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From: “Lincoln Justice” <•••@••.•••>Date: 6 January 2010 07:35:34 GMTTo: “Richard Moore” <•••@••.•••>Subject: More pressing problems than climate change
Richard,Thought you would find this article of interest. It seems that others are making the same discovery you made about that humans were not responsible for climate change.I guess we should turn our attention to other more pressing problems that humans can help to solve.Lincoln B. Justice
312 West Summit Ave
Seymour, MO 65746
417 935-5552
Skype: lincoln.justice
Lead Author Admits Deleting Inconvenient Opinions From IPCC Report Paul Joseph Watson Dec 17, 09The latest installment of Jesse Ventura’s highly successful Conspiracy Theory show exposed millions of viewers on national TV last night to the climate change fraud. Ventura and his team attempted to track down the key architects of the scheme, a search which led them to Beijing China and the heavily guarded residence of global warming pioneer and billionaire Maurice Strong. The show lifts the lid on how the very same alarmists pushing the threat of climate change are profiting in the billions from carbon trading systems in which they have a huge personal stake.The most damning part of the program is when Ben Santer, a climate researcher and lead IPCC author of Chapter 8 of the 1995 IPCC Working Group I Report, admits that he deleted sections of the IPCC chapter which stated that humans were not responsible for climate change. Accusing Santer of altering opinions in the IPCC report that disagreed with the man-made thesis behind climate change, Lord Monckton told the program, “In comes Santer and re-writes it for them, after the scientists have sent in their finalized draft, and that finalized draft said at five different places, there is no discernable human effect on global temperature – I’ve seen a copy of this – Santer went through, crossed out all of those and substituted a new conclusion, and this has been the official conclusion ever since.”“Lord Monckton points to deletions from the chapter, and there were deletions from the chapter, to be consistent with the other chapters we dropped the summary at the end,” Santer admits to the program. Commenting on The Alex Jones Show today, Lord Monckton said that this was the first time Santer had publicly admitted to deleting the information. Santer was intimately involved in the Climategate email scandal, communicating with other IPCC-affiliated scientists who conspired to “hide the decline” in global warming. Videos at link above.
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