Bilderberg And You By Global Research
Posted: 12 Jun 2011 11:07 AM PDT
Bilderberg Newslinks 12 June 2011
Posted: 12 Jun 2011 10:34 AM PDT
Reporting From Tripoli: What is Really Happening in Libya By Cynthia McKinney
Posted: 12 Jun 2011 09:27 AM PDT
Libyan war updates/Stop NATO news: June 12, 2011: NATO Wars Lead To Near Quintupling Of U.S. Arms Sales In Past Decade
Posted: 12 Jun 2011 09:24 AM PDT
12 June, 2011 — Stop NATO Libya: 10,686 NATO Air Missions, 4,050 Combat Sorties NATO Wars Lead To Near Quintupling Of U.S. Arms Sales In Past Decade Russia: U.S. Interceptor Missile Ship In Black Sea Threat To National Security U.S. Congressmen Demand Iraq Pay For Eight Years Of War, Occupation Lithuania Hosts NATO Military Training […] Related posts:
Libyan war updates/Stop NATO news: June 10, 2011: NATO Official: Gaddafi “Legitimate Target”
Libyan war updates/Stop NATO news: 5 June, 2011: Libya: NATO’s War Of Aggression Against A Sovereign African State
Libyan war updates/Stop NATO news: June 11, 2011: NATO Air Strike Kills Algerian Family In Libya
Libyan war updates/Stop NATO news: June 9, 2011
Updates on Libyan war/Stop NATO news: June 4, 2011
Libyan war updates/Stop NATO news: June 8, 2011
Updates on Libyan war/Stop NATO news: 23 May, 2011: NATO To Deploy Attack Helicopters For Libyan War
Libyan war updates/Stop NATO news: June 6, 2011: China: U.S. Waging Global Internet War
Updates on Libyan war/Stop NATO news: June 7, 2011
Libyan war update/Stop NATO news: June 3, 2011

NATO Newslinks 12 June 2011
Posted: 12 Jun 2011 09:19 AM PDT
Posted: 12 Jun 2011 07:26 AM PDT
Breaking News: PHOTOGRAPHIC EVIDENCE: NATO Bombed Libya’s Nasser University By Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya
Posted: 12 Jun 2011 07:04 AM PDT
The NATO war against Libya is not a humanitarian endeavour. It is a blatant war of aggression and a violation of international law. Related posts:
NATO wants Libya to become another Somalia By Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya
Towards the Conquest of Africa: The Pentagon’s AFRICOM and the War against Libya By Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya
NATO’s Secret Ground War in Libya By Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya
Libyan war updates/Stop NATO news: June 11, 2011: NATO Air Strike Kills Algerian Family In Libya
Libyan war updates/Stop NATO news: 5 June, 2011: Libya: NATO’s War Of Aggression Against A Sovereign African State
Libyan war updates/Stop NATO news: June 10, 2011: NATO Official: Gaddafi “Legitimate Target”
Libyan war updates/Stop NATO news: 25 May, 2011: Latest NATO Air Strikes Kill 19, Wound Over 130 In Tripoli
Libyan war updates/Stop NATO news 22 May, 2011: NATO’s Air War: 7,732 Sorties, 2,975 Combat Missions
Stop NATO News Updates 8 May 2011: NATO Ships Leave 63 African Refugees To Die At Sea In Mediterranean
Updates on Libyan war/Stop NATO news: 23 May, 2011: NATO To Deploy Attack Helicopters For Libyan War

Wikileaks Newslinks 12 June 2011
Posted: 12 Jun 2011 06:50 AM PDT
Yemen Newslinks 12 June 2011: Ali Abdullah Saleh’s Health In ‘Bad’ Condition: Report
Posted: 12 Jun 2011 06:36 AM PDT
The Battle against Neoliberalism: Massive Popular Uprising in Greece By Yorgos Mitralias
Posted: 12 Jun 2011 04:08 AM PDT
Two weeks after it started the Greek movement of ‘outraged’ people has the main squares in all cities overflowing with crowds that shout their anger, and makes the Papandreou government and its local and international supporters tremble. It is now more than just a protest movement or even a massive mobilization against austerity measures. It has turned into a genuine popular uprising that is sweeping over the country. Related posts:
Communist Party of Greece, “Message from Acropolis: Peoples of Europe, Rise Up!”

