Major Banks Are Being “Set Up” To Fail Right Now.
By Gregory Mannarino
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elated -
Enjoy US Dollar like Thanksgiving dinner
I’m listening to this: /watch?v=jsyZDmmJg4c&feature=y …and reading your book at the same time ha ha.
Also this: /watch?v=QeyQ9Rk9Zvk
I am on a trip of knowledge and emotions ha ha. So far the book is good.
I just got the book today! :) Time to read it all tonight ha ha.
Hey Greg, you should take a break every once in a while. You seem very busy but I believe a break every other day would be okay.
Greg whats ur opinion on cashing in a 401k and putting it in precious metals?
Greg, definatly one of your best, the evidence you have presented is undeniable, keep up the great work.
BEIJING, Aug 30 (Reuters) – Germany and China plan to conduct an increasing amount of their trade in euros and yuan, the two nations said in a joint statement after talks between Chancellor Angela Merkel and Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao in Beijing on Thursday.
i made a lot of money from the crash of 2008. in 2007 i saw the crash stock market will fall hard because housing market will starting to crash. in 2007 i moved from stock holding into bond. the dow was around 11,500. when the crash happen a year later when dow hit low of 6,500 then started going back up. when dow came back at 7,200 i when back into stock. in just 3 years later i made 140% return. now i went back to bond because i see another major correction again about 20% by early nov.
grmreeeepr 16 hours ago
GregVegas5909 in reply to grmreeeepr 15 hours ago
mohammad badshah 16 hours ago
GregVegas5909 in reply to mohammad badshah 15 hours ago