Iraq demonization campaign heats up in the BBC


Richard Moore

    Britain has accused Iran of responsibility for explosions
    which have caused the deaths of all eight UK soldiers killed
    in Iraq this year.
         He said they had provided technology to a Shia group in
    southern Iraq, although the Iranians had denied this, he

As usual, we get claims without evidence. The Iraqi resistance
movement certainly includes elements of Saddam's military, and
knowledge of explosive techniques cannot be an Iranian
monopoly. Besides, we've seen credible evidence already
regarding false flag operations, and assistance to selected
militia groups,  aimed at serving PR agendas.
    Asked about an Iranian motive, the official said that it could
    be that Iran felt that it had to show that it could not be
    "pushed around".

As usual, the demonized enemy is portrayed as being simple-minded,
and emotional in its motivations. 

The conditioning program continues, so as to make the attack on Iran
seem 'sensible', a necessary response to 'a pattern of provocation'.



Iran 'behind attacks on British' 

Britain has accused Iran of responsibility for explosions
which have caused the deaths of all eight UK soldiers killed
in Iraq this year.

A senior British official, briefing correspondents in London,
blamed Iranian Revolutionary Guards.

He said they had provided technology to a Shia group in
southern Iraq, although the Iranians had denied this, he

An Iranian spokesman denied the charge, insisted that Tehran
was committed to ensuring a peaceful Iraq.

"From the very beginning, we have stated our position very
clearly - a stable Iraq is in our interests and that is what
the Iraqi authorities have said themselves on many occasions,"
Hamid Reza-Asefi told the BBC.

"Even in recent days, the Iraqi authorities have welcomed our
position and our approach to Iraq."


While UK officials have hinted at an Iranian link before, this
is the first specific allegation to be made.

They may feel there is little to lose right now by making such
accusations, given that diplomatic relations are already low
following the breakdown of talks over Iran's nuclear
programme, says the BBC News Website's world affairs
correspondent, Paul Reynolds.

The official, who spoke on condition of anonymity, said the
technology had come from Hezbollah in Lebanon via Iran and
produced an "explosively shaped projectile".

He said that dissidents from the Mehdi army, a militia
controlled by the radical Shia cleric Moqtada Sadr, were
suspected of carrying out the attacks.

One of their leaders, Ahmed al-Fartusi, was arrested by
British forces recently and was "currently enjoying British
hospitality", as the official put it.

It was that arrest which sparked off an anti-British protest
in Basra recently.

Saddam trial postponed?

The official said that protests had been made to Iran and that
the Iranian government had denied responsibility.

Asked about an Iranian motive, the official said that it could
be that Iran felt that it had to show that it could not be
"pushed around".

The official also said that the trial of Saddam Hussein, due
to start on 19 October, might be postponed until after the
elections in December.

Logistical arrangements for the trial, including a witness
protection programme and even whether bullet proof glass was
to be used around the dock, had still not been decided, he

Story from BBC NEWS: 

Published: 2005/10/05 21:55:02 GMT 


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