Gaza Friends: ‘Dear Israel: It is YOU who is the provocateur, not us’
Posted: 12 Jun 2011 03:51 AM PDT
Bahrain Newslinks 12 June 2011: US defense sales to Bahrain rose before crackdown
Posted: 12 Jun 2011 03:47 AM PDT
Syria Newslinks 12 June 2011: ‘Lesbian blogger from Syria may be a hoax’
Posted: 12 Jun 2011 03:41 AM PDT
URUK Net Newsletter 11 June 2011
Posted: 12 Jun 2011 02:38 AM PDT
11 June 2011 — URUK Net Protest All You Can — O’Aisha. Layla Anwar June 10, 2011 – Today, Friday, some courageous, brave Iraqis are venturing out again, to protest… I don’t want to be like the dampening waters from a dam that has overflowed…but… Protest all you can… all you want…but know, you are […] Related posts:
URUK Net Newsletter 5 June 2011: Wikileaks: no bloodshed inside Tiananmen Square, cables claim
URUK Net Newsletter 3 June 2011:
URUK Net Newsletter 1 June 2011
URUK Net Newsletter 6 June 2011: Eyewitness interview: Israel’s “blood harvest” in occupied Golan
URUK Net Newsletter 22 February, 2011 Part 2: WikiLeaks: US Lied About Bala Baluk Massacre, Red Cross Concealed Truth
URUK Net Newsletter 2 June 2011
URUK Net Newsletter 24 February, 2011 Part 2: USA: Wisconsin Unions Preparing a General Strike
URUK Net Newsletter 27 January, 2011 Part 2: Israel predicts Egypt regime will survive
URUK Net Newsletter 20 January, 2011 Part 2: Wikileaks: Irish Government Knew They Were in Violation of Torture Conventions
URUK Net Newsletter 4 June 2011: Salah: 1 million Turks registered for Gaza flotilla

U.S. Underwrites Internet Detour Around Censors By JAMES GLANZ and JOHN MARKOFF
Posted: 12 Jun 2011 01:54 AM PDT
The Obama administration is leading a global effort to deploy “shadow” Internet and mobile phone systems that dissidents can use to undermine repressive governments that seek to silence them by censoring or shutting down telecommunications networks. No related posts.

Bizzaro Capitalism By Kim Petersen
Posted: 12 Jun 2011 01:47 AM PDT
Republican representative Dana Rohrabacher has come up with a novel proposal for raising more money for the cash-strapped USA: charge the victims of US aggression. No related posts.

NATO’s Afrika Korps Escalates War Of Attrition Against Libya
Posted: 12 Jun 2011 12:30 AM PDT
Radical Democracy and Popular Power: Thinking About New Socialisms for the 21st Century
Posted: 12 Jun 2011 12:14 AM PDT
David McNally teaches Political Science at York University, Toronto and is a long-time activist in socialist and global justice movements. No related posts.

VTJP Palestine/Israel Newslinks 11 June, 2011: Settler ‘price tag’ pogroms against Palestinians go under the radar
Posted: 12 Jun 2011 12:12 AM PDT
11 June, 2011 — VTJP News International Middle East Media Center Livni “Netanyahu Is A Danger To Israel” IMEMC – Sunday June 12, 2011 – 03:43, Opposition head in Israel, leader of the Kadima Party, Tzipi Livni, stated that Israeli Prime Minister, head of the Likud Party, Benjamin Netanyahu, is a danger to Israel as […] Related posts:
VTJP Palestine/Israel Newslinks 4 April, 2011: Israel okays 942 new settler homes in East Jerusalem
VTJP Palestine/Israel Newslinks 25 June, 2010: Israeli foreign minister wants Palestinians stripped of citizenship and relocated
VTJP Palestine/Israel Newslinks 23 May, 2011: Israeli Officials Approve Settler Invasion into Nablus on Tuesday
VTJP Palestine/Israel Newslinks 26 January, 2011: Palestinians: Don’t Get Mad, Get Even
VTJP Palestine/Israel Newslinks 9 February, 2011: Fundamentalist Settler Rabbi Says Killing “Non-Jews” Is Justifiable
VTJP Palestine/Israel Newslinks 17 May, 2011: Israel’s Nightmare: Nonviolent Palestinians
VTJP Palestine/Israel Newslinks 10 June, 2011: Israel closes sole Gaza crossing for goods and aid
VTJP Palestine/Israel Newslinks 9 June, 2011: Uncivilized Relations: Israel Confronts its Neighbours
VTJP Palestine/Israel Newslinks 3 June, 2011: FRANKLIN LAMB: Israelis Rush for Second Passports
VTJP Palestine/Israel Newslinks 25 January, 2011: 11 Palestinians, Including 10-year-old Child, Kidnaped By Soldiers in West Bank

Military Resistance 9F7 11 June 2011: Imperial Justice
Posted: 11 Jun 2011 11:49 PM PDT