Update: White house response.
In response, a senior administration official told Israeli media, “We were shocked by Moshe Yaalon’s comments, which seriously call into question his commitment to Israel’s relationship with the United States. Moreover, this is part of a disturbing pattern in which the defense minister disparages the U.S. administration and insults its most senior officials.
“Given the unprecedented commitment that this administration has made to Israel’s security,” the unnamed official said, “we are mystified why the defense minister seems intent on undermining the relationship.”
Mordecai Vanunu’s exposure of the Zio’s WMD still remains a buried story by Western media
[ Editors Note: Israel’s Congressional espionage wing has been hard at work as we expected. With so much attention on the Ukraine now, the Zios have a long record of making flank moves that can be over and done with before the public even notices.
They have fired a nuclear bomb into the Iran talks…with Israel’s ‘zero nuclear activity’ goal for Iran as the trigger for new sanctions. The Israelis knows that Iran will never agree to it, which is why they are demanding it.
They will gain whatever we have learned from the Iranians but the Iranians will be right back to square one in the same sanctions position they were in at the beginning.
This would strengthen the hardliners there that the ‘nice guy’ approach was naïve and then refuse further talk on their nuclear program. That sets us back to the original plans for a military strike on Iran, right where Israel and our traitors in the Senate want to take us. Never have so few been owed so little from the American people. The Senate has been a disgrace.
Israel is desperate to keep the Iran bogeyman alive as the Zios know that once that issue is put to bed that focus will then turn to Israel’s WMD with demands for inspection and disarmament. They would refuse of course, which would then open them up for a full worldwide boycott.
To avoid this happening I can assure you they are working on another big terrorist attack to turn the tide. It worked before… Jim W. Dean ]
– First published March 19, 2014 –
Israel’s minister for military affairs says Tel Aviv must go it alone in taking action against Iran over its nuclear energy program.
“We had thought the ones who should lead the campaign against Iran is the United States,” Moshe Yaalon said during an event at Tel Aviv University on Tuesday.
“But at some stage the United States entered into negotiations with them, and unhappily, when it comes to negotiating at a Persian bazaar, the Iranians are better,” he added.
Echoing Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s threats of unilateral military action against Iran, Yaalon said the US is not going to do anything to stop Tehran’s nuclear activities and Israel must act alone.
Pointing to the crisis in Ukraine as an example, Yaalon further criticized US President Barack Obama for “showing weakness”.
Iran is in talks with the five permanent members of the UN Security Council — Russia, China, France, the UK and the US — plus Germany to fully resolve the decade-old dispute over Tehran’s nuclear energy program.
The two sides inked an interim nuclear deal in Geneva, Switzerland, on November 24, 2013. The Geneva deal took effect on January 20. The two sides are now in pursuit of a final comprehensive deal.
Netanyahu, whose regime is believed to be the only possessor of nuclear arms in the Middle East, has denounced the deal as a “historic mistake”.
Israel reportedly maintains between 200 and 400 atomic warheads. Furthermore, the Israeli regime has never allowed any inspection of its nuclear facilities and continues to defy international calls to join the nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty.
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