From: jeff wefferson <•••@••.•••>
Date: 9 January 2012 00:49:53 GMT
To: •••@••.•••
NOTE FROM JEFF: Since 1945 homo sapiens, “man, the wise”, has been holding the nuclear ‘gun’ to his own head. But who does he think he’s fooling? When you take someone ‘hostage’, for example, you’re supposed to hold the gun to someone else’s head…not your own! It’s all far more insane than almost any of us dares to consider…and even more insane than the fact that all things nuclear even exist is the fact that almost all of us pretend that they aren’t even real! Our current scenario has all the makings of a fantastic Greek tragi-comedy; the only problem is that the ‘stage’ on which it is being enacted…maybe not for the first time but perhaps for the last?…just happens to be the only planet in the known universe that harbours life as we currently know her: Mother Earth. In the early years of the scenario, the only threat of ‘nuclear war’ was from American imperialism; since they were the “good guys”, it was ok for them to be the lone nuclear power. But once the ‘evil empire’ of the USSR had them (which occurred only five years later, and was part of the plan all along…a ‘playing off’ of two opposing super-powers in a shadow-government ‘chess match’ master-minded by former Nazi intelligence director Reinhard Gehlen who laid the foundation for the CIA and the National Security Council in America-to accelerate the engines of the military-industrial complex on behalf of the banking cartel) then the “Cold War” was under way, and the juggernaut of nuclear proliferation reared its mutant head.
“Nuclear war” is nothing new and actually began with the Trinity test in 1045, and has continued unabated ever since. According to Dr. Tedd Weymann, any practice or process that spreads ionising radiation into the biosphere is in fact ‘nuclear war’ and includes the 2000+ atmospheric detonations, hundreds or thousands of under-ground and submarine detonations; the effects and side-effects of the nuclear reactor/weapons industry, with its astronomical quantities of mining tailings and high-level wastes, consisting of close to 2000 synthetic radio-nuclides not occurring in nature, many with half-lives on the order of thousands of years or more, and all of them posing extreme health threats to biological life. These waste products, the most deadly substances known to exist in the known universe, are sitting in rusty drums at the bottom of oceans, buried in holes, wells and trenches around the world, stored at leaky facilities on-site at every reactor that exists (maybe as many 600 in the world). Countless nuclear “accidents” have occurred as well, not all of which we know anything about; we think of Three Mile Island, Chernobyl and most recently Fukushima, but many dozens more have happened. Many of these disasters may not have been “accidental” or “natural”, in the same way that the hundreds of thousands of kilograms of DU (‘depleted uranium’, a euphemism for radioactive wastes including high-level actinides manufactured into bullets and artillery shells for use by NATO forces) were not “accidentally” deployed all over the world.
We tend to forget…or maybe never realized that…all things nuclear are weapons per se…against biological life. Companies like General Electric, for example (who had co-existing directors in America and Nazi Germany) designed and built nuclear reactors, nuclear weapons, and television, the “atomic bomb of the mind.” From the beginning, reactors and their spent fuel pools have been regarded as “terrorist targets.” Translation of double-speak: reactors were designed to be blown up in order to disperse radio-nuclides as efficiently as possible. Hence, their strategic locations close to major population centres and/or directly on major fault lines.
ALL of this constitutes “nuclear war”, although we tend to think of it only in terms of pyro-technic displays like Hiroshima and Nagasaki. “Nuclear war” actually began as soon as we started to dig out radium and uranium from sacred indigenous lands; it is the fulfilment of our collective karma from pretending to ‘live’ in an ‘industrial civilization’ based on raping the Earth to stand where we are now, on the very brink of an ALL-OUT nuclear war.
