-------------------------------------------------------- From: Mark Robinowitz <•••@••.•••> Subject: November 22, 1963 - the coup d'etat against Kennedy - beware the military industrial complex Date: Tue, 22 Nov 2005 02:59:19 -0800 42 years ago, the United States of America had a military coup d'etat -- an event that most people chose not to see (a society of "not see's"). President Kennedy was removed after changing his mind on the Cold War. He refused to invade Cuba during the Bay of Pigs debacle, refusing to start nuclear war during the Cuban Missile Crisis (even though his military advisors were demanding it), stopped atmospheric nuclear testing and began the process to withdraw troops from Vietnam. In his farewell address to the nation, President Eisenhower warned that we should beware the unchecked power of the military-industrial complex. This speech is one of the greatest in American history, and prescient in understanding what was coming. Now, in 2005, the future that Eisenhower warned about is the content of the daily news. The removal of Kennedy (and later, of his brother on the threshold of his victory in the Presidential campaign) led to the escalation of the Vietnam war, Watergate, the 1980 "October Surprise," the Iran-Contra scandals, BCCI, the invasion of Panama, Desert Storm (1991 war on Iraq), allowing the 1993 attack on the World Trade Center, Oklahoma City, the stolen election in Florida in 2000, 9/11 and the anthrax attacks on the Democrats and the media, the invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq, and the stolen 2004 Presidential election (to cite a few of the many scandals since 1963). If our society is going to shift course to use our resources for our survival -- instead of military dominance -- we will have to convert the military budget toward peaceful purposes. A key part of the understanding needed to shift course is an honest discussion of the events in Dallas 42 years ago today -- and how those events led to the permanent warfare national security state. "This conjunction of an immense military establishment and a large arms industry is new in the American experience ... In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military-industrial complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist. We must never let the weight of this combination endanger our liberties or democratic process." -- President Dwight Eisenhower, farewell speech to the nation, January 17, 1961 "Every gun that is made, every warship launched, every rocket fired signifies in the final sense, a theft from those who hunger and are not fed, those who are cold and are not clothed. This world in arms is not spending money alone. It is spending the sweat of its laborers, the genius of its scientists, the hopes of its children. This is not a way of life at all in any true sense. Under the clouds of war, it is humanity hanging on a cross of iron." -- Dwight Eisenhower, April 16, 1953 "I like to believe that people in the long run are going to do more to promote peace than our governments. Indeed, I think that people want peace so much that one of these days governments had better get out of the way and let them have it." -- Dwight D. Eisenhower "Should any political party attempt to abolish social security, unemployment insurance, and eliminate labor laws and farm programs, you would not hear of that party again in our political history. There is a tiny splinter group, of course, that believes you can do these things. Among them are H. L. Hunt (you possibly know his background), a few other Texas oil millionaires, and an occasional politician or business man from other areas. Their number is negligible and they are stupid." -- Dwight D. Eisenhower in a letter to his brother Edgar, November 8, 1954 ================= http://www.oilempire.us/propaganda.html JFK 11/22/1963 Official Story The Warren Commission report claimed that Lee Harvey Oswald was the lone gunman who killed President Kennedy. This claim is predicated on the "single bullet theory" created by Commission attorney Arlen Specter (a theory that must be true for the official story to be correct). Limited Hang Out The fall-back story suggests that the mafia and/or anti-Castro Cubans were responsible. A variation on this theme is that the Warren Commission had to coverup the involvement of Castro's Cuba and the Soviet Union, and therefore the coverup prevented a nuclear war between the US and the USSR (since the American public would have demanded revenge). Best Evidence To explain the Kennedy assassination, one must ask: Who had the power to change the motorcade route (to bring it near the Texas Book Depository and the "grassy knoll")? Who had the power to cover up the crime? Who benefitted? President Kennedy had changed his mind on the Cold War, had stopped nuclear testing in the atmosphere, and signed an order to start withdrawing troops from Vietnam. Kennedy promised to shatter the CIA into a thousand pieces, and the CIA shattered Kennedy into a thousand pieces. The assassination was a coup d'etat against democracy. Distracting Disinformation "The 9/11 Truth