Gordon Duff: ‘Al Qaeda’ spokesman works for Israel


Richard Moore

Bcc: FYI


October 24, 2010 posted by Gordon Duff · 246 Comments 


“Israeli terrorist “clones” are responsible for most hard line rhetoric, threats and, if we investigated closely, have actually recruited terrorists and directly inspired, if not planned and executed, attacks on Americans…Gadahn is part of it, so is Wikileaks”

By Gordon Duff STAFF WRITER/Senior Editor
A call to arms, demanding Muslims in America and elsewhere begin a terror campaign, was spread around the world.  The message, we are told, was found on a “secret website” by an Israeli company who put it in a press release.
There is no evidence any American Muslim has ever been on the website referred to, no American intelligence agency could find it, not the CIA or the FBI or Homeland Security.  There was only one way the 300,000 Muslims of Detroit could hear call to terrorism, from an Israeli company that passes on such messages for profit.
Does it create them too?  You be the judge.
Let’s look at a possible analogy.  If you were to capture a vicious rabid dog in the wilderness and turned it loose in a children’s playground, would you be a terrorist?
This is essentially what is being admitted to.
What is in question, another analogy, is whether you purposefully infected the dog with rabies in the first place.  Either way, you are a terrorist.
Adam Gadahn, the “American Taliban,” the lisping, overweight bungler continually calling for the murder of Americans is really named Adam Perlman from a family highly influential in the Anti-Defamation League.  The group distributing his threats, SITE Intelligence, contracted to the American government, is run by a former IDF member whose father was executed in Iraq as a Mossad terrorist.  SITE Intelligence is the source of the Osama bin Laden tapes long proven to be, not only the wrong voice, but to resemble bin Laden so little as to have become a joke.

Adam Gadahn

Gadahn came on the scene when tapes of Osama bin Laden claiming credit for 9/11 failed forensic examination.  They were counterfeits.  The CIA’s own version had bin Laden denying any involvement.  (See APPENDIX below for official CIA transcript)
This was late 2001 and Americans hadn’t been told that the story about Tora Bora, the many stories about Tora Bora, warlords covering for bin Laden, American troops being pulled back at the last minute by presidential order or the Delta Force being betrayed, were all lies.  Osama bin Laden, already dying from kidney failure, was murdered by one of his own men on December 14, 2001.
Pakistan’s ISI had informants there, it was leaked to the newspapers and was widely reported.  Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto even announced it in an interview with BBC’s David Frost.
With a 9/11 denial “on the books” and bin Laden dead, there would be no invasion of Iraq, no new leader was “in place” to bring out for the American people, no new “boogeyman.”
The very real conspiracy, covering up the sickening truth about 9/11, the treasonous intelligence doctoring leading to the disaster in Iraq and the upcoming years of building a drug empire in Afghanistan, stealing billions in oil from Iraq, the thinly disguised martial law decrees in America and the planned attack on Iran, was threatened unless, somehow, Osama bin Laden could be brought back to life.
Nearly a decade later, Pakistan’s intelligence chief, General Pasha does everything but scream it from rooftops, when he carefully hints to a dull witted ABC interviewer that bin Laden is dead.  Journalist Arnaud de Borchgrave of UPI and Washington Times fame, makes it as clear as possible when he says “Bin Laden is as dead as Elvis.”  Even CIA director Leon Panetta confirms there is no evidence of bin Laden since “late 2001.”
With bin Laden dead, it all falls apart, Al Qaeda, 9/11, and the continual accusations made against Pakistan.  Still, we hear it.  Bin Laden touring Afghanistan or as with last weeks report, “living in luxury” in Iran.
Not only is bin Laden dead but when he was alive, the BBC confirmed that he had absolutely no terrorist organization of any kind, masterminded no plots, controlled no organizations and had no more involvement on the world stage other than, at one time, helping the CIA raise money to fund refugee organizations during the Soviet occupation of Afghanistan.
Contrary to what has been reported, bin Laden never raised money for weapons.  That task was left to Gulbuddin Hikmatyar, the CIA paymaster who received $800,000,000 in US funds.  Today we are told Hikmatyar may be in Iran.  However, we have verified that he is actually in Pakistan, working directly with the CIA as “go between” with the Taliban, taking an active role in the current talks with the Karzai government.  Few in Afghanistan trust Hikmatyar, long a favorite with CIA and Pakistan “hard liners.”
If anything, the myth of Osama bin Laden is actually Hikmatyar.  What is said bin Laden did in Afghanistan was always Hikmatyar, CIA “moneyman” and terrorist.  Problem is, he is still a CIA moneyman and terrorist, flying on American planes, going on and off American bases but listed with the Department of Homeland Security as one of the most wanted terrorists in the world.  The truth, Hikmatyar is seen by the US as their “dealmaker” in Afghanistan, something many in Afghanistan find both frightening and delusional.
Perhaps one of the most frightening issues of the ‘war on terror’ or, more appropriately, ‘the phony war on terror’ has been the use of ‘terrorist clones’ like Adam Perlman, the Israeli actor playing a Taliban leader on videos distributed by Israeli intelligence.  The real insanity is that the videos aren’t produced to just fool Americans into rebuilding the coalition of Islamophobics and paranoids typified by the subscribers of www.familysecuritymatters.org.  Please, visit this website.  See if everything on it doesn’t just scream

