
Richard Moore


A very interesting article, particularly if you've been following developments 
in physics.

Pearson has come up with a very creative model that claims to overcome the 
various contradictions that physics theory is currently troubled by. From my 
layman's studies, I find Pearson's arguments plausible, but I don't know nearly 
enough to be able to say there aren't flaws. 

His model goes beyond the scope of physics, and accounts also for paranormal 
phenomenon, such as telekinesis and the like. Beyond that, it even accounts for 
that thing Jung called the 'universal unconscious', and that thing spiritual 
people refer to as a 'universal consciousness'.

As with all breakthrough theories, Person crosses the boundaries of 
'disciplines', making use of synergies that others have not noticed. In 
particular, neural networks play a central role in his model. If you don't know 
about neural networks (they are very important for many reasons) you might want 
to start with Wikipedia:

Basically, he's saying that the universe itself is intelligent, at a level 
underneath the quanta phenomena of physics. And his model seems to explain 
exactly how that intelligence comes into being and how it operates. Fascinating 


Original source URL:

The Campaign for Philosophical Freedom

Two major problems in cosmology are addressed and solutions given. One is the 
result of the failure of theorists to find a way of switching off the explosive 
'big bang' of creation they postulate. The continued explosion is then called 
the 'cosmological constant' pushing the galaxies apart at absurdly high rates. 
The other is the failure of all attempts to reconcile Einstein's theory of 
gravity called, 'general relativity' with the other so-called 'pillar of 20th 
century achievement' - quantum theory. The latter deals with the small-scale 
mechanics of the atom.

The solution published in 'Frontier Perspectives' showed that a background 
medium needs to exist built on two kinds of energy: positive and negative. The 
negative kind is defined as having the force needed to accelerate an object 
pointing opposite the direction of motion it produces, instead of the same 
direction as in the case of positive energy. This idea is not new but the way it
is applied is novel. Primary particles of these two kinds are shown to 
self-create by collision and also mutually annihilate to form a filamentous 
background structure appearing very like the neural network of the brain. It 
evolves an immortal conscious intelligence but all it can do is to produce waves
to generate the illusion of matter out of itself and at the same time the same 
waves produce long range density gradients. These produce the force of gravity 
and mathematical analysis matches the predictions of Einstein's relativity 
theories. The latter need therefore to be abandoned: nobody is ever going to 
reconcile them with quantum theory because no background medium can co-exist 
with relativity.

However, the new approach suggests that human minds could be partitioned-off 
fractions of the background, 'etheric mind' and so could be immortal. Most other
psi or paranormal phenomena can also be shown to fit in nicely with the new 

This article was published in the scientific journal Frontier Perspectives, 
Volume 6, Number 2 (Spring/Summer 1997) (The Center for Frontier Sciences at 
Temple University, USA) It shows how the subject of survival is related to 
creation, and provides a solution to the gravity problem.

Ronald D. Pearson

A sub-quantum level of reality, to be called the "nuether", is described which 
results from applying the two conservation laws of energy and momentum. A new 
creation/annihilation mechanism then appears having a self-organising property 
and leading to a brain-like structure. This could evolve a primary consciousness
within the nuether, which could then generate the quantum waves to produce what 
we call, "sub-atomic particles", together with the force of gravity. A solution 
to the enigma called, "wave particle duality" has therefore appeared naturally 
and is entirely free from paradox. In this way the nuether seems able to 
generate the quantum world: the base on which all matter rests. Physics is also 
extended to include phenomena, like psychokinesis, presently regarded as 


The notion of a sub-quantum phenomenon contradicts the current reductionist view
that mind is just brain-function. However, even as early as 1989, Sir Roger 
Penrose appears to have disagreed with this contention(1). Penrose, together 
with Stuart Hameroff, offered an approach they define as "panpsychism" as 
described in this journal(2). This view includes a "stable self-organising 
structure," but unlike the views to be presented here, theirs does not refer to 
a sub-quantum medium.

This panpsychism is a significant paradigm shift because, to the extent that 
most physicists think about "mind" at all, they regard it materialistically as 
mere brain function. Some treat paranormal phenomena more as threats to their 
own credibility, rather than as anomalies to be investigated experimentally. In 
this paper I consider paranormal to be phenomena outside the scope of physics.