Movement gives one insight why the term 'conspiracy theorist' came to be shorthand for 'discredited whacko' in the invisible guidebook of mainstream media. "Suddenly, it's not hard to understand why the obvious anomalies in the JFK assassination never received proper attention in accepted media channels. "If you have just as many nutty theories about the driver of the limo turning around and shooting JFK as you have honest scientific inquiries about the real probability of multiple shooters, the wheat drowns in the chaff." -- Sander Hicks, author of "The Big Wedding" www.sanderhicks.com =============== Recommended resources: JFK Commencement Address at American University, June 10, 1963 the supporters of the Warren Commission who claim that there wasn't a conspiracy ignore this speech, which called for an end to the Cold War http://www.ratical.org/co-globalize/JFK061063.html Jim Garrison's autobiography "On the trail of the Assassins" Garrison conducted the only prosecution of a conspirator in the Kennedy assassination (which was ultimately unsuccessful). His autobiography is a fascinating expose of how the coup was conducted, who benefitted, who covered it up, and how the lone prosecution was sabotaged by covert interests and the media. Oliver Stone's famous film "JFK" is based on Garrison's story. www.prouty.org Col. Fletcher Prouty was the liaison from the Pentagon to the CIA when the assassination happened. He resigned from the military afterwards, and wrote two books and numerous articles -- which are archived at this website. www.ratical.org/ratville/JFK/ TOPICS ON THE NATIONAL SECURITY STATES OF AMERICA Understanding Special Operations The Kennedy Assassination The Clandestine Operations Business several books, numerous articles (long out of print) about the JFK Assassination and how the secret government (military - intelligence complex) actually functions http://www.fromthewilderness.com/free/ww3/112404_kennedy_insult.shtml ANOTHER INSULT FROM BUSH AND THE PENTAGON NEO-CONS By Wayne Madsen http://www.theassassinations.com THE ASSASSINATIONS Probe Magazine on JFK, MLK, RFK and Malcolm X Edited by James DiEugenio and Lisa Pease http://www.RealHistoryArchives.com This site exists because we are not being told the truth about our history. Are you under the impression that Oswald killed Kennedy? That the Media is independent? That the CIA never operates without presidential authority? If so, you need to peruse these archives and find out what you've been missing. This site is designed to provide researchers links and leads to finding solid information about our real history, as opposed to the convenient - if somewhat fake - history the "mainstream" corporate press feeds us. http://www.rtis.com/reg/bcs/pol/touchstone/february97/worsham.htm JFK CONSPIRACY: THE INTELLECTUAL DISHONESTY AND COWARDICE OF ALEXANDER COCKBURN AND NOAM CHOMSKY by Michael Worsham http://www.webcom.com/ctka/pr197-left.html The Left and the Death of Kennedy By Jim DiEugenio http://www.webcom.com/ctka/index.html Citizens for the Truth about the Kennedy Assassinations Alexander Cockburn and Noam Chomsky vs. JFK: A Study in Misinformation (Citizens for the Truth About the Kennedy Assassination, May 1994) http://webcom.com/lpease/media/cockburn.htm My Beef With Chomsky (Michael Morrissey, Sep 2000) http://www.geocities.com/mdmorrissey/chomcorr.htm Concerning Chomsky's arrogant evasions of fact and truly bizarre double standards about trusting official sources, in regards to several critical conspiracy issues (including the JFK assassination). Also, he points out Chomsky's change of mind from his keen interest in the JFK assassination in the late 60s, something he doesn't seem to have anything to say about these days. The History Channel -- movie The Men Who Killed Kennedy DVD set (Episodes 1-6) http://store.aetv.com/html/product/index.jhtml?id=70341 http://karws.gso.uri.edu/JFK/The_critics/Russell/Sixteen_questions_Russell.html 6 Questions on the Assassination By Bertrand Russell The Minority of One, 6 September 1964, pp. 6-8 --- http://www.namebase.org/news04.html Sidebar from NameBase NewsLine, No. 4, January-March 1994: The Man Who Wasn't There by Daniel Brandt About the time that my two colleagues plotted a trajectory toward the Dallas symposium, I was relieved that PIR's telephone had stopped ringing, and there was some light at the other end of the TV specials. Yet another media feeding frenzy during yet another assassination anniversary. "I hope I'm not around for the 50th," I told researcher Scott Malone when he called a few weeks earlier to check on something or other that I've since happily forgotten. After Peter Dale Scott's exhausting "Deep Politics and the Death of JFK," I needed a rest before starting on the other worthwhile 1993 JFK book, Gaeton Fonzi's "The Last Investigation." By now I've only a vague idea of the number of JFK books in NameBase, but the notion that it's enough already is increasingly distinct. Fortunately Fonzi's book was easy reading, and early on a zinger perked me up. Fonzi describes a visit to Vince Salandria in 1975, the earliest assassination