---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Wed, 29 Aug 1956 18:09:21 -0700 To: •••@••.••• From: Jan Slakov Subject: a comment on recent postings Dear Richard, I just thought I'd like to give you some feedback on your recent postings; I generally like to hear from people who get my postings. It strikes me that we can see how differently you and I perceive the situation now, partly from the type of postings we're sending out. I still believe, as you clearly do, that the US government was not innocent in the Sept. 11 attacks, which have been trotted out as the pretext for this war. But I think the importance of getting that information out now is much less so than before. It seems quite clear that the US empire is on its way out. the information you're sending out about how horrible that empire is will help motivate people to bring about the end sooner rather than later.... But people need other information too. I think people need to hear about the encouraging things that are happening. Then people will be less afraid of the collapse of the empire they have been depending on... and they will see where they can direct their energies in positive ways. Actually, I'm kind of surprised that your comments about the upcoming war are so disheartened. You suggest, at the end, that people do something to prevent this war. That is precisely what is so exciting: people are doing all kinds of things, even organizing general strikes, even a high level US diplomat resigning, ... many, many more people than would have before now think this war is a war for power/oil and they are opposed to it... It's true that all our efforts may not be enough to prevent the US from this horrific attack (and the other night, when the truth of that hit me, I was in tears) but still, what is happening now is truly historic and thrilling I think. Remember we once wrote about the importance of not being too attached to the outcome. This is a case in point, I think. All these anti-war efforts may not succeed in the short term, but they are so important nonetheless... I actually believe that things like intention and thoughts and love do count, all by themselves... Whether or not people are actually killed and countries destroyed counts too but so do the un-measurable things... Anyhow, I hope this message might help you allow yourself to feel more hope and excitement... I am sad that it is taking such terribly stupid actions on the part of the US regime to wake people up, but I am still very happy that people really are waking up. You too? Luv & all the best, Jan ---------------------- rebel jan, Very nice to hear from you. As usual, you speak eloquently and from the heart. I am pleased to be able to share your words with our lists. It's been quite a while. --- I am always amused (as we used to say) when people assume I'm "disheartened" or that I don't feel "hope and excitement". There's always someone who responds that way when a posting outlines How Bad It Is. The reasoning seems to go like this... "If things are really that bad, then there is obviously no hope". Or perhaps it's something like, "If one articulates how bad it is, one must be hung up on that, constrained by that." Or something similar. From my perspective the issue is, "What is my role as a communicator?", or "What is the best way to spend those moments that I can devote to the list?". That is, I'm not using postings to express how I feel; rather I'm striving to Say What Needs To Be Said, based on What I Understand To Be True, and my perception of our readers' State Of Understanding. All of us worldwide are being deluged by an intense and shifting propaganda campaign. Right before our eyes a matrix world is being created and managed. It is a world that 40% or so of Americans believe in. They really believe Sadam ranks top on the worldwide list of Bad Guys [He doesn't], that Iraq will be helped by military intervention [It won't]... and they assume that the sincere mission of the troops will be to eliminate weapons of mass destruction and liberate the Iraqi people [Not a chance]. And they believe "collateral damage" is accidental [Almost never]. Even those who sneer at the "consensus view" (those who aren't trapped in the matrix) find themselves shifted by that matrix. They must go out of their way to preface their remarks with a tribute to the myth, "Well yes, Sadam must be replaced, but...". The matrix is like a magnetic field that pulls the whole fabric of public discussion toward one side of the spectrum. If we even talk about Sadam, we are being coerced by that matrix. He's not the point at all. There is no Iraqi crisis, there is a Washington crisis. Sadam is just the evil face on TV, like in Orwell's "1984". A manufactured cartoon figure designed to focus our attention. He's the colorful handkerchief that distracts us while the rabbit is being slipped under the tablecloth. In such a situation, I think it is important that Radio Reality broadcast frequent Reality Bulletins on its Pirate Frequency, tapping into the Internet Mainframe. That is, there need to be voices that articulate the meaning of these momentous, historic events in their real context. Without bending to the warped fabric of the matrix construction. Within my limited capacity, I try to be one of those voices. And I do get feedback frequently from people who say things have been clarified for them, they are grateful for that, and they have forwarded the material on to others. --- This has nothing to do with being hopeful or being disheartened. It is simply a matter of documenting the current state of the world, based on the latest reports that have come in and been deciphered. It is a matter of being realistic about what we are facing, staring right into its heart, and seeing the full scope of what needs to be overcome. It is a matter of being sure we don't bury our heads in the sand as a way to find false hope. --- You say, "It seems