Another difficulty is presented by the enigma called, wave-particle duality. A 
number of small holes can be made in a barrier to be bombarded with any kind of 
sub-atomic particle. The intensity can be arranged so low that the particles 
pass through the holes only one at a time. Although one particle can only go 
through one hole, it subsequently behaves as if it had gone through all holes at
once. It behaves like sets of waves, emerging from every hole simultaneously to 
produce an interference pattern, the signature of wave effects. Young's two slit
experiment, illustrated in Figure 4, shows such interference patterns moving 
towards a screen where they produce a pattern of light and dark bands. These are
due to waves in phase adding by constructive interference whilst those out of 
phase subtract.

Very early de Broglie was the first to propose that all particles have a 
wavelike nature. He also suggested that pilot waves guided sub-atomic particles,
and published many papers and several books from 1952 onwards in attempts to 
show how quantum waves could be generated. Bohm in 1980 proposed an implicate 
order with "hidden variables" underlying quantum theory(3), and I. Vigier 
together with several others did similar work. Mainstream physics, however, 
makes no serious attempt to show how matter is organised by its quantum waves or
to show how quantum waves are generated. The very question of whether quantum 
waves are real phenomena or merely abstract artifacts is shunned as metaphysical
or non-scientific.

The pilot wave concept could not explain all observations and so, unfortunately,
it was displaced by the Copenhagan interpretation. This assumed all 
possibilities existed in superposition as unresolved wave-functions until 
observed; then these collapsed into the reality of particles. At least this view
acknowledged that matter was controlled in some way by a consciousness, but in 
1957 Everett's many universes interpretation appeared. This seems not to depend 
on consciousness but instead requires an infinite number of matter-systems in 
superposition. The present explanation arises naturally from the logic to be 
described and is much closer to de Broglie's early concepts.

Caption for Figure 1

These concepts required the existence of a background medium for the propagation
of waves. Notable theorists in more recent times have sought to reintroduce 
modified concepts of the old rigid ether, discredited by the failure of attempts
made a century ago by Michelson and Morley to measure the speed of the Earth 
through such a medium. John Archibald Wheeler, for example, published ideas for 
a "sub-quantal" medium in a theory in collaboration with Professor Richard 
Feynman(4). Mathematical descriptions for terms like "pre-space", "wormholes" 
and "quantum foam" were proposed as underlying both space and matter.

These ideas are not yet accepted as part of mainstream physics, however, 
probably because the model seems presently to be untestable by experiment. An 
encouraging feature of the present formulation is that it suggests ideas for 
several experiments by which it could be tested. For example, this formulation 
is consistent with a fluid medium, the nuether, traveling with the Earth in a 
vortex motion centered on the Sun. An updated Michelson-Morley interferometer, 
such as that used by Brillett and Hall and, flown in low Earth orbit(5), ought 
to give fringe shifts consistent with its relative velocity through the nuether,
thereby confirming its existence. Indeed these researchers, in 1979, obtained 
fringe shifts which Aspden interpreted as indicating a speed of 355 m/s -within 
3% of the spin velocity of the Earth at the latitude of test(6). This result 
already supports the vortex model.

The present hypothesis evolved from an attempt to solve the problem of quantum 
gravitation published in 1990(7). A summary appeared in the proceedings of a 
Russian conference of 1991(8) and was followed by another publication in 
1992(9). The latter also gives in its appendix a full mathematical treatment of 
the structure of the nuether to be described. A mathematical treatment showing 
the link with gravitation was also included in the proceedings of the Sir Isaac 
Newton conference of 1993(10).

The new approach offers a reason for the way matter is organised by quantum 
waves and shows how such phenomena could arise. No changes to quantum theory are
required, however, except where gravitation is concerned. It has also very 
recently been found that relativity theory can be integrated without paradox. 
Hence existing theory is supplemented by providing a real basis for supporting 
its abstract concepts.

Origin of an Alternative Approach

The impetus for this approach was an article by Professor Tryon in which the 
mass-energy of matter was balanced against "negative gravitational potential 
energy."(11) The mass-energy, however, would remain when matter had expanded to 
infinite distance, but here the gravitational energy was defined as zero. To 
resolve this puzzle one might adduce the ideas of Gibbons, Hawking and 
Siklos(12) & Novikov(13) who attributed a high energy-density balanced by an 
"intrinsic negative pressure of the vacuum".

