GMOs Alter Our Healthy Bacteria


Richard Moore

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GMOs Alter the Genetic Make Up of Our Healthy Bacteria

Friday, April 23, 2010 by: Kim Evans, citizen journalist

(NaturalNews) Although GMOs have infiltrated our food supply, the results of human feeding trials have only been published on one single occasion. Unfortunately, that occasion offered some pretty disturbing findings. It found that the genetic code of GM soy can infiltrate the genetic code of the healthy bacteria in our guts – and change the genetic makeup of the healthy bacteria inside us. Nobody knows how these mutant bacteria will function inside us – yet given the proliferation of GM soy, most of the population probably already has them inside of them.

Mutating the genetic code of our healthy bacteria is incredibly dangerous because these healthy bacteria live inside us for a reason. They are our first line of immune defense and they keep us well by crowding out many harmful bacteria, fungus, and pathogens that cause innumerable diseases. But when their genetic structure is changed, who knows if they’ll be able to do this job effectively? Who knows if they’ll even be beneficial anymore? More than likely they won’t.

Because GM soy transfers its genetic code into our healthy bacteria, it’s possible that our own healthy bacteria will now produce abnormal GM proteins inside us for the rest of our lives. Mad cow disease is one example of a problem that abnormal proteins cause.

Proteins are created by our DNA and if you’ve never seen how beautifully complex our DNA functionality is, you should watch this video.… Afterward, ask yourself if you trust another human being to mess around with this process.

It gets worse because other GM genes may also insert themselves into our healthy bacteria and keep replicating too – and some GM genes, like those in GM corn, are responsible for creating concentrated pesticides. It’s very possible that they’re also transferring this genetic programming into the formerly healthy bacteria inside you – and creating a living pesticide factory in your gut. We can only imagine the destruction this will cause, but because most diseases are created over a period of years tracing the cause may be next to impossible.

GMOs have been found to change the genetic structure of bacteria in the soil too, which provides more evidence that GM genes can easily insert themselves into bacterial genes. Earthworms have also been found to have incorporated GM genes into their cells – and who’s to say this isn’t happening in humans too? This is one place that those independent, long-term safety trials would have come in handy. Unfortunately, they never happened.

Unlike any historical human being, you’d be rare not to have consumed any GMOs in your lifetime. GMOs are in most processed foods and their DNA is found in most farm animals and dairy, because many animals are fed GM crops. Unless for the last fifteen years you’ve been vegan, haven’t eaten any processed foods, haven’t eaten at restaurants that use corn or canola oil, and have avoided all corn, soy and products containing them, you’ve almost certainly been exposed and contaminated. If you have any kind of “normal” diet, you’re probably eating GMOs several times a week – and possibly several times each day.

Netherwood et al, “Assessing the survival of transgenic plant DNA in the human gastrointestinal tract,” Nature Biotechnology 22 (2004): 2.
Seeds of Deception and Genetic Roulette, Jeffrey Smith
Consumer’s Guide To Probiotics, S.K. Dash 


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