Bcc: misc.
I have no idea if any of this make sense. Judge for yourself. On Oct 10 we’ll find out.
The Web Bots see September 22-27, 2008 as precursor dates to the main turning point date ofOctober 7, 2008. Closely watch events during September 22-27, 2008 for hints as to what toexpect on October 7, 2008.
Cliff said whenever “it” happens, and whatever “it” turns out to be, “it” will be a date in historyyou remember like 9/11, we will remember 10/7.
Potential Disruptive Event
John L. Petersen, Founder & President, The Arlington Institute
4 October 2008
About three weeks ago, now, I received indications from four unrelated sources known personally to me
suggesting that that some significant disruptive event was on our horizon. These sources were
unconventional – that is, they are intuitives or channels and sense the future through approaches and
methods that are largely not understood by mainstream science.
They approached me because they understood that at The Arlington Institute we are interested in
anticipating futures in both conventional (we’ve designed and built very sophisticated surprise
anticipation systems for governments), and unconventional means. Our interest in unconventional
approaches is based upon the fact that conventional approaches, at best are not great at anticipating
futures (if they were, there would be a lot less uncertainty in the world today), and conversely, that
some unconventional approaches have been amazingly prescient.
One approach that has captured our attention is precognizant dreaming. We know that this works
because we have spent lengthy amount of time with adept “precogs” and know of their long series of
successes anticipating unhappy futures for certain foreign government agencies. We also know from
psychologists studying the phenomena that there are now more than 200 case studies of average
individuals who had anomalous, clearly premonitory dreams about aspects the 9/11 event starting more
than six months before that unprecedented disruption. Similar anecdotes are also told about significant
numbers of extraordinary, once-in-a-lifetime dreams that wake individuals up in a cold sweat of
apparent reality foretelling aspects of what turned out to be the tsunami that killed thousands of
individuals in Asia.
Our presumption has been that in some way, the “collective unconscious”, to use a Jungian term,
apparently senses impending significant perturbations and presents visual indications of aspects of the
upcoming events to certain individuals before the fact. How that works is anyone’s guess, but there are
enough examples of this warning process to know that it does.
At The Arlington Institute we believe that by using the Web and advanced technology that is available to
us, such intuitions and dreams can be collected, aggregated and analyzed such that for large disruptions
(at least), for the first time in history we have the potential to be (somewhat) predictive. We are
exploring funding sources for such a capability at the present.
continued in original