Caption for Figures 2 thru 6

These ideas were all part of the established big-bang theory in which the 
universe of matter arose simultaneously with space in a minute fraction of a 
second. A direct consequence was the emergence of an apparently insoluble 
problem of the cosmological constant, which predicted that all galaxies would be
moving apart with accelerations fifty orders of magnitude greater than 
astronomical observations could allow. This value is not to be confused with the
cosmological constant originated by Einstein. His gravitational theory showed 
that the galaxies had to be accelerating relative to our own, a prediction which
was contrary to accepted opinion. He then added an artificial constant to make 
them appear stationary. Later he admitted that this was his worst mistake. An 
associated problem, which had troubled theorists for more than fifty years, was 
the incompatibility of general relativity with the quantum approach.

The specialist knowledge of the engineer in thermodynamics and mechanics might 
help resolve these problems. An attempt to produce a paradox-free theory of 
quantum gravitation is mounted here such that such a force of attraction could 
not be modeled without the re-introduction of negative energy states. Such 
states had first been proposed by a physicist, Paul Dirac(14) in the 30's but 
were then rejected and are now regarded as non-physical. However, the reasons 
used for rejection are not applicable in the present context. For example, one 
argument says that electrons in negative states must fall indefinitely to 
infinite negative values: but in the present theory no electrons can exist in 
negative states. Such states will be confined to the sub-quantum level where 
none of the four forces of nature exist. Furthermore, at the quantum and higher 
levels only a net positive energy will be evident. A balance of both positive 
and negative states needs to exist at the sub-quantum level only, in such a way 
that a positive excess appeared for building matter, yet left a negative excess 
to produce the force of gravity.

The meaning of these energy states is best understood by considering an object 
accelerated by the application of a force. Any object, even when stationary, can
be considered as being constructed from energy, rest-energy to be precise, since
mass and energy are known to be equivalent to one another. An object made of 
positive rest-energy will accelerate in the direction of the applied force while
one of negative rest-energy will accelerate in the reverse direction. This 
relationship may seem impossible at first sight but forces of action are always 
balanced by opposing forces of reaction, and an alternative set of mechanics can
be set out with these forces reversed. These mechanics give exactly the same 
responses when all other objects are considered as made of negative energy.(15) 
Motion adds kinetic energy of the same origin in either case.

A background medium, therefore, to exist which consists of a mixture of both 
positive and negative energy states. This medium cannot be a continuum since the
two states would cancel each other. So the energy states must be considered to 
exist as an intimate mixture of two kinds of complementary particle, to be 
called "primaries". All particles will move at high speed to repeatedly collide 
and so form a seething mass in the manner of a gas-like fluid. This is the 
primordial nuether whose intricate structure has yet to be described.

A New Creative Mechanism

Half of all collisions will be between primaries of like kind: either positive 
to positive or negative to negative. In either case they will bounce away like 
billiard balls obeying two basic laws of physics: the conservation of energy and
the conseration of momentum. While energy is the basic material of both matter 
and the motion of that matter (kinetic energy), momentum is a property of 
matter. The momentum of an object is obtained by multiplying its mass by its 
velocity (the meaning of its conservation is explained in the appendix). On this
basis alone both phases of the fluid, positive and negative, would neither gain 
nor lose energy.

The remaining half of all collisions will be between pairs, one of each kind. 
Then the same two laws of momentum and energy, when applied together, result in 
the prediction of a balanced increase of both energies at each collision. This 
increase is explained by Figure 1, which shows how pure energy creation or 
destruction can now occur without violation of the laws of physics. The first 
law of thermodynamics now appears as a special case of a more general law, which
whould read, "Energy can only be created or destroyed in equal and opposite 
amounts." This breeding effect implies that the zero state is unstable, and once
triggered, the sub-quantum background fluid is committed to eternal growth. The 
nuether has to exist as a sphere whose radius will increase indefinitely.

An expanding universe is predicted with galaxies receding at speeds proportional
to their distance from us, as the astronomer Hubble was the first to observe. A 
theory free from the false prediction of the "cosmological constant" emerges, 
for which established cosmology can offer no acceptable solution, as shown by 
Abbott(16). Some other process needs to exist, however, to eliminate most of the
pure creation generated, because it is many orders of magnitude greater than 
observation can allow. The solution appears naturally.

