From: “Don Nordin” <•••@••.•••>Date: November 1, 2008 2:09:21 PM GMT+00:00Subject: Fw: Inventor of Free Energy Battery Murdered?—– Original Message —–From: Verne WarwickSent: Sunday, October 19, 2008 3:20 PMSubject: Battery Inventor Murdered?A little bit dated, but worthy of analysis nonetheless.V
Suppression of the Self-Powering Battery?
A Curious Coincidence – Free Energy Battery Inventor Found Dead at AirportChecking Tom Bearden’s website this morning I discovered a new article by him dated November 28, 2007 about the death of an inventor of a new kind of “free energy” battery that could eventually power electric cars with no environmental damage whatsoever.
The death was ruled “natural causes” which, of course, means little in an era in which assassinations are routinely carried out via “natural causes.” And the ruthlessness of the Oil Corporations are well known as we can see in Iraq where over a million people have been killed in order to steal their oil riches.
Tom’s article is here, in MS Word format (.doc) is a very short report at WBTV here: inventor’s name is given as M. DeGeus and the description of the device is very exciting.
A Curious Coincidence: Was it Suppression of the Self-Powering Battery?
T. E. Bearden
28 Nov. 2007The Incident
An incident that occurred in the Charlotte Douglas International Airport in North Carolina earlier this month is at least a curious coincidence, or it may possibly even represent assassination and suppression of another highly important “energy from the vacuum” (EFTV) invention. At least such a possibility should be considered, and then if all the facts warrant questioning the autopsy finding of death from natural causes, the incident should be more deeply investigated.The victim’s name was M. DeGeus. DeGeus was found slumped in his car in the long term parking area of the airport, totally unresponsive. He was rushed to the hospital, and was pronounced dead very quickly, according to < >
The resulting autopsy indicated heart failure, and thus concluded “death from natural causes”. Hence police are not investigating it any further, and they are not considering it as a possible homicide.
Some Background on the Victim and His Invention
DeGeus was in fact the inventor of a thin wafer-like material/device that somehow specially aligned the atoms or electron currents ongoing in that material, so that the wafer produced a constant amperage at a small voltage – continuous real power, or in other words a strange kind of “self-powering battery”. It is actually powered by the ongoing and continuous tremendous exchange of energy by the active vacuum with the charges of any material. This exchange is exceptionally powerful, and normally our electromagnetic systems and devices only use just a tiny bit of it.But as is known in physics, even simple materials (such as a simple short piece of ordinary copper wire) have extraordinary symmetrical cross currents ongoing perpetually, even when no ordinary “net” current is flowing since normally there is no asymmetry. E.g., quoting Swann:
“Think of the cables which carry the telephone current in the form of electrons. In the absence of the current the electrons are moving in all directions. As many are moving from left to right as are moving from right to left; and the nothingness which is there is composed of two equal and opposite halves, about a million million amperes per square centimeter in one direction, and a million million amperes per square centimeter in the other direction. The telephone current constitutes an upsetting of the balance to the extent of one hundredth of a millionth of an ampere per square centimeter, or about one part in a hundred million million million. Then if this one part in a hundred million million million is at fault by one part in a thousand, we ring up the telephone company and complain that the quality of the speech is faulty.” [W.F.G. Swann, Physics Today, June. 1951, p. 9.]
However, if by special alignment of atoms and basic constituents one does provide an EM asymmetry in this naturally occurring “opposing huge EM power currents” always ongoing laterally in the matter itself, then a net lateral direct current (real EM power) can be freely provided by that altered material at a resulting voltage (indicating the asymmetry) because every charge in the material is continually involved in an enormous energy reaction with its local active vacuum.