researcher who at one time was a mentor to many starting out in the field: "I'm afraid we were misled," Salandria said sadly. "All the critics, myself included, were misled very early. I see that now. We spent too much time and effort microanalyzing the details of the assassination when all the time it was obvious, it was blatantly obvious that it was a conspiracy. Don't you think that the men who killed Kennedy had the means to do it in the most sophisticated and subtle way? They chose not to. Instead, they picked the shooting gallery that was Dealey Plaza and did it in the most barbarous and openly arrogant manner. The cover story was transparent and designed not to hold, to fall apart at the slightest scrutiny.... We must face that fact -- and not waste any more time microanalyzing the evidence. That's exactly what they want us to do.... They'll keep you very, very busy and, eventually, they'll wear you down." (p. 29) The name Vince Salandria was not familiar to me; I knew only that he had assisted in the Garrison investigation. Fonzie mentions that Salandria has never written a book, never capitalized on his research, and by 1975 had faded into the background. I found an address for Salandria and wrote a letter explaining that I thought his perspective deserved a wider audience. He graciously sent 60 photocopied pages of articles he had written from 1964-1977, and mentioned in his cover letter that "I still feel that shifting the analysis from a micro to a macro approach is essential to freeing the bona fide critics from a quagmire." Half of the copies were of articles he wrote from 1964-1966, by way of showing, as he described in his letter, that "I was perhaps the earliest person to attack the Warren Report microanalytically." This isn't a boast, it's a confession. By December 1971 he described himself as "among the earliest and GUILTIEST of the researchers in my protracted analyses of the shots, trajectories and wounds of the assassination.... While the researchers have involved themselves in consuming preoccupation with the microanalytic searching for facts of how the assassination was accomplished, there has been almost no systematic thinking on why President Kennedy was killed." In this article and another written in 1977, Salandria looks at the assassination with a fresh set of assumptions. He borrows from his friend Professor Thomas Katen, who characterized the Warren Report as a "transparent conspiracy" rather than a cover-up. The deeper you look into the evidence, the clearer it becomes. The clues are buried, diffused, and time-released so that those who look hardest become the most fragmented and demoralized. And savvy political leaders, who might normally feel that something can be done, are the very ones who get the message most clearly: "The cryptocracy is in control, so go along if you expect to get along." Then there are those who need to deny, or refuse to see, or just enjoy grotesque minutiae -- for them, bread and circuses and murder mysteries are sufficiently harmless. After talking with Salandria in 1975, Fonzi flew back to Miami. "I didn't quite grasp exactly what he was talking about, but I had the uneasy feeling he was advancing some awesomely frightening theories. Then it crossed my mind that, perhaps this time for sure, Salandria was crazy." By 1993, of course, Fonzi is much more concerned that his friend ISN'T crazy. I instinctively refused when my colleagues urged me to attend the 30th anniversary symposium with them. But it wasn't until I heard from the Warren Commission's first micro-critic, the man who stopped being there sometime around the 8th anniversary, that I began to understand why. --- www.oilempire.us - a political map to understand Peak Oil Peak Oil is the real connection between Iraq and 9/11 Katrina shows how the Bush regime is planning for Peak Oil the war on freedom: Homeland Security surveillance society stolen elections: voting machines, plane crashes, lone gunmen oil we are saying is give impeachment a chance! www.oilempire.us/propaganda.html - the illusion of incompetence covers up the crimes Propaganda Patterns: Katrina disaster, Peak Oil, Iraq war, stolen elections, JFK 11/22, 9/11, civil liberties, media Official Story, Limited Hang Outs, Best Evidence, Disinformation to Discredit www.permatopia.com - a graceful end to cheap oil convert the military budget --> permaculture for nine billion how we use the remaining oil determines humanity's future www.permatopia.com/levels.html Permaculture Patterns: local, bioregional and global solutions energy, transportation, economics, health, democracy, population, food and water -- -------------------------------------------------------- http://cyberjournal.org "Apocalypse Now and the Brave New World" http://www.cyberjournal.org/cj/rkm/Apocalypse_and_NWO.html Posting archives: http://cyberjournal.org/cj/show_archives/?date=01Jan2006&batch=25&lists=newslog Subscribe to low-traffic list: •••@••.••• ___________________________________________ In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. 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