When large numbers of both kinds of primary approach a point from all directions
the net growth rate is drastically reduced because the net momentum at such a 
point now cancels to zero, thus causing the same laws of physics to favour 
mutual annihilation. Flow patterns spontaneously form, as shown in Figure 2, in 
which pure creation drives primaries toward centres of annihilation. Cylindrical
symmetry is favoured over the alternative spherical kind because the cusp-shaped
voids between packed spheres are about three times greater than for packed 
cylinders. These are not voids; they are breeding zones creating whisker-like 
projections, which enable a flip to the most stable configuration. The result is
the spontaneous formation of permanent filaments of both kinds of energy at the 
centres of every breeding cell. Filaments are not material objects; they are 
primaries in the act of squeezing each other out of existence and are really 
flow patterns in the liquid state. They tend to form into honeycomb-like arrays,
shown in cross-section in Figure 2. Being of incredibly fine spacing, many 
thousands would lie side by side within the compass of each tiny electron. These
filaments must not be confused with elements of the "string theories" of 
mainstream physics, which are described in higher curved dimensions with the 
eleventh providing the source of creation. Some are compacted into little balls 
so that only the strings poke out into the four space-time dimensions we 

The present theory is written in only these four space-time dimensions and is 
based entirely on Euclidean geometry. However, string theories are not ruled out
since the strings could be higher order constructs: not the filaments 
themselves. It is possible that the higher dimensional mathematics do not 
represent reality and that the nuether employs similar mathematical constructs, 
which are then discarded, in the way that mathematicians use imaginary numbers 
and then discard the imaginary parts of the final solution.

At larger scales bundles of the arrays of filament-containing cells will 
criss-cross in all directions as shown in Figure 3. It requires no mathematical 
formalism to see that, as a consequence of such random geometry, each filament 
will terminate at both ends in a tee-junction with some other filament that 
crosses its path. Due to the sharing of imploding flows near junctions a local 
thinning of filaments will result. The junctions, therefore, are weak points 
which can easily break. They can exist in bistable states: either open or 

In the open state any asymmetry causes an energy imbalance to build up, caused 
by rectification of random fluctuations occurring in the surrounding region. 
When some shock causes closure, an energy discharge will occur and the resulting
flow can provide the shock needed to cause a change in state of other nearby 
junctions. So waves of switching action will arise spontaneously: these could be
the quantum waves: the core feature of quantum theory. Furthermore, all the 
ingredients are present from which a working neural network could evolve and 
could ultimately yield a primary consciousness.

The network or grid, now defining the "nuether" and represented symbolically by 
a rectangular mesh in Figures 3, 5, and 6, would interconnect everything in the 
universe. As yet, however, no universe of matter could exist. Spontaneous 
creation of the nuether had to occur first, followed by evolution of its 
consciousness, since on this model matter would require deliberate design.

The only tools available for the creation of matter would be the quantum waves, 
organised by the computing ability of the network. Waves could be focused by 
such computer control, so they implode to a central point after originating from
a spherical shell of the grid. Humps of energy density will appear around any 
focus because wave-action will create more collisions and so stimulate an excess
of creation. No violation of the second law of thermodynamics is involved here 
because, at the sub-quantum level, pure energy creation is driving a flux of 
primaries, a minute fraction being intercepted continuously to produce energy 
imbalances in the filaments. An immense power source is available everywhere to 
drive the universe. In this way the tendency toward greater disorder, 
represented by increase of entropy, is counteracted.

These humps will serve as the elementary sub-atomic particles, which can be 
generated in a state of motion and, grouped by the organising power of wave 
interference patterns (an example is shown in Figure 4) will form up into 
complete atoms, molecules and crystals, as shown in Figure 5. It should be noted
that the atomic nuclei are shown on a cubic lattice but it is tilted so that it 
is not confused with the grid symbolism, also shown, and which underlies 

Caption for Figure 7

It is known that the probability of an electron being at any point, within a 
space known as an "orbital" centred on the atomic nucleus, is defined by the 
wave-interference model of Schrödinger. It seems plausible that the huge energy 
input needed to maintain a particle prevents its being located for long at a 
given place. Then the quantum wave focus will need to be shifted abruptly to 
another spot to allow the local grid to recover. Hence an electron will appear 
as a particle-sequence joined end-to-end in time but not in position. It will 
seem to jump about at random within the orbital to fill the available space but 
at each reconstruction it will be in motion. If it hits another particle, like a
photon, during its life, then its energy-density hump will behave like a 

In this way a plausible explanation for the vexed question of particle-duality 
arises naturally from the present theory. It seems free from the paradoxes and 
other difficulties which appear with previous interpretations. Spherical waves 
imploding toward a focus will cross-over to travel away afterwards, ultimately 
to infinite distance. As they go, further creation will be stimulated, though at
an ever decreasing rate. Combined with the waves making other humps, long range 
energy density gradients will form which will be greatest close to large 
concentrations of matter.

