Connie Fogal : Self-Sabotage of Canada – Part 2


Richard Moore


Part 2 OF   Meta-Morphosis and Sabotage of Canada by our
own Government - Laws, Arrangements and Agreements

Lets look at some of the other incredible  arrangements
our government has made, all of which throw away our
sovereignty, independence,  and our civil liberties.

    1. The Canada -U.S. Smart Border Declaration with a 30
    point action plan signed Dec 12,2001
    2. The Public Safety Act, 2002  with despotic powers to
    certain Cabinet Ministers
    3. The Anti Terrorism Act currently under review
    4.The North American Security and Prosperity Initiative
    (NASPI)- a report released January 2003 of the  project of
    the Canadian Council of Chief Executives(CCCE) to develop
    a strategy for shaping Canada's future within North
    America and Beyond
    5. The Security and Prosperity Partnership Agreement
    signed by Bush and Martin in March of 2005
    6. 40 Point Smart Regulation Action Plan
    7. The Report of Ministers to the Leaders -SPP- North
    America June 2005


1. The Canada - U.S. Smart Border Declaration signed Dec
12,2001. Note John Manley signed this when he was deputy
Prime Minister  along with Tom Ridge, US Homeland Security
Director. Manley is now the head of the North American
Union Task Force promoting the end of the nations of
Canada , USA, and Mexico as we know them.

The Canada -US Smart Border Declaration has everything to
do with total integration of Canada into the USA dominated
system and control, with total loss of Canadian
sovereignty and independence. Our government through one
Cabinet Minister and his officials committed Canadians to
arrangements which had not been discussed in Parliament,
nor presented to the Canadians at large. Some would say it
is treasonous to be making, in effect, fundamental changes
to our constitutional structure without taking this to the
citizens.  The arrangements are after the fact being
rammed through Parliament piecemeal without any Member of
Parliament making a fuss about the fact of the
pre-arranged agreement between Manley and Ridge, nor
demanding that Canadians should have a say in this.  No
Member of Parliament was elected on any platform to create
or enter a North American Union which this Smart Border
Declaration is doing. The tragedy for Canadians is that we
appear to have no MP's, nor party with representatives
elected to the House of Common who are prepared to fight
for Canadians, or even to inform us. In effect, there is
no opposition in government. The opposition is us, outside
of government. This should not have to be!

This declaration outlines a set of initiatives called the
30-point Action Plan. The Canada Customs and Revenue
agency is working collaboratively with the United States
Customs Service, the United States Immigration and
Naturalization Service and Citizenship and Immigration
Canada. The CCRA has the lead responsibility for eight of
the initiatives outlined in the 30 Point Action Plan.
Making those eight happen is the priority for CCRA. The
eight are:

- A Single Alternative Inspection System
-Air Pre-clearance
-Advance Passenger Information/Passenger Name Record
-Ferry Terminal Reviews
-Harmonized Commercial Processing
-Clearance Away from the Border
-Customs Data Exchange
-In-Transit Container Targeting at Seaports

The 30 points are:

1) Biometric Identifiers- Jointly develop on an urgent
basis common biometric identifiers in documentation such
as  (this means in other ways too) permanent resident
cards, NEXUS, and other travel documents. (That means DNA
markers, eyeprints and fingerprints) ( CBC recently
reported that this month  our Government will present to
Parliament a bill that will permit "chips" being placed in
our passports .The chips will hold untold amounts of
personal data, even possibly to the amount of money you
have in your bank account. This chip can be accessed and
read by any one or place that has the existing technology.
It has been reported to me that the Mohawk Indians have
been approached by our government to volunteer to being
"chipped" and to have DNA records of them created for
tracking. Chips are microscopic devices that can be
implanted in your skin as  easily as on a card. This is no
longer science fiction folks. It is happening.)

