Gun Toting Townhaller on Obama Route Calls For Blood


Richard Moore

Is this a test the NRA has put in place? Is it simply another ratcheting up of the tension and anger around health care? Is it simply a hyper-macho protester showing off his phallic symbol?

My own view is that these ‘Townhall Disrupters’ are a manufactured phenomena, either agent provocateurs or right-wing groups systematically encouraged. It creates a situation where criticism of the disastrous health-care ‘reform’ bill is seen as a ‘right wing thing’, and progressives are more interested in ‘defending their hero’ than they are in examining the bill. Right out of the handbook, PsyOps 101.

In addition, it’s part of a larger PsyOps campaign, where fear is being spread that ‘right-wing extremists’ and ‘disgruntled Iraq veterans’ are planning an insurrection.  I don’t think anyone is planning an insurrection, but I think the government has been preparing for martial law for quite some time.


Gun Toting Townhaller on Obama Route Calls For Blood

by Rob Kall  

A gun toting and displaying man waiting on the route President Obama will be taking to a town hall is carrying a sign calling for blood.

The sign states: 
“Time to Water the tree of Liberty.”

That’s what the sign says– a fragment of a quote from Thomas Jefferson. The total quote reads,

“The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants. It is it’s natural manure.” 

This was written in a letter from Jefferson to William Stephens Smith, November 13, 1787

The sign is clearly a reference to spilling blood. Tie that together with a gunman openly displaying his gun on the path President Obama will be taking to his town hall and you have to wonder about the local lawmen who are allowing this display.

Is this a test the NRA has put in place? Is it simply another ratcheting up of the tension and anger around health care? Is it simply a hyper-macho protester showing off his phallic symbol?

Gun rights do not extend to brandishing guns in the presence of the president. Any fool who choses to do so should lose his gun ownership privileges.

Rob Kall is executive editor, publisher and site architect of, President of Futurehealth, Incmore…)