Fukushima: 300 tons of radioactive water entering ocean everyday


Richard Moore

Bcc: FYI
rkm websitehttp://cyberjournal.org

Asahi: Fukushima officials declare “emergency” over 300 tons of radioactive water entering ocean everyday; Demands Gov’t retract 2011 claim that plant is under control — Tokyo Governor: It’s not under control as Prime Minister says

Published: September 22nd, 2013 at 5:42 pm ET 

The governor of Tokyo and a local town assembly severely affected by the Fukushima disaster took issue with Prime Minister Shinzo Abe’s assurance to International Olympic Committee members earlier this month that the Fukushima nuclear crisis is “under control.” […]

Abe’s statement has “grave problems that fly in the face of the fact,” added the opinion adopted by the Namie town assembly. […]

The opinion said the daily flow of 300 tons of polluted groundwater from the plant into the Pacific Ocean constitutes an “emergency.”

It called on the central government to resolve the situation by retracting the government’s declaration in December 2011 that the crisis is under control. […]

In Tokyo, Governor Naoki Inose also countered Abe’s claim that things are under control.

“(The leakage of contaminated water is) not under control necessarily at this stage,” Inose told reporters Sept. 20 at a regular news conference. […]

See also: Fukushima plant in national emergency says governor — “Severe radioactive contamination with serious health affects on local population” — ‘Global intervention’ suggested