2) Permanent Resident Cards- a secure card which includes
a biometric identifier. (It is the impending legislation
that will require all citizens to be fingerprinted and eye
printed, and to have all their personal data encrypted on
a national card- even human chip implants to track your
location and activity. Many cell phones already do that. 
Some clothing manufacturers, and I am told  Walmart is
one,  already have microscopic  tracking chips that remain
in the clothes after you leave the store with your
purchase. If someone wanted to, they could track you if
you wear Walmart clothing. Who has sanctioned that?

3) Single Alternative Inspection System- Resume NEXUS for
two-way movement of pre-approved travellers at Sarnia-Port
Huron,and expand a single program to other areas along the
land border. Discuss expansion to air travel.

4) Refugee/Asylum Processing-Review practices and
procedures to ensure that applicants are thoroughly
screened for security risks and take necessary steps to
share information on refugee and asylum claimants.

5) Managing of Refugee/Asylum Claims- Negotiate a safe
third-country agreement to enhance the managing of refugee
claims. ( The Safe Third Country Agreement was signed by
officials of Canada and the United States on December 5,
2002. The agreement allows both countries to manage the
flow of refugee claimants. No longer does Canada make its
own decisions based on our sovereign principles. )  Did
you hear any fuss being made by anyone in Parliament about
this destruction of our sovereign capacity? Or by the

6) Visa Policy Coordination- joint respective visa waiver
lists and share look-out lists at visa issuing offices.

7) Air Preclearance- implement the Preclearance Agreement 
signed in January 2001. Resume intransit preclearance at
Vancouver and expand to other airports per Annex I of the

The following url shows the Bill C22 The Preclearance Act.
I do not know if the Act has come into force yet. It
clearly allows for the no fly lists and gives authority to
pre-clearance officers in special setoff areas at airports
to do thing with persons named.

8) Advance Passenger Information / Passenger Name Record-
Share  this on flights between Canada and the United
States, including in-transit flights. Identify risks posed
by passengers on international flights arriving in each
other's territory. (These are the "no fly" lists whereby
any of us can be defined as a bad guy and not allowed to
fly. Senator Kennedy was put the no fly list of the US .
It took a while to get his name removed. )

See what Canada's privacy commissioner says about the No
Fly lists:

See what our government says:

and at

9) Joint Passenger Analysis Units-Establish joint units at
key international airports in Canada and the United

10) Ferry Terminals- Review customs and immigration
presence and practices at international ferry terminals. (
End of sovereign Canadian only decisions) 11) Compatible
Immigration Databases- automated database, such as
Canada's Support System for Intelligence, for information
exchange, and enhance sharing of intelligence and trend

12) Immigration Officers Overseas- Increase number of
Canadian and US immigration officers at airports overseas
and enhance joint training of airline personnel. ( More do
it the US way when maybe we would not do it at all if we
made our own decision)

13) International Cooperation- technical assistance to
source and transit countries.

14) Harmonized Commercial Processing-complementary systems
for commercial processing, including audit-based programs
and partnerships with industry. Explore the merits of a
common program.

15) Clearance Away from the Border- integrated trade
facilitation through away-from- the-border processing for
truck/rail cargo (and crews), including inland
preclearance/post-clearance, international zones and
pre-processing centers at the border, and maritime port
intransit preclearance.

16) Joint Facilities- under current legislation and
regulations  create  small, remote joint border
facilities. Examine the legal and operational issues
associated with the establishment of international zones
and joint facilities, including armed protection or the
arming of law enforcement officers in such zones and
facilities. ( An armed border)

17) Customs Data - Sign the Agreement on Sharing Data
Related to Customs Fraud, exchange agreed upon customs
data pursuant to NAFTA, and discuss what additional
commercial and trade data should be shared for national
security purposes. (By sharing financial data, they can
drive anyone into bankruptcy if they want to . Re- read
Orwell's 1984) (Lougheed Martin, a military oriented
company has been given the contract to handle Canadian
census data which means under the USA  Patriot Act , all
the information about every Canadian is in the hands of
the US Homeland Security. .That body has Orwellian powers
with tentacles now into Canadian homes. At what point will
Canadian outrage emerge? )

18) Intransit Container Targeting at Seaports- exchange
information and analysis. Work in partnership with the
industry to develop advance electronic commercial manifest
data for marine containers arriving from overseas.

