Has the next 911 been leaked? Oct 9 NYC?


Richard Moore

probably fantasy, but who knows? I'll stay away from NYC on Oct 9 in any case.


Date: Sat, 16 Sep 2006 18:12:14 -0500
To: (Recipient list suppressed)
From: "Raging Grannie (Wanda B)" <>
Subject: Next 9/11 Leaked? Too Dangerous to Ignore Even If False

Okay, I don't know the source of this, nor 
anything about those who run the website, which 
is clearly an underground operation,    So I 
certainly do not assert that this is true. 
Nevertheless, because of the past, I'm sending it 
out  - so that many people have foreknowledge in 
case.....   and maybe the fact that it's our 
there will mean a change of plans???

Next 9/11 Leaked? Too Dangerous to Ignore Even If False

And don't forget....

      "President Bush said the United States is still under the
       threat of attack and will continue to be right up until
       Election Day.
       --Jay Leno

Thanks, Sharon

Original source URL:

Posted By: Rogueone <Send E-Mail>
Date: Tuesday, 29 August 2006, 3:49 p.m.
From: "Voice of the White House August 27, 2006"
The latest intercepted telephone conversation:

This latest posting is important enough but the 
reader must know that neither of the parties are 
identified, although their telephone numbers are. 
One, the A party, is calling from a telephone 
located inside Washington's plush Hay-Adams hotel 
while the second, the B party, is using the main 
telephone number of the United States Attorney's 
office in New York City. It should be fairly 
obvious that one of the parties, the one in 
Washington, has some connection with the staff of 
the Vice President. The call was recorded on 
August 18, 2006 and I am only showing a portion 
of it. The rest of what was a 20 minute call is 
filled with trivia.

A (Washington, D.C.) staff of the Vice President
B (New York City, N.Y.)

A: Right. That's why I say you and your family 
should leave your nice Big Apple place about the 
ninth of October and go visit your relatives in 
Arizona. Then you can watch it on CNN.

B: How long a vacation?
A: Why not a week either way?

B: And you? Any vacation for you? But you don't 
have any kids or plants to take care of.

A: True but Georgetown is pretty safe. New York 
won't be. God knows what kind of chemicals will 
be in the air and a good wind coming from Jersey 
could bring some nasty surprises. Isn't it better 
to be safe than sorry?

B: Sure. But packing up means stories to everyone 
and I would have to be cool and collected about 
it. The kids would miss Halloween parties if I 
stay long enough and there is school to consider. 
I suppose I ought to call home and get them to 
invite me. I can't just drop in on them.

A: No but try not to sound concerned. How long 
since you've seen them out there?

B: About a year, give or take. I'll start on this 
right away. Will you be involved?

A: ##### no. I told you I want to know nothing about all of this andŠ
B: No, no, noŠ.I mean will you have to go down there?

A: No. I'm not important enough. He might not 
even go. He will probably put Bush up to going to 
show the flag as he could say, while he does what 
he's been doing for six years now and that's 
running the country. No, he'll stay right here 
and make sure he can keep his eyes and his hands 
on everything. I know he's been writing speeches 
and policy statements on this because I've seen 
several when I have been filing.

B: Does he know you look at things?

A: Christ, I hope not. I just smile and look 
admiring and once in a while, I get a brief smile 
or a nod. He wants so much to be the real 
President but it will never happen. Too many 
people hate him. He's not all that bad privately 
but officially, he's a real Beria, if you know 
what I mean. Competent, very much so, and cold as 
ice. Jesus, he really does not like Bush at all. 
I have heard him say things about himŠhe thinks 
he's a basket case. You know, it's funny because 
when he put himself on the ticket, he had no idea 
Bush would be such an intransigent nut. But he's 
been waiting for real power for years and now 
that he has it, he's not going to blow it. I 
don't know why he just doesn't cash in his stock 
options when the term is over and retire and 
write books. He's got a really bum ticker and he 
could go at any time.

