Grand Mayan Elder calls for unity


Richard Moore

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A call from Don Alejandro Oxlaj, Grand Elder of the Maya, for Global Meditation 
on May 22 (5 Ahau, Ajpu) topic posted Sat, May 12, 2007 - 4:02 PM by  Dave

Don Alejandro Oxlaj, Guatemala de la Asuncion

Don Alejandro is charged as the primary keeper of the teachings, visions and 
prophecies of the Mayan people. He is head of the National Mayan Council of 
Elders of Guatemala, Day Keeper of the Mayan Calendar, a 13th generation Quiche 
Mayan High Priest and a Grand Elder of the Continental Council of Elders and 
Spiritual Guides of the Americas. He is also an international lecturer on Mayan 

Don Alejandro gives us this timely message: a call to action, a call to come 
together and be as one. Don Alejandro Hill be performing a Sacred Maya FIRE 
Ceremony in Guatemala, and be joining the thousands of others around the planet 
during the Break through Celebration.

³Brothers and Sisters of all colors, holding hands around the planet on May 22nd
2007, let us reflect on this, let us meditate in our own way, in our own 
language, according to our own culture or religion, because we have only one Sun
to shine upon us equally, one air that we breath and gives us life, one water 
that we drink and becomes blood in our veins and all live on Mother Earth. She 
feeds us, she holds us. Brothers and Sisters of all colors, together united in 
meditation to make conscience to the men in power, governors, politicians, 
business people: no more war, no more contaminating bombs, no more death. 
Together we can make a difference.²

Dear Brothers Joseph and Carl (Giove and Calleman):

In the name of the Heart of the Heavens and the Heart of the Earth, greetings to
you. In the name of the Maya National Council of Elders, Spiritual Guides of 
Guatemala, we address the following to you for your great magnetic connections 
at the global level:

The Spirit of the Maya Nation and the Spirit of Mother Earth make us look for 
ties of friendship with all peoples of the world. The Maya Prophecy tells us ³ 
ŠWe will meet for we are one like the fingers of the hand². We all are children 
of the Earth, we are flowers of the garden of our Creator coming in different 
colors, in different shapes, in different sizes, with different aromas; speaking
different languages, and each one worshiping and meditating in their own way to 
the same Creator who has different names according to their own culture.

We hope this communiqué reaches all institutions, in private sectors as well as 
governmental ones; landowners, scientists, and all people in general. Brothers 
and sisters, there has been over 500 years of extermination in the face of the 
earth, extermination of humans, extermination of our brother animals and ancient
trees, every day at a faster speed. The elders from the National Council of 
Elders and Spiritual Guides of Guatemala are keepers of mystical and millenary 
knowledge. Like the birds, tirelessly in their flight, they live to see the 
prophecies fulfilled. We want to make all people and governments in the world 
conscientious, and have them analyze and reflect at the situation of the planet 
in the present time. Let us start by remembering that the Americas were a 
paradise 500 years ago. Virgin forests, cities of beautiful animals, cities to 
an innumerable variety of colorful birds, flying in freedom; they provided food 
for everyone. The waters were abundant and pure; and the people, they lived in 
their own traditions, guarding their cultures and conserving the beauty of 
Mother Earth. Our ancestors lived to be over 100 years old, free from contagion 
and illnesses. They were respectful and obedient to the laws of our Creator.

Let us talk now about our present times. We enjoy new advances in technology, 
inventions that make everyday life easier for us, we all use them, but the 
negative side is that we are finishing up our forests, and contributing to the 
contamination of the planet, the rivers are drying out, the waters are being 
contaminated. Our crops are affected by plagues as well as plagues killing our 
animals. We are threatened by contagious illnesses, incurable illnesses unknown 
in the past. Very harmful are the use of chemicals, the insecticides, transgenic
seeds, etc. And most of all, these days, the nuclear testing: nuclear bombs and 
a great deal of war weapons, and the war in itself sterilizing or killing the 
planet Earth and affecting all living beings. Many people are homeless, children
begging in the streets, others are involved in prostitution. Predators are on 
the rise. Dead people appearing daily in the streets, kidnappings, extortion, 
shootings in the schools, parents killing children, children killing children, 
parents raping their own kids. All this is a direct result of the contamination.
There is no respect; no respect for life. The authorities sell themselves. The 
justice can be bought or sold.

Now lets speak about the future. We, the traditional Mayan elders, and all 
indigenous peoples in the world, meditate on the future. We don¹t think only for
today, the present, we think for tomorrow, for our children, grand children and 
future generations. We see a dark shadow approaching, a shadow that will cause a
lot of harm. It is the great contamination. All this is due to man¹s creation. 
We are digging our own graves. Wars are being transported to other countries; 
they reason in their speeches it is on behalf of freedom, but the result is more
slavery. They speak that it will bring new development, but the result is more 
hunger for the underdeveloped countries. If we continue like this, the time will
come when there are no more soldiers to form battalions. The Maya National 
Council of Elders of Guatemala ask all nations of the world ­ their governors 
and the governed ones ­ to put a stop to the contamination; and to the big and 
small enterprises, to find alternatives. We don¹t want any more wars, no more 
death, no more nuclear testing, no more chemicals, because the warming up of the
planet is unbearable to Mother Earth. If we don¹t change, sooner or later, she 
will strike back with millions of lives lost.

Our Creator created us here over the face of the earth to worship him, to love 
and respect each other. We all are equal, we are flowers of the earth, in 
different sizes, of different colors, with different songs, with different 
smell, but all looking at our Creator, honoring him with different dances, 
different music, different ceremonies. We all plead to him,

we are his children, he is the creator of all that exist, all that we see and 
all which is beyond our senses. He has given us our life with an intelligence to
do well. Brothers and Sisters of all colors, holding hands around the planet on 
May 22nd 2007, let us reflect on this, let us meditate in our own way, in our 
own language, according to our own culture or religion, because we have only one
Sun to shine upon us equally, one air that we breath and gives us life, one 
water that we drink and becomes blood in our veins and all live on Mother Earth.
She feeds us, she holds us. Brothers and Sisters of all colors, together united 
in meditation to make conscience to the men in power, governors, politicians, 
business people: no more war, no more contaminating bombs, no more death. 
Together we can make a difference.

May 22nd 2007 is 5 Ajpu, the Day of Grand Father Sun, he shines upon all of us 
equally, he doesn¹t know discrimination, he doesn¹t get lost on his path, he 
doesn¹t get ahead or behind of himself. He gives us warmth, he gives us life. 
One Sun, one Air, one Water, One Mother Earth. May 22nd 2007 day of Grand Father
Sun, Grand Mother Moon.

The Maya Prophecy says: ³Arise, all arise, not one nor two groups be left 
behind, together we will see once again the place from where we have come from²

Alejandro Cirilo Perez Oxlaj/ Wandering Wolf
Grand Elder of the National Council of Elders Mayas,
Xincas and Garifunas of Guatemala

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