GMOs turn your own bacteria against you


Richard Moore

Bcc: contributors

It is easy to assume, as many do, that GMOs are dangerous because they aren’t sufficiently tested, or that health risks are ignored. Personally I doubt that. I think they know exactly what the effects are. There’s a general rule which has stood the test of time: whenever bad outcomes are blamed on bungling, you can be 80% sure the outcomes were intended.


Originally published June 22 2010

GMOs Create Incredibly Toxic Colons

by Kim Evans, citizen journalist

(NaturalNews) Probiotic expert S.K. Dash calls the healthy bacteria in our guts our first line of immune defense, as these tiny bacteria protect us from all sorts of problems. Everything from cancer to IBS to allergies and most every disease imaginable is connected to our healthy bacteria. But there’s one problem. Eating one serving of GMO foods has been found to change the genetic structure of our healthy bacteria. Literally, some GMO foods might be altering our healthy bacteria so they’ll now produce concentrated pesticides in our guts for the rest of our lives.

GMOs may also be changing our healthy bacteria on a genetic level, so they’ll continually produce abnormal proteins inside us. Because our ever-working DNA runs on proteins, throwing abnormal proteins into the mix can be the source of all sorts of serious and unpredictable problems. Yet, evidence from the only human GMO feeding trial ever published shows it’s likely that GMOs have taken our once healthy bacteria that are designed to protect us – and turned them into a major toxicity source. In this manner, it’s likely that GMOs have made our colons toxic beyond belief.

One serving of GM soy was all it took to see the genetic mutation of our healthy bacteria — and you’d be a rare individual not to have had thousands of servings of GMOs in your lifetime, let alone just one. In Europe, where GM foods aren’t as prevalent as in other parts of the world, the animals are most likely eating GM grain – and GM genes are found in their flesh and the dairy that people consume. This intense pollution of inside the colon may be the reason that bees living near and eating GMOs crops have died in large numbers. Autopsies of the bees showed that they died from something that looked a lot like colon cancer.

The depth that the problem presents is larger than can be conceived and it’s unknown if it’s even possible to completely reverse it. If so, it’ll take some work because these tiny bacteria can double in number every 20 minutes and your body contains many trillions of them. So, if we didn’t have enough reasons to do colon cleansing in a time when disease is rampant and often considered normal, GMOs offer yet another.

To work to reverse the problem, you’d make good mileage by doing deep and aggressive colon cleansing using enemas or professional colonics. You’ll also want to reseed your healthy bacteria with untainted bacteria from raw homemade sauerkraut, which contains more strains of bacteria than store-bought probiotics. Of course, you’ll also want to get really familiar with the foods and food additives that contain GMOs and never put another in your mouth.

Deep and regular colon cleansing will likely clean out stores of abnormal proteins and possibly release large amounts of pesticides that may have been created in your gut. Importantly, it’ll also allow you to remove stores of now genetically mutant bacteria, while replacing them with untainted bacteria to try and correct the problem.

For most, avoiding GMOs will require some new shopping and dining habits because about 90 percent of the packaged foods in a traditional U.S. grocery store contain GMOs. You’d also be hard pressed to find a restaurant that’s not serving up GM corn chips that are likely mutating your healthy bacteria to produce concentrated pesticides. And it’s hard to imagine that’s what you thought you were ordering for lunch.
Consumer’s Guide to Probiotics, S.K. Dash, Ph.D.


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