B: Quadruple bypass, right?
A: Oh yes, and he takes more pills than a hippie.
B: Then why does he care?

A: His precious party might lose everything he 
has worked towards for so many years, that's why. 
If they lose in November, don't forget, there 
could be investigations and I can tell you what 
with the stock business and the hidden bank 
accounts, he'd spend his last years in a Federal 
jail somewhere.

B: They think they'll never get caughtŠ

A: Or die. Anyway, you know enough not to tell 
your wife or anyone else about this heads up, 
don't you. Two ways to get secret information 
out. Telephone and tell a woman.

B: My wife isn't that way at all but I take your 
drift. I say nothing. But won't one of the perps 
get sloshed and tell some ##### about it? Or his 

A: Don't worry about priests. They're using Jews 
for this one, like the last time. I think it's 
rabbis, not priests.

B: They were involved in 2001Š

A: Yes and they passed it on, knowing nothing 
would be done. And no one is going to nail them 
on this one because they can snitch about the 
last one. Hell, they've been using that one for 
leverage for five years now. They're smart #####, 
I'll give them that.

B: Why that target and not something like the 
Liberty Bell? Or they could blow up a plane with 
a lot of top Democrats on board, right?

A: If the refinery goes, you can see and hear it 
in your apartment. No damage to New York but 
plenty of dramatic fireworks. Keep the media busy 
for months. At least it will be better than the 
Aruba adventure. You have to keep the number of 
in-the-know people down to about three. The hebe 
guy running this operation is from DC originally 
and Interpol is after him for his operation down 
under. Linden is right on the water and it's easy 
in and easy outŠif they're lucky. Oh, and here's 
a nice touch. They want to leave a dead raghead 
behind, like some guard shot him. I mean someone 
they have in jail, over there, not here, with a 
long record of militant activity and I mean 
well-documented. And one of my man's people will 
accidentally discover him nice and dead with all 
kinds of fake evidence in his pockets, for 
certain putting the blame on bin Laden. And 
that's a joke because bin Laden has been dead 
since '03.

B: Did we ice him somewhere?

A: No. Kidney failure in a paki hospital. He 
makes a good boogeyman. You know the drill: If 
you don't vote for us, the rotten, weak faggot 
Democrats will take over and bin Laden will 
rejoice and kill all of you.

B: It has worked before as I remember. Red Alerts and duct tape.
A: And then we can have real Red Alert days, just before elections.

B: As usual. Not to change the subject but how do 
you think the immigration votes will go? My 
people live in Tucson and they are worried sick 
about all of the beaners shooting each other over 
drugs. What will happen?

A: What do you think? They supply our friendly 
agribusiness tycoons with slave labor so we make 
a lot of noise and do nothing.

B: McCainŠ

A: He's a nut. I guess being locked up in a 
zipperhead jail in solitary for five years 
snapped him.


Editor's note: Bayway Refinery is a refining 
facility used by ConocoPhillips, located in 
Linden, New Jersey. This is the northernmost 
refinery on the East Coast of the United States. 
The oil refinery converts crude oil (supplied by 
tanker) into gasoline, diesel fuel, jet fuel, and 
heating oil. As of 2006, the facility processes 
approximately 238,000 barrels per day (BPD) of 
crude oil, producing 145,000 BPD of gasoline and 
110,000 BPD of distillates. Its products are 
delivered to East Coast customers via pipeline 
transport, barges, railcars and tank trucks.

The facility also houses a petrochemical plant 
which produces lubricants and additives, a 
polypropylene plant which produces 775 million 
pounds per year, and has its own railway 
container terminal and heliport.

Linden is a City in Union County, New Jersey. 
Located southwest of Elizabeth, a few miles from 
New York Harbor. Together with Elizabeth, Linden 
is home to the Bayway Refinery, a ConocoPhillips 
refining facility that helps supply 
petroleum-based products to the New York/New 
Jersey area.


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