19) Infrastructure Improvements- joint and coordinated
physical and technological improvements to key border
points and trade corridors - dedicated lanes and border
modeling exercises. (Easy movement of troops into Canada)

20) Intelligent Transportation Systems-Deploy
interoperable technologies in support of other initiatives
to facilitate the secure movement of goods and people,
such as transponder applications and electronic container
seals. (Transponders are devices that  take a picture of
you as you drive by and track you - like on Ontario's
highway 407)

21) Critical Infrastructure Protection- Conduct binational
threat assessments on trans-border infrastructure and
identify necessary additional protection measures, and
initiate assessments for transportation networks and other
critical infrastructure.

22) Aviation Security- Finalize Federal Aviation
Administration-Transport Canada agreement on
comparability/equivalence of security and training

23) Integrated Border and Marine Enforcement Teams-Expand
IBET/IMET to other areas of the border and enhance
communication and coordination.

24) Joint Enforcement Coordination-comprehensive and
permanent coordination of law enforcement, anti- terrorism
efforts and information sharing, such as by strengthening
the Cross-Border Crime Forum and reinvigorating Project
Northstar. (Law enforcement is a crucial part of

25) Integrated Intelligence- joint teams to analyze and
disseminate information and intelligence, and produce
threat and intelligence assessments. Initiate discussions
regarding a Canadian presence on the U.S. Foreign
Terrorist Tracking Task Force. (Canada  gives up any
semblance of independent policies. )  ( Is this the source
of the bill coming before Parliament this month that will
give increased  powers to security forces to spy on and
take action against  e mail and websites and cell phones
and fax communications

26) Fingerprints-RCMP to access FBI fingerprint data
directly via real-time electronic link (and vice versa) .

27) Removal of Deportees- Address legal and operational
challenges to joint removals, and coordinate initiatives
to encourage uncooperative countries to accept their
nationals. (In other words, Canada will adopt US rules on
who is to be deported. That explains the transition to
violation of international human rights by Canada in the
harsh treatment in Canada of the 5 Muslims detained
without trial and without defence in provincial prison
without release .)

28) Counter-Terrorism Legislation-Bring into force
legislation on terrorism, including measures for the
designation of terrorist organizations. (This is the
source of our Anti--terrorist legislation - our Bill C 36,
and the USA Patriot Act. It was not Canadian philosophy
and policy and tradition that brought this Orwellian
legislation into being. It was the demand from the US, and
Canada's submission to and under this agreement. Canada
promised to deliver this.  9/11 was the impetus, the
excuse, to do what was intended any way.  In both the USA
and Canada, the anti-terrorist legislation is up for
review now. The goal is to make the laws in both countries
even more invasive and liberty stripping, more Orwellian.

29) Freezing of Terrorist Assets-Exchange advance
information on designated individuals and organizations in
a timely manner.

30) Joint Training and Exercises- joint response to
terrorism- joint counter-terrorism training and exercises

Read how the U.S. Homeland Security website explains this

This Canada -US Smart Border Declaration militarizes
Canada  and sets the stage for a  police state.   It is
responsible for our anti-terrorist law which emulates the
US Patriot Act.  The anti-terrorist laws discriminate
against racial groups, remove habeas corpus, (ie, the
right to be produced before a court rather than arrested, 
locked up and the key thrown away), remove the right to a
fair trial or in some cases to any trial at all.  They
remove the right to defend yourself.  They criminalize
dissent.  They revokes civil liberties.  They are
Draconian laws sitting there waiting to pounce on lawful
citizens when the right occasion presents itself. 
Canada's anti-terrorist law is already being applied
against Canadians  of middle Eastern heritage- note the 5
Muslims incarcerated in Toronto  upon being accused of
being terrorists. Our judicial history prevented 
indefinite incarceration without a trial.We had to be
found guilty, not just accused.  That protection is gone

2.  The Public Safety Act, 2002 (Bill C7) grew out of
Bills C 17, C55, and C42.  This act amends 23 existing
acts and implements  the Biological and Toxin Weapons
Convention  Act.