The possibility is extremely real: Iran has been targeted with ‘regime change’ ever since the “Project for a New American Century” came on-line with 9/11 and in particular with ‘technetronic architect’ Zbigniew Brzezinski back in the White House. Zbig is top visionary and “Guild navigator” for the Zionist banking over-lords who are in fact the “reptilian brain” of the New World Order; that Amerika is doing Israeli ‘dirty work’ cannot be denied. We already know that these possibly-already-somewhat-trans-human ‘people’ are stark-raving mad by anyone’s standards; do ‘they’…a subset of “US”…really believe that ‘they’ aren’t going to be adversely affected by astronomical increases in global bio-spheric radio-nuclides, still-on-going and growing from Fukushima, and possibly to go to the next level if Iran is nuked or even “conventionally” bombed?
Remember, Iran is fully armed with state-of-the-art RUSSIAN missiles; this isn’t going to be a lop-sided orgy of mass-destruction of a super-power squashing an ant. IF they retaliate in response to being attacked first…as they already are in actuality…Israel as a land could go up in a puff of smoke, and it would probably be the first target. Targets in Amerika or Europe could be hit; China would certainly get in on the action. For all we know, this being 2012 and all, an all-out nuclear war could be what precipitates the long-heralded fake “alien…invasion? To save us from ouselves?” If Jesus were to disembark the ‘alien vessel’…that would solve it all, wouldn’t it?
I would have to say “Be ready for anything” in the way of real-world disaster modulated by and blended with fabricated/synthetic/simulated ‘terror’ and hallucination. Remember…there’s a “scatology” in “eschatology.”
And/or would this qualify as Armageddon? Funny how biblical “prophecy” and “Earth changes” ALL seem to be coming true because WE ARE DOING IT OURSELVES, with the assistance of our most advanced technologies. Will the radiation-proof Kurzweil trans-humans be left standing on all three legs, in post-Frankensteinian glory, to live on an irradiated Earth ‘forever’? Will this have been the “second coming”…or the collective “near death experience” we seem to be craving, but “gone live” and become our collective “real death experience”?
2012 is here…the year that “something is going to happen.” If full-on “nuclear war” does transpire, will we even know? The skies might darken as “nuclear winter” dawns but, hey, a lot of people don’t even notice chem-trails…why would a gradually and permanently darkening sky matter to them? No ‘news’ or mass-media will even mention it, nor will any ‘environmental’ organizations; Robama and the “glass teat” will keep on telling us not to worry, everything is ok, go shopping and here, drink more milk because the EPA just determined that strontium-90 is a nutrient…and be sure to watch the latest Springer Show re-runs.
Maybe ALL this “nuclear war with Iran” stuff is after all just another attention-grabbing hoax and sabre-rattling display, you know, in the tradition of Andy Kaufman; unfortunately, a large number of highly unpredictable variables are at work, not the least of which are the limits of human insanity…or lack of them.
Amerika and Israel have gradually been turning up the heat on Iran in recent months and weeks. Last week Israel apparently got the “green light” from Robama. With these guys having the same name, the missing ‘third member’ was of course, Osama. Who knows, we could still see him yet again!
With global radiation levels already at an all-time high from Fukushima, what better opportunity for the NWO techno-fascists to go live with ‘war games’ and test out their new array of technetronic ground, sea, air and space-based weapons systems? And in the past few days, Iran and Russia have made a huge step towards eliminating the use of the U.S. dollar as their medium of exchange with each other. THIS is quite similar to the move Japan made to eliminate their use of U.S. dollars…only days before Fukushima!
All too real, however…and already released…yet undetectable to our senses…is the trans-biblical “plague” of ionising radiation brought into being and disseminated by our own actions.
I think the whales and dolphins may have witnessed something like this before. They have safe places to go we don’t even know about and can certainly ride out a prolonged anthropogenic “nuclear winter” without too much inconvenience, in the same way that they’ve probably ridden out huger cosmic catastrophes affecting the Earth. They must marvel at how “man, the wise” can expend so much time and energy to re-enact his own destruction.
THANKS to Michael Chossudovsky at Global Research and folks like Bob Nichols, Leuren Moret, Dr. Chris Busby and Deborah Dupree for keeping the nuclear awareness on the screen!
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