The whole pattern of property ownership, as it exists today, is to a large extent the result of a long history of violence, coercion, theft, and corruption, on different scales, from the global to the local. There are no simple answers here, but if we want a world without violence and where rightful property is respected, we need to somehow undo the violence and theft of the past, whose residue still exists, embodied in the existing property-ownership regime.
As you know, our soon to be published books (Random House) on the hidden history of the First World War and events in the early 20th century, very clearly demonstrate the truth of your statement. Carroll Quigley, highly esteemed professor at Georgetown, Princeton, and Harvard, and who most certainly knew that of which he spoke, revealed how a small secret cabal of immensely wealthy and powerful Anglo- American individuals got together during the 1890s to formulate a long term plan (probably 150-200 years) to take control of the entire world. Grabbing South Africa’s rich gold fields from the Boers was step one. Half a million young men died in that deliberately created war, plus 25,000 innocent Boer women and children in the British concentration camps. Step two was destruction of the upcoming industrial rival, Germany. We all know that many millions died in that horrendous slaughter, but few know that it was very deliberately caused by the Money Power in the City and Wall Street, not by Germany.
In the years before and during WW1, the Secret Elite took control of virtually the entire banking, industrial and armaments might of the British Empire and the United States. We are talking here of fewer men than would be in one of your DF sessions. Namely, J. P. Morgan, J.D. Rockefeller, Jacob Schiff and Paul Warburg in the US, and Lord Nathaniel Rothschild in England. We have substantial evidence to prove that the great Wall St forces, Morgan, Schiff and Warburg were actually fronts for the Rothschild dynasty. Rather than fight the giant, Rockefeller gladly accepted Rothschild overtures to join them. This handful of men controlled the railroads, shipping, public utilities, coal and copper etc mining throughout the US and Britain. They controlled the press, the politicians and more importantly perhaps, they controlled the Federal Reserve System and the Bank of England. Professor Quigley clearly explains and details their ‘triple front penetration’ of politics, the press and education. Virtually every major geopolitical event over the last century stems from this tiny, all-powerful clique. Without a clear understanding of this, and the fact that the descendants and agents of these corrupt and malignant individuals remain in control of global ‘property’, attempts to release ourselves from their grip and move forward in creating the decent world we all desire, is impossible. As you well understand, Richard, their fascistic ‘New World Order’ is not far off.