The Public Safety Act imposes many terms that restrict
civil liberties. The section dealing with interim orders
grants despotic powers to a number of Cabinet Ministers
such that at  their individual, sole decree without prior
Parliamentary oversight, approval or sanction, they can
impose the police state. Eight parts of the Bill amend
various statutes to provide a new power permitting the
responsible Minister to make interim orders in situations
where immediate action is required (as he alone
determines) . For example, the  Minister of Health can
require mandatory vaccinations and quarantine.

Interim orders under The Public Safety Act are exempt from
the usual requirements of our law that are in place to
prevent abuse and excess. These orders are specifically
free from checks to avoid abuse or violations of the
Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms and the Canadian
Bill of Rights These orders avoid examination by
government lawyers whose usual job is to ensure
regulations and orders are not an unusual or unexpected
use of authority;and  that they do not trespass unduly on
existing rights and freedoms.

The respective Ministers, are:

   * Department of Health Act - Minister of Health;
   * Food and Drugs Act- Minister of Health;
   * Hazardous Products Act - Minister of Health;
   * Navigable Waters Protection Act- Minister of Fisheries and Oceans;
   * Pest Control Products Act - Minister of Health;
   * Quarantine Act - Minister of Health;
   * Radiation Emitting Devices Act - Minister of Health; and
   * Canada Shipping Act; Canada Shipping Act, 2001
(4) - Ministers of Transport and Fisheries and Oceans.

Now it is clearer to understand what  the gun registration
was all about!. Disarm the people from protecting
themselves from their own government , not protection from
criminals.  This concept of possibly needing to protect
ourselves from our government is so foreign to the
Canadian psyche that most of us did not see the
malevolence of the gun registry program.  We became
unwitting dupes to the police state agenda because of our
antipathy towards violence.

3. The Anti Terrorism Act - (Bill C 36)  Currently under
review to make it even more prohibitive.


4. The North American Security and Prosperity Initiative
(NASPI)- a project of the Canadian Council of Chief
Executives(CCCE)launched in January 2003 to develop a
strategy for shaping Canada's future within North America
and Beyond.


This url is a must read. It was posted or updated
November2, 2005 as News and Information. It is a
discussion paper released April 2004. Here you can see
that the chief executives of the 150 leading corporations
of Canada are in the driver's seat setting out the
political agenda to meet its own interests. Their own
language has a flavour of their attitude that they do

Here is the preface to their discussion paper. The  bold
markings are mine for emphasis.

"The Council was the private sector leader in the
development and promotion of the Canada-United States Free
Trade Agreement during the 1980s and of the subsequent
trilateral North American Free Trade Agreement. North
American economic integration is now well advanced and
irreversible, and in the face of global terrorism, the
economic and physical security of the continent have
become indivisible.

While the Council's fundamental vision for North America
remains trilateral, we believe that to be most effective
in addressing some of the key challenges facing our
continent today, Canada and the United States must take
the lead in developing a new paradigm for cooperation, one
that will increase the security of our respective citizens
and maximize the ability of our countries to prosper in a
world marked by increasingly intense competition among
developed and developing countries. Given ever-growing
international flows of goods, services, people, investment
and ideas, this new paradigm must be based on respect for
sovereignty while achieving more effective and mutually
beneficial interdependence.