This continual giant energy interaction of every charge with the seething vacuum is already well-known in modern quantum field theory. E.g., quoting Aitchison:
“…the concept of a ‘single particle’ actually breaks down in relativistic quantum field theory with interactions, because the interactions between ‘the particle’ and the vacuum fluctuations (or virtual quanta) cannot be ignored.” [I. J. R. Aitchison, “Nothing’s Plenty: The Vacuum in Modern Quantum Field Theory,” Contemporary Physics, 26(4), 1985, p. 357.].
A Little Corroborating InformationIndeed, I found an obscure bit of information that seems directly related to proving the concept. We urge other investigators to further investigate this effect. Quoting:
“infrared Tourmaline is the only mineral to show permanent electricity on the earth and is also a natural (non-manufactured) source of negative ions and far infrared (FIR) rays.
Around 1986, it was found in a research station in Japan that, even though tourmaline was broken down in smaller pieces, a positive and a negative electrode existed on both ends of the crystal, and the electrodes never disappeared unless tourmaline was boiled near 1000°C.
In addition, when the positive and the negative electrodes of a tourmaline crystal were connected to each other, it was proven to show low electricity of 0.06mA.”
We suspect that the vast new phenomena uncovered in nanocrystalline research will also probably have similar “self-powering DC battery” capabilities in some cases.
At any rate, altering the layering characteristics of the wafer material used by DeGeus provides a broken symmetry in its usual equal-and-opposite cross currents. This asymmetry results in the little DeGeus solid state wafer pouring out a net steady lateral DC current at a given steady voltage. In short, it becomes a “perpetual battery” type of device, gating and pouring out steady and directly usable net DC power, and fed by energy from the seething vacuum reaction due to that organized broken symmetry.
Proposed Explanation of the “Self-Powering Battery”
Physics already tells us that, when we have a broken symmetry, thensomething previously virtual becomes observable. So when we have a power supply using the normal proven asymmetry of opposite charges (its dipolarity), it will be receiving input energy from the virtual state vacuum, cohering it to quantum size, and emitting it as real, observable EM energy. E.g., quoting Nobelist Lee:
“the violation of symmetry arises whenever what was thought to be a non-observable turns out to be actually an observable.” [T. D. Lee, Particle Physics and Introduction to Field Theory, Harwood Academy Publishers, Chur, New York, and London, 1981, p. 181.]
DeGeus Wafers and the Purpose of his Planned Trip
DeGeus appears to have readily achieved different voltages and currents (different levels of power) by grouping, multiple-layering, etc. – much like connecting or grouping individual batteries. The novelty was that the inventor had discovered how to build these wafers extremely cheaply – couple bucks each for a small one, with an assembly of them for greater power just requiring multiples of the basic cost.He is believed to have been from a well-to-do European family with significant assets in South America. His family is reported to have claimed the body and officially tied up all his assets, effects, records, etc. The legal ongoings are likely to permanently suppress any and all technical lab notes, descriptions, etc.
Unknown to the authorities investigating his death, DeGeus was on his way to Europe to receive very substantial funding to put his invention into mass production and marketing.Importance of the DeGeus Invention
As an example of the importance of this probably-now-lost “free energy from the vacuum” invention, consider an electric car with a much smaller DeGeus wafer assembly “battery pack” using self-powering “batteries” taking all their energy output continually from the seething vacuum. As can be seen, suddenly one has eliminated the recharging of batteries for the electric car, and is now using a “permanent, self-powering battery” instead. Thus one has achieved the dream of a “self-powering electric auto”, taking all its input energy cleanly from the active vacuum environment itself, without need of burning physical fuel to run the car or recharge the battery. In short, a car also without harmful emissions that damage and pollute the biosphere and contribute to global warming.Use of a larger DeGeus battery, together with an alternator, would also produce a self-powering unit capable of powering the average home with AC power. Many other applications are obvious, as is also the tremendous impact of such a developed technology upon our present consumption of hydrocarbon fuels, nuclear fuel rods, etc.
