan UNITA leader 
Jonas Savimbi, killed by a Kellogg, Brown & Root supported Angolan Army unit in 
March 2002. Savimbi, Ronald Reagan's one-time "George Washington of Africa," 
threatened U.S. oil interests in Angola and was eliminated, his body gruesomely 
laid out on a slab and photos transmitted by U.S. intelligence around the world 
as a warning to others; Colombia's FARC leader Salvador "Silverio" Vargas Leon, 
killed by U.S. private military contractors and Colombian army units in March 
2002. FARC threatened U.S. oil pipelines in Colombia; former Lebanese Prime 
Minister Rafik Hariri, assassinated in an October 2005 car bombing. Hariri was 
also opposed to neo-con military and oil pipeline terminus plans for Lebanon. 
Former Lebanese Communist Party leader George Hawi was eliminated in a carbon 
copy car bombing for the same reasons that Hobeika and Hariri were killed. Sudan
Vice President and Sudan People's Liberation Movement leader Dr. John Garang, an
ally of the United States, killed in a helicopter crash in July 2005 after he 
expressed opposition to U.S. oil company plans for southern Sudan. Assassination
carried out with the support of Ugandan President Yoweri Museveni, one of the 
Bush administration's chief clients in the region.

The Worldwide Assassination Matrix program works closely with U.S. Special 
Operations psychological warfare operations (Psyops) in transmitting gruesome 
images of the bodies of the assassinated targets around the world in attempt to 
warn others what awaits them if they do not fall into compliance with the 
Bush-Cheney-Blair agenda. Bugti's body is claimed by his son Talal to be lying 
frozen in a hospital as some sort of trophy.

The gruesome nature of Bush's Worldwide Attack Matrix is preceded in history by 
the photos of bodies and mortally wounded victims of Bush-influenced CIA and US 
Special Forces assassinations, as the following clearly demonstrate:

    [Photos of assassinated leaders appear in original]

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