Following more than a year of research and consultation
with academics, business leaders and government officials
in Canada, the United States and Mexico, we are ready to
share some of our thinking. Many important questions
remain to be answered, but we hope that the 15 specific
recommendations we offer in this discussion paper serve as
a point of departure for debate within Canada and the
United States and as a spur to action on the critical
issues that we have identified.

On behalf of the members of the Council, we are grateful
to our readers for your interest in the shared challenges
facing Canadians and our North American partners. We look
forward to your thoughts and to working with you to ensure
growing security and prosperity for all North Americans.

Richard L. George

Thomas P. d'Aquino
President and Chief Executive"

Most important is the CCCE statement that both the Martin
Liberals and the Harper Conservatives  support the CCCE
initiative for a North American structure that will serve
the corporate agenda. . The CCCE paper states:

"While 2004 will bring elections in both Canada and the
United States, political interest in new approaches to
North America crosses partisan boundaries. Prime Minister
Paul Martin has made clear his intention to reinvigorate
Canada's relationship with the United States as part of a
broader strategy for strengthening Canada's influence in
the world. Stephen Harper, the new leader of the
Conservative Party of Canada, has called for a continental
"strategic partnership", one that would link freer flows
of goods, services, labour, capital and technology with
improvements in continental security."

So for all those strategists  who urged people to vote 
Liberal to keep out the Conservatives, and for those
voters who complied, we now can realize the  stupidity in
that approach.  But most voters did not buy into that lie.
In 2004 Canadians produced a minority government precisely
because the voters knew intuitively that something very
rotten is transpiring.

The report sets out five pillars for a comprehensive

"In launching its North American Security and Prosperity
Initiative (NASPI), the CCCE suggested that a Canadian
strategy for managing its future within the continent
should be based on five pillars: reinventing borders;
regulatory efficiency; resource security; the North
American defence alliance; and new institutions.

Over the past year, there has been an explosion of
research and discussion about options for North America.
The intensity of the discussion has been greatest in
Canada, but it has spread into both the United States and
Mexico, across academic, business and government circles.
There is clearly much more to be explored, tested and
eventually negotiated, but the immense amount of work done
over the past year has established a meaningful foundation
for more detailed discussion of our options.

Based on all of the work by the CCCE and by many others,
this discussion paper builds on the original framework of
the CCCE's North American initiative, suggests points of
emerging consensus and puts forward 15 specific
recommendations. From here, the CCCE hopes to foster
further dialogue on the best options for Canada and on how
best to move forward in building a 21st century
Canada-United States partnership in North America.


Ever since September 11, 2001, there has been no question
that the management of the Canada-United States border
must evolve. The two countries quickly agreed on the
30-point Smart Border action plan in late 2001, and much
has been and continues to be achieved under this umbrella.
Our two countries have been working closely, sharing
information, developing and deploying new tools for
managing risk, expanding border infrastructure and
experimenting with new ways to speed the flows of low-risk
goods and travellers while improving security overall.

As the CCCE suggested in launching its North American
initiative, however, much more can and must be done. The
CCCE continues to believe that a comprehensive strategy
must encompass five pillars:

    * First, it must move beyond border management to the true
    reinvention of North American borders.
    * Second, efforts to smooth customs processing must be
    reinforced by a sweeping effort to reduce the costs and
    delays at the border caused by regulatory differences.
    * Third, and linked to regulatory issues, it must address
    issues in the resource sector to ensure that trade flows
    respect the twin principles of security of access and
    security of supply.
    * Fourth, it must recognize that all of the progress
    Canada desires on the economic front depends on a credible
    reinvigoration of the North American defence alliance.
    * Fifth, it must consider the development of a range of
    new institutions to manage the deepening of the
    Canada-United States relationship

These suggestions of the CCCE are being implemented incrementally by our 
government . Read the section on North American Defence carefully if you had any
doubts about the points raised in Part 1. of my paper respecting Canada's 
complete integration with the US  military agenda.