“Look out, the boogeyman is coming, quick, hide under your bed!”

Things aren’t that innocent.  Much of the message is going to the Islamic community worldwide and is reaching people who are angry and looking for someone to blame.  Those funding Adam Gadhan, those magically finding his mysterious broadcasts and those distributing them to the world are giving material support to terrorism.  They are, in fact, terrorists.
The message they, our friends, you know exactly who I mean, are spreading is clear:

“Attack and kill Americans, not just in Iraq and Afghanistan, but anywhere you can find them in the world.  They are the real enemy, not Israel.”

Does anyone wonder why Gadahn never calls for attacks on Israel?  In fact, Al Qaeda doesn’t seem to know Israel exists.  They never threaten Israel.  They never attack Israel.  They never even mention Israel, never.  All those Osama bin Laden and Adam Perlman, sorry, “Adam Gadahn” tapes have one thing in common.
Israel doesn’t exist.  Get the  picture?  Here is what Perlman, lets be straight about it, his name is Perlman, his family is Jewish, Zionist, and very active in the ADL.  This is what he or is it ‘they” are advocating in this statement released yesterday:

“emigrant communities like those which live on the margins of society in the miserable suburbs of Paris, London and Detroit, or are from those arriving in America or Europe to study in its universities or seek their daily bread in the streets of its cities….you have an opportunity to strike the leaders of unbelief and retaliate against them on their own soil, as long as there is no covenant between you and them”

Clear and simple, we are hearing what Israel is telling the world, the Muslim world, is the voice of Al Qaeda.  What is Israel, or rather “Al Qaeda” telling us?

Please attack Britain, France and the United States but leave Israel alone.

Detroit has Muslim population of 300,000 yet, the one terrorist attack there was done by a mentally incompetent Nigerian national.  Do you remember the “crotch bomber?”  Do you wonder why the story disappeared from the news so quickly?  When two Detroit attorneys caught airport officials putting the terrorist on a plane, airport officials working for an Israeli company, things fell apart.  When Veterans Today discovered from intelligence sources in both Nigeria and Ghana that the boy’s family was not only tied directly to the CIA but the father was a business partner in an Israeli defense firm, it came apart further.  When this came out, a news “blackout” fell and the story died.
When the government of Yemen found laptop computers belonging to “Al Qaeda” that showed a clear record of daily contacts with “handlers” in Israel, the story died totally.
The Detroit bombing told us two things:
  1. The vast majority of American Muslims are Americans and have no loyalty to religious extremists or any other country.  That is “those other guys.”  American Muslims are mostly, not only Republicans but politically active in the party and very conservative.
  2. Terrorists can’t move around the world without help, either visas, real or phony, passports, security”walk arounds” and more.  If a grandmother with a knitting needle and an American passport could never, under any imaginable circumstances, get on a plane in Schipol Airport, how did a single male, Nigeria, Muslim, no passport at all…he wasn’t carrying any identification of any kind and, this is the best part, a bomb strapped to his genitals get seated on a plane ahead of the rest of the passengers.  Remember, you first have to get into a country with no passport, around immigration,  then you have to go through airport security and prove you have proper immigration documents then you are checked again before boarding.  Abdul Mohammed, without Mossad help, stood a better chance of winning the Irish Sweepstakes than getting on that plane.

Is that a bomb in your pants or are you just glad to see me?

