Depopulation: Asia By DU, Africa By AIDS


Richard Moore

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Asia By DU, Africa By AIDS
By Hamid Golpira
09 August, 2007
Tehran Times

Today is Nagasaki Day, a time for reflection on weapons of mass destruction, 
genocide, and man's inhumanity to man.

This is the 62nd anniversary of the atomic bombing of Nagasaki, which will be 
holding a solemn ceremony in memory of the victims of that tragedy and to 
encourage people to work for world peace and nuclear disarmament. Similar 
ceremonies were held on August 6 in Hiroshima and other places to mark the 
anniversary of the first nuclear attack on a city.

In the Hiroshima Peace Declaration 2007, describing the scene of the parachute 
descending with the atomic bomb that destroyed his city 62 years ago, Mayor 
Tadatoshi Akiba said: "The eyes of young girls watching the parachute were 
melted. Their faces became giant charred blistersŠ Hiroshima was a hell where 
those who somehow survived envied the dead."

Elsewhere in his speech, he said: "To ensure that 'no one else ever suffers as 
we did,' the hibakusha (atomic bombing survivors) have continuously spoken of 
experiences they would rather forget, and we must never forget their 
accomplishments in preventing a third use of nuclear weapons."

Truly it is a great accomplishment that the hibakusha have prevented a third use
of nuclear weapons.

However, another type of radiological weapon, depleted uranium, has been used by
the U.S. military in Iraq, Bosnia, Serbia, Kosovo, and Afghanistan. There is 
also some evidence that Israel used depleted uranium munitions in Lebanon during
the 2006 war.

DU causes genetic damage, birth defects, cancer, immune system damage, and other
serious health problems and is probably the cause of Persian Gulf War Syndrome.

Physicians in Iraq have documented a threefold increase in childhood cancers and
a fivefold increase in birth defects since the U.S. military first used DU 
weapons in southern Iraq in 1991.

To see horrible pictures of babies deformed as a result of genetic damage caused
by depleted uranium weapons, go to these sites:
rimes_against-humanit y_1.htm,, ,,,
um=1&tab=wi&am p;amp;hl=en&q=du%20babies.

The use of depleted uranium weapons is a genocidal act that is part of a global 
depopulation program.

According to some scientists, large areas of Iraq, Afghanistan, Iran, northern 
Pakistan, northern India, and Central Asia could become depopulated as a result 
of contamination caused by depleted uranium dust carried by the wind.

Other scientists say that only the areas attacked with DU weapons will become 

However, it appears that the U.S. military has contingency plans to attack other
countries in the region. Perhaps these plans were drawn up to complete the 

Meanwhile, Africa is being decimated by the HIV/AIDS epidemic. In several 
African countries, over 10 percent of the population is HIV positive.

In three articles published in the International Journal of STD and AIDS in 2002
and 2003, an international team of scientists led by Dr. David Gisselquist said 
that more than half the cases of AIDS in Africa before 1988 were due to 
unsterilized syringes and other medical exposures to contaminated blood and only
about 30 percent of cases, not the 90 percent claimed, were sexually 

Even now, in many places in Africa, especially rural areas, syringes are still 
being reused.

So, why is the World Health Organization not providing enough syringes to 
Africa, and why are the rich countries not funding such a project?

This is either complete incompetence or indifference or a deliberate act.

Many activists say there is a policy of deliberate neglect of the HIV/AIDS 
epidemic in Africa that is part of a program to depopulate the continent.

Asia by DU, Africa by AIDS, and we can add South America by hunger and poverty. 
If this is not a world depopulation program, what is it?

At the end of the Hiroshima Peace Declaration 2007, Mayor Akiba said: "Let us 
pledge here and now to take all actions required to bequeath to future 
generations a nuclear-weapon-free world."

But, in light of the depleted uranium assault on Asia and the neglect of the 
HIV/AIDS epidemic in Africa, we should do more.

Let us also pledge here and now to take all actions required to bequeath to 
future generations a genocide-free world.

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