The author's theory of quantum gravitation depends entirely on associated 
pressure gradients, which due to the asymmetry already described, makes the net 
pressure gradients negative. (See pp 286-290 in Pearson(17) and note that the 
wrong asymmetry was assumed. An up to date edition is in preparation.) There is 
now a real force of gravity, as formulated in the author's paper(18), generated 
as one of negative buoyancy by the resulting gradients of excess negative 
pressure. Furthermore the excess positive rest energy is available everywhere to
become concentrated to form the sub-atomic particles of positive matter by 

An overall representation of the nuether generating the force of gravity on a 
particle is given in Figure 7. The graph 7b is a plot of energy density e for 
the nuether against radius R from the center of a concentration of matter marked
"Attractor". Quantum waves radiating from this mass enhance creation and 
annihilation causing the energy density of both phases to fall off with radius. 
The positive phase has a greater rest energy density eo+ than the negative phase
eo- so that the negative kinetic energy ek- is the greater. These net values are
also shown.

In Figure 7a a spherical-radial mode of vibration is indicated as produced by 
quantum-wave focusing; its amplitude is indicated as number-density 
concentration n/ni where suffix i represents the initial state. Excess creation 
increases all local time-averaged energy densities at radius R, including the 
net values as shown in Figure 7b. The net negative pressure, shown at Figure 7d,
is also amplified, being equal to ek-/3. In fact this means an extra life will 
be produced in trapped positive primaries to fill this depression, thus 
enhancing the amplification to produce a particle of dominant positive 
rest-energy. Filaments increase in radius when the creation rate is 
increased(20), and it is this increase together with the local negative pressure
gradient which produces the gravitational force, as illustrated in Figure 7c.

The asymmetry in these energies is also exactly that needed to power the neural 
network. Without this asymmetry, open junctions cannot build up the required 
energy imbalances. Hence a unified description of the universe of matter has 
emerged together with its formative mechanism.

Physics Now Explains the "Paranormal"

The reason for creation of matter can now be deduced. The creation of matter is 
needed to provide the primary mind with a set of meaningful environments. Figure
6 illustrates the possible overall structure of these environments. The primary 
mind exists as a myriad of conscious regions, or minds, of small volume 
interconnected by a vast machine-like net. The minds possess a sense of 
morality, the remaining network is amoral. Each mind is split into an individual
conscious part and a subconscious part, the latter interconnecting with all 
others. The separation is provided by an "information filter-barrier", 
programmed as an enclosing shell, which prevents communication from the 
subconscious but permits flow of information in the reverse direction.

In this way the whole can be enriched by individual experience. Each mind can, 
however, only receive information via sense organs, such as eyes, which record 
photons reflected from objects made of matter. The environment of matter will 
then appear as the only reality and will enable all incarnate minds to relate to
one another in meaningful ways, by cooperation and competition, to help them 

The paranormal now fits neatly into physics. Out-of-body experiences are 
occasions when the mind goes temporarily out of register with the brain, the 
latter most probably being merely an interfacing mechanism for operating the 
muscles and other control systems of the body. This means that the mind has the 
potential to be immortal: so backing up the claims for survival made by most 
religions. Psycho-kinesis is readily explained. The programmed nuether is 
structuring matter and direct mind-control is normally inhibited. Under certain 
conditions the inhibition routine is partially bypassed. A similar explanation 
for telepathy appears. Controlled leaks in the information filter-barriers are 
responsible for the interconnection of minds directly via the filamentous 
structure of the nuether.

Most other aspects of the paranormal can, in similar manner, be provided with 
rational explanations, showing them to have the potential to be real effects. 
More complete descriptions, covering almost the entire spectrum of the 
paranormal together with examples based on direct experience, can be found in 
the popular sections of the author's books(21). These both have mathematical 
appendices, the former dealing with the "Extended Newtonian" theory of quantum 
gravitation and the latter dealing with pure creation/annihilation processes and
resulting filament theory.