quite clear that the US empire is on its way out. the information you're sending out about how horrible that empire is will help motivate people to bring about the end sooner rather than later." This is the kind of comment that shows me the necessity of issuing these Reality Bulletins. With no disrespect, I see no evidence of any immanent or inevitable end to the "US Empire". And yet in the final analysis, you will see that I basically agree with you! We do seem to have an unprecedented breadth and variety of global and vocal opposition, which is certainly significant. Lots of Internet traffic is about that opposition these days, and several recent cj/rn postings have been devoted to that topic. But we must keep in mind that this opposition is in response to a provocation (Washingon's lawlessness) which is equally unprecedented in its arrogance, it's level of violence, and its immediacy. Unfortunately, when the dust settles and CNN tells us that democracy has come to Iraq, then this global uprising is likely to fade away. Sad but likely. The precedents are numerous. It could be different this time, and we'll get back to that. The US Empire will not be dethroned by any sudden Storming Of The Bastille. Nor will it be dethroned by Responding To Crises. "They" manufacture all the crises, and they can pace their crises so as to stay just ahead of the curve of critical-mass opposition. It's a simple matter of listening to focus groups, tuning the propaganda, and implementing mid-course corrections to operational missions - all orchestrated by highly paid professionals. Even now Bush could pull back from the Gulf - if his handlers told him he needed to. And then the world would back anything else he demanded out of gratitude and relief. That's not a position of weakness. It is also important to remember that the Nazis would never have been overthrown from within The Reich. If Stalin hadn't defeated them, then only the US could have done it - with the A-Bomb. The combination of police power and propaganda provided the Nazis with a secure grip on internal power. Our situation today is very much like that. Indeed it is an intentional carbon copy, following even the same sequence (Reichstag Fire, removal of rights, ultra-patriotism, stripping citizenship, aggressive imperialism, etc. etc.). --- Does this leave us in a state of despair? Not unless you believe no effective action is possible in such a scenario. What causes despair for me is when people say, "That's all too much, I choose to believe instead that things are better than that." That's the head-in-sand response, it takes one out of the game, makes ones actions more likely to be futile. Real change can only begin when we understand that stopping the war will not help, electing progressive candidates will not help, election reform will not help, media reform will not help, restoring the Constitution will not help. All of those things simply put us back to where we were a few decades ago - a situation that has led us inevitably to where we are now. I saw it coming and that's what I've mostly been writing about all these years. We need to change the basic relationship between the people and governance, and we need to change the relationship of humanity to the world around it. We need democracy and we need sustainability. Not because they are Desirable, but because they are Necessary For Our Survival as a Healthy Species. Exploitive Economics is a fatal diseases on a finite Earth. Elite rule obscures that fact - those in control can see to their own survival and sacrifice everyone else in the gears of the system, like so many scalped redskins. Only genuine grass roots democracy can end elite rule. --- How does the current wave of global opposition relate to the kind of movement that could really change things? When people begin mobilizing, for whatever reason, there is only one positive outcome that is possible - if we are seeking real change. That outcome is the emergence of a Sense of Popular Empowerment, and Popular Identity - We The People as an alive and able entity. If the mobilization has an objective - ending the war - and that objective is achieved, then there is little chance of the positive outcome - the movement fades away. Ironically, and unfortunately for the millions that will die, the aggressive attack on Iraq could be the catalyst that transforms the anti-war movement into an empowerment movement, a global democracy movement. Out of misery is born hope. Such is the nature of Shiva, Hidu god of both Destruction and Creativity, two sides of the same coin. If Bush goes ahead, as he is likely to do on the 18th of March (according to secret orders issued last week to the commanders), then it will be abundantly clear to all that the global regime has no concern whatever for public will. All these top-to-bottom, round-the-world protests and resignations mean nothing to them. They no longer see the need to even pretend that democracy exists, that international law exists, or that human life has any value. Barrels of crude oil are worth more than millions of Iraqi lives. That will be the clear meaning of Bush's fireworks. There are some very promising ingredients in this horrible but likely scenario. We have a global movement which is being ignored, and we have the televised horror of the attack. The response of the movement is likely to be one of serious outrage - not only at the violence but also at the arrogance of the regime. The regime is in some sense laying down the gauntlet. It is saying "Fuck you all!", which can also be heard as, "So, what you gonna do about it?". That kind of outrage - in the face of ongoing provocation on daily television - could be a powerful unifying force. If enough people feel strongly enough that outrage could be turned into effective collective action. But effective at what? Not at making noise. That's like a whining baby begging for attention. It is a sign