5.  The Security and Prosperity Partnership of North
America signed by  Martin (Canada) , Bush (USA)  and Fox (
Mexico) in March 2005. This is the political arm complying
with its marching orders from the CCCE. Read this url  to
get the full flavour of the power unfolding.


Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America
Established March 23, 2005  Waco, Texas

Below are highlights of the statement made by the Leaders 
setting out the  Security Agenda and Prosperity Agenda and
announcing the establishment of the Security and
Prosperity Partnership of North America (SPP) . The
statement was released March 23,2005 at the conclusion of
Prime Minister Paul Martin's meeting with United States
President George W. Bush and Mexican President Vicente Fox
at Baylor University in Waco, Texas.


We, the elected leaders of Canada, Mexico, and the United
States, gather in Texas to announce the establishment of
the Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America.

Over the past decade, our three nations have taken
important steps to expand economic opportunity for our
people and to create the most vibrant and dynamic trade
relationship in the world.  Since September 11, 2001, we
have also taken significant new steps to address the
threat of terrorism and to enhance the security of our

But more needs to be done.  ...

    ... This work will be based on the principle that our
    security and prosperity are mutually dependent and
    complementary...Also, it will help consolidate our action
    into a North American framework to confront security and
    economic challenges...
    ... The Partnership is trilateral in concept; while
    allowing any two countries to move forward on an issue, it
    will create a path for the third to join later.

Advancing our Common Security

We will establish a common approach to security to protect
North America from external threats, prevent and respond
to threats within North America, and further streamline
the secure and efficient movement of legitimate, low-risk
traffic across our shared borders.  As part of our
efforts, we will:

    * Implement common border security and bioprotection
    * Enhance critical infrastructure protection, and
    implement a common approach to emergency response;
    * Implement improvements in aviation and maritime
    security, combat transnational threats, and enhance
    intelligence partnerships; and
    * Implement a border facilitation strategy to build
    capacity and improve the legitimate flow of people and
    cargo at our shared borders.

Advancing our Common Prosperity...

     .... regulatory cooperation
     ....sectoral collaboration in energy, transportation,
     financial services, technology, and other areas to
     facilitate business; and invest in our people;
     ....efficient movement of goods and people; and.....

Next Steps

We will establish Ministerial-led working groups that will
consult with stakeholders in our respective countries.
These working groups will respond to the priorities of our
people ( I do not think the people are the masses of
citizens) and our businesses, and will set specific,
measurable, and achievable goals.  They will identify
concrete steps that our governments can take to meet these
goals, and set implementation dates that will permit a
rolling harvest of accomplishments.

Within 90 days, Ministers will report back to us with
their initial report.  Following this, the groups will
report on a semi-annual basis. Because the Partnership
will be an ongoing process of cooperation, new items will
be added to the work agenda by mutual agreement as
circumstances warrant.

Through this Partnership, we will ensure that North
America remains the most economically dynamic region of
the world and a secure home for our people in this and
future generations.


... Canada, the United States, and Mexico will work
together to ensure the highest continent-wide security
standards and streamlined risk-based border processes are
achieved in the following priority areas:

Secure North America from External Threats

* Develop and implement a North American traveler security
strategy, and a cargo security strategy  for screening
prior to departure from a foreign port and at the first
port of entry to North America.

* Develop and implement a North American bioprotection
strategy to assess, prevent, protect, detect, and respond
to intentional, as well as applicable naturally occurring
threats to public health and the food and agriculture

Prevent and Respond to Threats within North America

* Develop and implement a strategy to enhance North
American maritime transportation and port security.

* Develop and implement a strategy to establish equivalent
approaches to aviation security for North America.

* Develop and implement a comprehensive North American
strategy for combating transnational threats to the United
States, Canada, and Mexico, including terrorism, organized
crime, illegal drugs, migrant and contraband smuggling and

* Enhance partnerships on intelligence related to North
American security.

