Dahr Jamail: Locals Accuse U.S. of Massacre in Ramadi


Richard Moore

Date: Fri, 17 Nov 2006 10:06:04 -0800
From: •••@••.•••
Subject: MidEast Dispatches: Locals Accuse U.S. of Massacre in Ramadi

** Dahr Jamail's MidEast Dispatches **
** Visit the Dahr Jamail website http://dahrjamailiraq.com **
** Website by http://jeffpflueger.com **

      Locals Accuse U.S. of Massacre in Ramadi

*Inter Press Service*
Dahr Jamail and Ali al-Fadhily

*RAMADI, Nov 17 (IPS) - U.S. military tank fire killed scores of civilians in 
Ramadi, capital of Al-Anbar province, late Monday night, according to witnesses 
and doctors. Anger and frustration were evident at the hospitals and during the 
funerals in the following days.*

Iraqi doctors and witnesses at the scene of the attack said U.S. tanks killed 35
civilians when they shelled several homes in the Al-Dhubat area of the city.

Ramadi, located 110 km west of Baghdad, has been beset with sporadic but intense
violence between occupation forces and insurgents for several months.

On Tuesday, hundreds of people carried the 35 coffins of the dead to a graveyard
in a funeral procession which closely resembled an angry demonstration.

"We heard the bombing and we thought it was the usual fighting between 
resistance fighters and the Americans, but we soon realised it was bombing by 
large cannons," 60-year-old Haji Jassim explained to IPS at the burial. "We 
weren't allowed by the Americans to reach the destroyed houses to try to rescue 
those who were buried, so certainly many of them bled to death."

Jassim claimed that everyone killed was innocent, that they were not fighters. 
He said that when he and others attempted to reach the rubble of the destroyed 
homes, located near mosques whose minaret's loudspeakers had broadcast pleas for
help, "There was a big American force that stopped us and told us the usual ugly
phrases we hear from them every day."

Jassim, speaking with IPS while several other witnesses listened while nodding 
their heads, said that ambulances did not appear on the scene for hours because 
"we realised that the Americans did not allow them to move," and that as a 
result, "there were people buried under the rubble who were bleeding to death 
while there was still a chance to rescue them."

Jassim then burst into tears and walked away saying prayers to Allah to bless 
the souls of the dead.

A doctor at Ramadi's main hospital, Abdullah Salih, told reporters that 35 
bodies had been brought in and he also believed that others had not been 
retrieved since access had been limited by ongoing U.S. military operations.

Another doctor, Kamal al-Ani, said that in addition to the dead, another 17 
wounded had been brought into the hospital.

The scene at the hospital was tragic as doctors confirmed the reason of death 
for many as severe bleeding that had gone on for several hours. Most of the 
doctors were unwilling to discuss too many details for fear of U.S. military 

"You can notice the number of dead is at least twice as high as the number of 
wounded," one of the doctors, speaking on condition of anonymity, told IPS. A 
local Iraqi policeman who identified himself as Khalif Obeidi told IPS that 
tanks had destroyed several houses in the area during the U.S. raid, killing 
more than 30 civilians.

"We know that those killed were innocent," said Obeidi, "although there have 
been attacks on the Americans from near that area in the past."

Residents of the city and relatives of the dead who were at the funeral were 

"There is no other way for the Sunnis than to fight," Ali Khudher, a 25-year-old
carpenter who lost a relative in the attack told IPS. "It is a religious war and
no one can deny that now."

Others who attended the mass funeral chanted anti-American, anti-Israeli, 
anti-Iranian and even slogans against the Islamic Party which is now part of the
Iraqi government.

Tempers run high in Ramadi also because the city has often been the scene of 
large-scale U.S. military operations and their inherent forms of collective 

Last June, thousands of residents were forced from their homes due to military 
operations, according to Maurizio Mascia, programme manager for the Italian 
Consortium of Solidarity (ICS), a non-governmental group based in Amman, Jordan 
that provides relief to refugees in Iraq.

At that time, Mascia told IPS, "The Americans, instead of attacking the city all
at once like they've done in their previous operations in cities like Fallujah 
and Al-Qa'im, are using helicopters and ground troops to attack one district at 
a time in Ramadi."

Mirroring a complaint heard often from residents of Ramadi, Mascia said, "The 
main dangers for the population are the MNF (multi-national force) at the 
checkpoints and the snipers: both usually shoot at any movement that they 
consider dangerous -- causing many victims among civilians."

In a phone conversation with IPS, a spokesman for the U.S. military in Baghdad 
said he had no specific details of the incident and that "the U.S. military has 
been conducting ongoing patrols and security details in Al-Anbar for months now.
Our efforts are always to attack the terrorists and protect the civilian 

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