Deaths From Swine Flu Vaccine Reported In Europe


Richard Moore

Deaths From Swine Flu Vaccine Reported In Europe
Vaccine manufacturer attributes high rate of side effects to novel adjuvants

Steve Watson
Friday, Oct 23, 2009

As European governments forge ahead with mass swine flu vaccination programs, reports out of Hungary and Sweden suggest that some people have died shortly after taking the H1N1 vaccine.

The Budapest Times is reporting that a 64-year-old woman has died just two days after receiving the H1N1 shot.

An autopsy has been scheduled to determine if there is a link between the vaccine and the death of the patient, who suffered from chronic, but mild, heart disease, according to the article.

So far just 4 people have died from swine flu in Hungary.

The country’s H1N1 vaccine is being supplied by local vaccine manufacturer Omninvest. The government there has ordered six million doses cover about 60% of Hungary’s population of 10 million.

Omnivest’s vaccines are egg grown and adjuvanted with aluminum phosphate. The company says that only one dose of their H1N1 vaccine is required. Though they have conducted limited trials with the H1N1 virus, their vaccine, is based on tests with the avian flu strain.

According to the Budapest Times report, Omnivest has threatened to sue over allegations that its swine flu vaccine may be dangerous. However, a leading advisor to the Health Ministry in Hungary, last week suggested that the vaccine is not suitable for small children and pregnant women, in spite of the fact that the shot is being offered to free of charge to those “at risk” groups.

Reports are also emerging out of Sweden that suggest more deaths have occurred.

According to the Swedish newspaper Aftonbladet, medical experts have said that a man in his fifties died of a suspected heart attack 12 hours after receiving the Pandemrix shot, which is manufactured by GlaxoSmithKline.

The newspaper also reported that a 65-year-old women died two days after receiving the jab, she is reported to have suffered from a “muscle condition”.

Here is a rough translation of the article via Google translator:

Flu vaccine may be too strong

Mature, seriously ill can be dissuaded from vaccination

Two seriously ill persons have so far died after receiving the vaccine against swine flu.

MPA is now investigating whether it may require new recommendations advise against the elderly and sick to immunize itself.

Two seriously ill persons have so far died after receiving flu vaccine. One of them is a man of Västernorrland who had a heart attack. MPA can not say if his death is a reaction to the vaccine. An autopsy will be done to clarify the cause of heart attack.

“It is very difficult to assess. Someone may consider that there is a connection. It’s a personal thing how to assess,” says Lennart Walden Lind, doctors at the MPA.

A severe consumptive woman in the age of 65 from the Stockholm area, was found dead two days after she had received the vaccination. The case will be investigated by the MPA.

Should seriously ill people not to vaccinate themselves?

“There is a proper question, and we’re working on something to investigate. In the clinical studies performed before vaccination, there is often not so many of these rare patients are represented. The experience of how they react will come later. We are working right now with warnings of caution,” said Lennart Walden Lind.

The vaccine against swine flu differs from ordinary flu by most so-called adjuvants are higher. It is the component which triggers the immune system of the person receiving it.

“This can explain that one can see a bit stronger reactions than on a conventional vaccine. If you have many risk factors that allows one to feel bad by fever arising as it may be that you should abstain. It seems besides, as the elderly often fall ill in flu. This is something we are investigating and there is no timetable on when we know the answer,” says Lennart Walden Lind.

Other reports out of Sweden suggest that 190 people, including many nurses have reported suffering side effects from the vaccine to the medical authority (MPA).

“So far, the authority has received more than 190 reports from both health care and private individuals. By far the most common are pain in the arm. Then mild flu symptoms like fever, muscle pain, stomach pain, headaches, dizziness and fatigue.” reports Swedish news website

The report goes on to state that GlaxoSmithKline is attributing a higher than normal rate of side effects to the adjuvants in the vaccine:

“According to vaccine manufacturer GlaxoSmithKline may be about one in ten vaccinated trouble, which is slightly more than the usual seasonal influenza vaccine. This is because a substance in the vaccine that triggers immune response in time.” the translation reads.

GlaxoSmithKline’s Pandemrix vaccine contains the adjuvant squalene.

Vaccinations began throughout Europe a little over a week ago. Sweden was one of the first countries to begin vaccination on October 12.

According to the Stockholm-based European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control, there have been a total of 230 deaths linked to H1N1 in Europe since April, with around 50% of those occurring in the UK.

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