For years, Perlman, masquerading as a spokesman for Al Qaeda, has put out childish videos, all time to help certain political races, influence arms sales to Israel, or as with yesterday’s treat, to reinforce the Wikileaks fiasco, another attempt to con America.  Last time Wikileaks tried to get the US to cut all aid to Pakistan, an act which would have made the war in Afghanistan even worse than it is now, if that’s possible.  This one is time to a Wikileak “custom crafted” to blame the world’s ills on Iran, target number one for Israel.  As a “three fer,” the New York Times and MSNBC went after Iran for “secretly” buying off President Karzai of Afghanistan.
We knew Karzai was aligned with India and Israel against Pakistan.  Now he is “owned” by Iran?  How many sides can one person be on?
When I was in Pakistan earlier in the year, Gadahn was said to be hiding in an apartment building in Karachi.  The building was stormed, “Gadahn” was captured, a “Gadahn,” not “the Gadahn.”  It seems that a “look alike” had been used to leave a false trail, the real Adam Perlman was safe and sound elsewhere, some place with video studios.  The individual recruiting real terrorists to kill real Americans with real bombs is a real Israeli, no question about that, and not the first time.
It is also believed that the new “Al Qaeda” operations chief, Adnan Shukrijumah of Brooklyn, New York and Miami Beach is another Israeli creation, a phony terrorist, an actor, much like the phony “bin Ladens” of every shape and size used to scare small children after the death of the real bin Laden in December 2001.
During comprehensive briefings with Pakistans ISPR, the group that briefs people like, well, Secretary Clinton, it was made clear to me that we were all on the same page, Osama bin Laden is dead.  There was much discussion, some of it humorous, as how to let people know.  After short discussions on this with ISPR DG General Athar Abbas I was summoned to a “mysterious” meeting.
This was General Ahmed Shurja Pasha, Director General of Pakistan’s intelligence service known as the ISI.  During a private lunch with  the director, his top aide, Commodore Zafar Iqbal and author Jeff Gates, who was accompanying me on a lecture tour, one of the areas of discussion was dishonesty in journalism.  An interview with a very prominent American journalist that General Pasha had held had been falsified.  Statements regarding Pakistan and Mumbai were simply invented.  This wasn’t the first time I had run into this.  A widely published interview between the editor of a Washington newspaper and former ISI Chief General Hamid Gul was similarly fabricated.
When I made reference to the Gul interview in an article, he phoned me.  Gul, an editor at Veterans Today, a co-worker and good friend, pointed out that the interview never happened and was entirely made up.  Another “famous journalist” with an agenda simply invented a story, had it published around the world, and the real truth would be lost forever.  Between video editing, phony interviews and released audio and video tapes of dead or non-existent “terrorists,” the media has ended up being as strong a force promoting extremism and conflict as the real issues, which, frankly, none of us are that sure about anymore.
People like Pakistan’s Imran Khan, who talk about extremism in realistic terms are seldom listened to.  How can I prove this?  Do you know who Imran Khan is?  There is your answer.
This week, something surprising happened in Australia.  In a world where you can’t tun on a television without hearing how crazy people are who question the 9/11 cover story, even though Fox News seems to have changed sides on this issue, what you don’t see are public opinion polls on 9/11.  If Bill Maher or Jon Stewart, the “liberal progressives” of American television, with their continual attacks on “the right” show us one thing it is that, no matter how much you may find government a pack of useless liars, the magic “boxcutter and pancaking building” story on 9/11 must be adhered to.  Even though those the 9/11 Truth movement blame, the Americans anyway, are you most vile political enemies, when it comes to 9/11, you attack anyone who questions the Bush/Cheney doctrine like a rabid field mouse.
There is a reason for this.  The ability to repeat 9/11, contain an investigation, keep press assets focused on a cover story few take seriously anymore, is vital.  Without the ability to blow up an American city and blame Iran or an imaginary terrorist group, the “Masters of the Universe” will lose their ability to control the fate of the human race.
Thus, everything we have seen since 9/11 has been done to prepare us for the next 9/11.  The last one finished Saddam, looted the American economy and imposed martial law on the United States.  Iran and Pakistan still stand.  With all the terror warnings, phony stories about imaginary nuclear programs, the threats, the sanctions and even Wikileaks, it all isn’t going to be enough.
America is sick of war and not very likely to believe the media, not anymore.  Big problem here, when you attack anyone’s credibility, the Bush administration, Obama, Tony Blair, eventually people begin to question you too.
Watch Wikileaks dribble away into nothing.  Watch the news try to pump air into this story and spin it against Iran.
When that fails, maybe it will be time to hide under your bed after all.

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