If Assassination, Explanation of How It Was Done
So a question arises as to whether this was just a simple “accidental” heart attack, or whether it could have been a very professional assassination to suppress the inventor and his invention. While we cannot definitively answer that question, we can explain exactly how such an assassination could have been done, which would have given the victim a massive heart attack or stroke or both, resulting in his death.The standard method of assassination to provide a certified autopsy report of “death by natural causes” is the little EM beam “shooter” using theVenus ECCM technique – i.e., warping of its wavefront – to destroy the body’s control of its heartbeat. There are two basic sizes: One is about the size of a dime-store pocketbook, and has an effective range of something like 30 feet or so. The other is the size of a bazooka (shoulder-held rocket launcher) and its beam is effective at a range of about 200 feet or so. It also is often used with infrared sighting, to fire through a wall at a person (say, in a room on the second floor) by aiming at his infrared change and signature detected outside the building.
A person struck by this Venus-technique warped wavefront beam has a sudden interruption of all control of his heartbeat, and so his heart goes into instant, uncontrolled, and violent fibrillation. Exposure to the main beam for 10 seconds or more is almost certain to result in death of the individual, by a resulting massive heart failure, stroke, or both.
My colleague Ken Moore and I were struck with just such a beam from a small Venus beam shooter, in the inside breast coatpocket of the assassin, in a restaurant here in Huntsville several years ago. We both felt the beam and the instant fibrillation. I personally saw the assassin, about 20 feet away from us and well-dressed in suit and tie, pull back his coat front and point that book-sized shooter at us. Fortunately we were seated right beside the emergency exit from the dining room, and I knew about Venus technique shooters and their drastic effects. So we just immediately jumped right through that exit, setting off all the alarms, but getting out of the beam in just a few seconds. So we lived to tell the tale.
If this were indeed used in the DeGeus death case, it would have been very simple for the assassin to simply approach him while he was still sitting in his just-parked car, hit him with the beam and hold it on him for, say, 30 seconds to a minute, then close his coat and simply walk away. And no one would have been the wiser, till the victim was found by someone in his car, either dead or dying.
There is the information for the reader’s review. The reader will have to make up his own mind as to what probably really happened, and whether it was truly an act of nature (a normal heart attack) or a deliberately induced heart failure (an assassination using the standard Venus shooter).Other Similar Incidents
There are of course other incidents similar to this. Stan Meyer, a well-known inventor who apparently got his watergas working well, rushed from a restaurant and shouted “They’re killing me!” (Some reports stated he shouted “They’re poisoning me”), and then collapsed and died. Simply Google on the web, for many articles on Stan Meyer, his invention, the threats to his life, and his strange death.An Australian researcher and friend of mine also had a colleague who was assassinated in an upstairs room by a shot from the street below, using the larger bazooka-sized Venus shooter. The other persons there actually observed the assassin load the bazooka-shaped shooter back into his vehicle and speed away.
In Conclusion
All we can state for certain is that (1) lots of inventors of successful watergas, self-powering systems, etc. have been severely warned or in some cases killed. (2) Many other “free energy from the active medium” inventors have been threatened, bought out, or killed – or experienced a mysterious death (we tell neophytes to be careful, else one can have a “sudden suicide” on one’s way to the supermarket!) (3) The Venus electronic countermeasures technique is well-known and established. (4) I have personally experienced just such an assassination attempt, with my good friend Lieutenant Colonel (retired) Ken Moore with me and also experiencing the weapon effects and our very rapid escape in the nick of time. So I have a corroborating witness.Nonetheless, the interested reader will have to take it from there and draw his or her own conclusions about the DeGeus incident. Was it just a curious natural heart attack, or was it a deliberate assassination?
Hopefully time will tell.The people of this world need to know that the oil companies have become the enemies of mankind. They are withholding and suppressing technologies which could save the planet and eliminate povery and suffering. As long as we allow there to be a “secret government” this will continue to be so.Those who toil in basements and garages to bring forth energy from the vacuum in spite of death threats and assassinations are the true heros of this age
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Free Energy Battery: technology & suppression
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