A grand unification seems possible starting from the ultimate in simplicity: a 
universe dependent on only two complementary forms of kinetic energy and 
existing as primary particles, the only true particles in existence. More energy
is locked up in spin, to be exhibited as rest energy, in the positive primaries 
than in their negative partners and causes a fraction of the pure creation 
proceeding at a hyper-astronomical rate everywhere to power the universe. This 
view originated from a new theory of quantum gravitation which predicted the 
existence of a background medium, the nuether, structured like a neural network.
This theory can explain creation of a universe of matter by the use of 
intelligently organised quantum-waves. Their mode of computation could use a 
relativistic basis, so permitting relativity to coexist with the nuether - the 
conflict now vanishes! A plausible interpretation for "wave-particle duality" 
appeared naturally and the theory also showed physics could be extended to 
incorporate the paranormal. The human mind cannot be mere brain function. The 
brain may or may not be a conscious entity. What seems certain, however, is that
it connects with a primary consciousness which exists as part of the structure 
of the nuether and could be immortal. Since immortality is the basis of all 
religious belief, it now seems possible that a new unity may emerge in which 
science can be turned round to provide faith with support. Existing schisms 
could soon heal with global benefit.


Momentum is a property of matter given by the product of the mass and velocity 
vector of any object. The direction of motion is important as well as the speed,
and the term "velocity" contains both factors. The momentum vector is often 
represented by an arrow pointing in the direction of motion and having a length 
proportional to mass multiplied by speed.

This defines the "momentum vector". It has been observed that, in any collision,
the vector sum of the momenta of all interacting particles always remains 
constant: hence the law of conservation of momentum. This is true whatever 
arbitrary frame of reference is taken for analysis. The "components" of the 
momentum arrows, which point in the direction of this frame of reference, are 
used with one direction representing positive momentum and with the reverse 
direction regarded as negative (the choice of positive direction is purely 

In quantum theory forces of repulsion are modeled by so-called gauge particles 
which act as mediators of the electromagnetic force. These are emitted from 
sub-atomic particles so that the latter recoil to balance the momentum imparted 
to the mediator. This momentum is transferred to another sub-atomic particle by 
absorption of the mediator, so that the latter bounces away.

The same model is used to represent forces of attraction but now resort is made 
to a stratagem called the "negative coupling" to reverse the direction of motion
of the sub-atomic particles in mathematical equations. Clearly a violation of 
the law of conservation of momentum is involved and cannot be tolerated if 
freedom from paradox is to be attained.

The only solution has to assume the mediator of attractive force to be a carrier
of negative momentum; the arrow representing the momentum vector needs to point 
backwards i.e. opposite the direction of motion. This means that the mass and 
energy of the mediator need to be considered as negative. This is why the 
nuether needs to contain negative as well as positive states.

PURE CREATION can be explained from Figure 1 without using mathematics though a 
full mathematical analysis is given by the author(19). Case A shows a positive 
primary of velocity u1 with its momentum vector P+ in head-on collision with one
of negative energy moving in the opposite direction with velocity v1. The latter
carries negative momentum P- so this points in opposite direction to its 
velocity. The two vectors add up whereas for billiard balls of positive energy 
in collision they could cancel to zero. Hence very different end results will 
arise. For case A the only solution is for the particles to pass through each 
other without change of either momentum or energy: it is impossible for any 
mutual annihilation to occur.

Now consider the offset collision of case B. A transverse component of impulse 
is added due to the glancing impact and acts on each primary. To conserve 
momentum in this direction the negative momentum PT- imparted to one must 
exactly cancel the positive one PT+ imparted to the other, as shown at C. Then, 
as shown at D, this means that both particles are deflected in the same 
transverse sense.

The longitudinal momenta, however, still add up and the associated energies are 
still unable to change. Extra energies are associated with the transverse 
additions and so, for glancing collisions, each primary must gain energy of its 
own kind. The gains, however, sum to zero so that, overall, there is no 
violation of the (modified) law of energy conservation.

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grams) A popularisation plus Technical Appendix Available from: Michael Roll.


Pearson, Ronald D.: Alternative to Relativity including Quantum Gravitation: 
Second International Conference on Problems in Space and Time: St. Petersburg, 
Petrovskaja Academy of Sciences & Arts [Sept.1991]: pp 278-292 Chairman Local 
Organising Committee: Dr. Michael Varin: Pulkovskoye Road 65-9-1 St. Petersburg 
196140, Russia. FAX: (7) (812) 291-81-35 Phone:Alexandre Alekseev: office:(7) 
(812) 291-36-73, Home:(7) (812) 173-55-69 E-Mail: •••@••.•••


Pearson, Ronald D.: Origin of Mind [Dec. 1992]: Available from Michael Roll.


Pearson, Ronald D.: Quantum Gravitation and the Structured Ether Sir Isaac 
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Tryon, Edward P.: What Made the World?: New Scientist, [8/3/1984] pp 14-16


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