of dependency. Effective action means doing things that COMMAND the attention of the regime, things that demonstrate the power of the people. The most obvious example is a general strike. Students cannot have a general strike; they can only have a student strike. A general strike is when EVERYONE - or a reasonable approximation - stops running the system for an agreed period. For ten days, let's say, no ship sails, truck rolls, or plane flies - unless the military are doing it themselves. No one goes to school and no one shows up at the office, except for utilities and medical & emergency services. Instead there are discussions, celebrations, and teach-ins. That's a General Strike. And on a global scale it would get the attention of the regime. It would cut into profits. It would threaten their arrogant and all-too-easy control. It would scare them shitless. This leaves us with two questions which I would like to say something about in closing... (1) "Will the current protest movement - boosted by arrogant US provocation - be strong enough to carry off actions at the scale of a general strike?" (2) What would be the appropriate follow-on, after Commanding the Attention of the regime?" I don't have any good information or even intuition about the first question. How strong is the movement? Those of you more in touch with the on-the-ground organizations might have some insights for us. When I hear a spirit of hope from an activist like Jan that gives me hope as well. The spirit itself is the thing, really, even if Jan & I disagree on some of the finer points of debate. In the end, we share the same vision and hope. My role in this is to write what I'm writing. If anyone reads this who has any inputs to the organizations at work out there, my advice is to focus on Building Empowerment Through Solidarity, and organizing around those Collective Actions that Command Attention - as opposed to begging for attention. I would also emphasize the use of consensus in movement deliberations. That's all I can say about Question 1. As for "follow on", I can say something more useful, with your indulgence. The follow on is quite simple: More of the Same... General Strikes, Plant Takeovers, Monkey Wrenches in The Gears, Blockaded Freeways, Disaffection in the Military Ranks - all those sorts of things. More experience of Empowerment through More Collective Actions, leading to Command of the regime's Full Attention. That is to say, we create a situation where the regime cannot move on to anything else until it deals with the empowered and aroused populace, the global movement. We would then be entering into a stage I would characterize as Power Dialog. The movement can take actions and the governments can take actions. How that plays out depends on many things. The movement has the greatest chance of success if it learns to be Intelligent in its Actions and its Responses - if it can carry on an Intelligent and Assertive Dialog with the Regime. Intelligence, in this context, has to do with Accurate Information, Coherence of Action, Understanding the Adversary, Strategy, and Tactics. Don't ask me what the details of that should be. An Intelligent Movement will evolve those things as it comes into being, exercises its powers, and interacts with its environment. There are certainly some time-proven guidelines for such Power Dialog. Such as: Never back your adversary into a corner, Always offer a mutually beneficial alternative to confrontation; Always be open to verbal dialog, Always tell the truth, Always mean what you say, etc. The simple laws of effective business negotiation, also practiced by Ghandi. --- My final postscript is about Objectives. If we really want to change things, and if these scenarios should come to pass, then what should be the goals of the movement? Eyes on the Prize - Yes! - but which prize? If the opportunity arises, we must know which is the gold ring and which is the brass imitation. My answer once more is: More of the Same! The movement itself is the thing, the goal. The fundamental message of the movement to the regime is: "We are in charge now." "You don't believe us?, OK, nothing moves for a week." "You are ready to talk? OK, everything is back up operating - for the time being." The regime cannot be reformed. Elections and political parties can never be democratic. The whole apparatus of the modern state, both administrative and physical, is like the dinosaurs. When the dinosaurs perished, the little scurrying furry mammals were able to come into their own. When the gigantic centralized state is dismantled, then the emerging sprouts of empowered democracy can come into their own. We want nothing more or less from the regime than its cooperation with the movement. It has a very important role - to dismantle itself with the least harm to the environment and with the greatest attention to a smooth transition away from capitalism and toward sustainable economics. They are the experts in their own systems, and they know how to take them apart and turn them into museums of the bad old days, before civilization finally got civilized. Back when governments existed and made the people do horrible things to the world and to one another. Back when people fought one another instead of collaborating for mutual benefit. One shudders at the memory. luv & hope, rkm -- ============================================================================ cyberjournal home page: http://cyberjournal.org "Zen of Global Transformation" home page: http://www.QuayLargo.com/Transformation/ QuayLargo discussion forum: http://www.QuayLargo.com/Transformation/ShowChat/?ScreenName=ShowThreads cj list archives: http://cyberjournal.org/cj/show_archives/?lists=cj newslog list archives: http://cyberjournal.org/cj/show_archives/?lists=newslog subscribe addresses for cj list: •••@••.••• •••@••.••• ============================================================================