I haven't been following German internal politics very closely. I did post one article recently: 18 Sep 2006 -- "Nazism on rise in Germany" http://cyberjournal.org/show_archives/?id=1782&lists=newslog Evidently, there is a nationalist / patriot political rebellion underway in Germany. In that previous posting I over-simplified, by labelling it a 'Nazi' resurgence. And quite clearly, as we can see from the article below, that will be the label that will be applied by the forces of reaction (ie, the neoliberal establishment) in Germany. But in fact the Nazi label is quite unfair. Notice, for example, that these patriots are not talking about military expansionism, far from it. There does seem to be an anti-Zionist element, which is quite understandable in today's world, and we cannot make the knee-jerk assumption that this is a mask for anti-semitism. Closer scrutiny is needed in that regard. In general, nationalism is a very appropriate response to globalist imperialism and the US push toward a neoliberal world government. It represents a movement 'toward the local', 'closer to the people', toward local autonomy. In Venezuela, with Chavez, we see that this can be a very good thing. In Germany we must keep open minds, and discount the inevitable demonization campaign we will see in the mainstream media. rkm -------------------------------------------------------- http://rense.com/general73/global.htm Globalist Parasites Take Fright As German Patriots Prepare for Government By Michael James in Frankfurt, Germany 9-23-6 Swimming against a swelling tide of popular anger, disillusionment and despair, Germany's corrupt and self-serving political elites are reacting with horror to the quiet revolution that is taking place in the heartlands of the German nation. Galvanised by a growing rage at the massive annual transfers of taxpayers' money to the state of Israel and the European Union against the backdrop of Germany's biggest tax hike in history, a bankrupt and collapsing health sector, failed education system, mass unemployment and a tidal wave of immigration, voters are terrifying their ruling masters by switching their allegiance to radical patriots. Michel Friedman, a notoriously sleazy Jewish politician, wealthy activist lawyer and heavily promoted television personality with a criminal record for cocaine abuse and a penchant for vicious anti-German tirades, was among the first to condemn voters for sending nationalist candidates to the state parliament in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern last Sunday. "The patient Germany must now be healed with antibiotics because Aspirin no longer works," the enraged Friedman wrote in Stern Magazine. "We must make it clear to voters that while protest votes in a democracy are legitimate they should not be used to legitimate hostile parties." The pro-German Nationaldemokratische Partei Deutschlands (National Democratic Party of Germany) secured six seats in the new parliament, which oversees a constituency suffering an 18 percent jobless rate, widespread poverty, swingeing cuts in public welfare and an invasion of immigrants seeking handouts and black market jobs. The success follows its 2004 entry into the state parliament in Saxony, where it now boasts twelve representatives, and the consolidation of a substantial parliamentary presence in Bremen and Brandenburg in the shape of its sister party, the German People's Union (DVU). The NPD gained significantly in stature last year by staging a walkout in the Saxon parliament in Dresden, protesting a one-minute silence in remembrance of the "victims" of Auschwitz in place of a similar commemoration for the victims of the Dresden Holocaust. Between February 13 and 15, 1945, an estimated 250,000 German civilians, most of them women and children, died in a terrorist firestorm of nightmare proportions unleashed by American and British bombers. It has been described as a war crime of an even greater magnitude to that of the atomic bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, amounting to a cold and calculated act of genocide against the German people and the irrational destruction of one of Europe's most beautiful historical cities, which at the time posed no military threat. Efforts to ban the NPD failed spectacularly in March 2003 when Germany's Federal Constitutional Court rejected a petition from the government and mainstream political parties. The court was unable to obtain testimony from operatives working for the federal secret police, who had infiltrated the NPD as informers and agents provocateur. However, members of Angela Merkel's increasingly unpopular coalition government have moved swiftly to re-state plans for a new banning order. Complaining that the NPD's "increasingly aggressive self-confidence" is partly based on its constitutionality, the Vice-President of the German federal parliament, Wolfgang Thierse (Social Democratic Party of Germany), and the chairman of the SPD's parliamentary faction, Peter Struck, are seeking urgent talks with the Minister of the Interior, Wolfgang Schaeuble (Christian Democratic Union), ahead of moves to outlaw German patriotism. Demanding "a tougher response from the police and a prohibition of the NPD", Thierse reiterated Friedman's argument that protests could only be tolerated insofar that such protests are not translated into support for anti-Zionist and pro-German political movements. It was acceptable, he stated, that the communist PDS be allowed to absorb "rage, indignation and disappointment", but the same should not apply to the nationalist NPD. If you can't beat it, he argues, ban it. "Unconstitutional wickedness," says Gerhard Frey, leader of the DVU and historical truth campaigner. "It's a cheap idea." NPD leader Udo Voigt also remains unfazed at the fuss generated by a frightened elite and its journalists-for-hire in the Zionist mainstream media, pointing out that most of the damage directed at campaign posters during the election had been directed at the NPD by their opponents. The Berlin police went on record by saying that the emotional hysteria whipped up by the tabloid press in regard to alleged attacks on globalists had no foundation in reality "and could not be established". Voigt is now eyeing upcoming elections in the states of Bavaria, Hessen, Niedersachsen and Saarland and expects a steadily increasing "momentum in the west" with the ultimate prize in mind: the Bundestag in 2009. But for the moment, all eyes are on Udo Pastoers, the prospective chief of the NPD's parliamentary group in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern. Less than a day after securing victory, Pastoers paid special tribute to prisoner of conscience and historian, Ernst Zundel, placing him alongside Mahatma Gandhi as an idealist and freedom fighter. "Ernst Zundel has achieved the unbelievable," Pastoers said admiringly. Zundel, who was illegally kidnapped from his home in the United States by Zionist agents working on behalf of the German government, is currently on trial in Mannheim for publishing scientific and historical information that brings into question the factual integrity of the so-called Jewish "holocaust". A succession of defence lawyers have been dismissed and threatened with prosecution for attempting to provide the court with evidence that Mr Zundel is correct in his assertions: a bizarre and surreal legal process that is unique to Germany, and which has angered millions of civil libertarians in Europe, Britain, Ireland, America, Canada and the Arab world. Both Voigt and Frey have emphasised their keen willingness to work with other national independence movements in Europe as part of a long-term strategy to bring an end to the European Union, NATO, the World Bank, the United Nations and other institutions that represent corporate and global parasiticism at the expense of ordinary working and middle-class people. "There are only two different causes that historically lead over and over again to destruction, murder, war and suffering," says 17-year old Sebastian Seidel, a member of the NPD's youth wing, the Freien Kameradschaften. "On the one side is the abuse of power, greed and the arbitrary expansion of hegemony that embraces the insanity of world government. On the other side is the response to injustice, resistance to the dark powers of evil, the struggle against those who would eliminate us, and the dawning of a new will to freedom that fights against everything that falsifies and destroys the survival imperative of peoples and their cultures." As the Berlin coalition government comes to typify the worst excesses of the decadent Weimar Republic, endlessly promoting abortion, homosexuality, atheism and a hatred of all things German while sending precious young soldiers to die for counterfeit Israel in Afghanistan and the Lebanon, increasing numbers of angry German citizens are quietly and patiently preparing to take back their nation and declare independence from the Satanic New World Order. "This time," says Voigt, smiling. "This time." ---------- Michael James is a British freelance journalist and translator, resident in Germany for over 14 years. Permission to republish his work in any media is freely granted. 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