* Develop and implement a common approach to critical
infrastructure protection, and response to cross-border
terrorist incidents and, as applicable, natural disasters.

Further Streamline the Secure Movement of Low-risk Traffic
across our Shared Borders

...... a border facilitation strategy to build capacity
and improve the legitimate flow of people and cargo at
ports of entry within North America. technologies to advance our shared security goals
and promote the legitimate flow of people and goods across
our borders.


* Regulatory Cooperation .....compatibility of regulations
and standards and eliminating redundant testing and
certification requirements.....Strengthen regulatory
cooperation, including at the onset of the regulatory
process, to minimize barriers.

.......greater cooperation in sectors such as autos,
steel, and other sectors identified through consultations.

......increase reliable energy supplies for the region's
needs and development, by facilitating investment in
energy infrastructure, technology improvements, production
and reliable delivery of energy; ..... to streamline and
update regulations; ....promoting energy efficiency,
conservation, and technologies such as clean coal, carbon
capture and storage, hydrogen and renewable energy.

.... North America's transportation system by expanding
market access, facilitating multimodal corridors, reducing
congestion, and alleviating bottlenecks at the border that
inhibit growth and threaten our quality of life (e.g.,
expand air services agreements, increase airspace
capacity, initiate an Aviation Safety Agreement process,
pursue smart border information technology initiatives,
ensure compatibility of regulations and standards in areas
such as statistics, motor carrier and rail safety, and
working with responsible jurisdictions, develop mechanisms
for enhanced road infrastructure planning, including an
inventory of border transportation infrastructure in major
corridors and public-private financing instruments for
border projects).

...... freer flow of capital and the efficient provision
of financial services throughout North America (e.g.,
facilitate cross-border electronic access to stock
exchanges ... further collaboration on training programs
for bank, insurance and securities regulators and
supervisors.....improve convenience and cost of insurance
coverage for carriers engaged in cross border commerce.

.... cross-border technology trade ... preventing
unnecessary barriers from being erected (e.g., agree on
mutual recognition of technical requirements for
telecommunications equipment, tests and certification;
adopt a framework of common principles for e-commerce).

....        Lower the transaction costs of trade in goods
by liberalizing the requirements for obtaining duty-free
treatment under NAFTA, including through the reduction of
rules of origin costs on goods traded between our
countries.  ...

....rationalizing minor differences in external tariffs,
consistent with multilateral negotiation strategies.

..... facilitate further the movement of business persons
within North America and discuss ways to reduce taxes and
other charges residents face when returning from other
North American countries.


Enhance public health cross-border coordination in
infectious diseases surveillance, prevention and control
(e.g., pandemic influenza).


-..... Harmonization of Technical Requirements for
Registration of Pharmaceuticals for Human
Use....identification and adoption of best practices
relating to the registration of medicinal products.

See also

6.  The 40 point Smart Regulation Action Plan - announced
March 24, 2005 at a Newsmaker Breakfast at  the National
Press Club. (Globe and Mail March 21).


This plan introduces huge changes to Canada's regulatory
system. This plan is the result of another corporate "task
force". The plan will make it easier and faster for
corporations to get approval for new drugs, complete
environmental assessments, and the like. On March 21, the
Globe and Mail stated that one of the initiatives is:"A
paperwork-burden-reduction task force with the private
sector to reduce the obligations for business to comply
with regulations at all levels of government"

The Smart Regulation Plan  will "harmonize" Canadian
regulations with U.S. regulations,i.e.,  make Canadian
regulations the same as U.S. regulations, which means more
deregulation and fewer protections for consumers. Canada
often has very different regulations from the U.S in terms
of things like safety and environment.  For example,
Bush's U.S. refused to sign on to Kyoto, and has
instituted environmental regulations that many U.S.
citizens believe are a step backward for the U.S., and
harmful to the environment.(see

It has been impossible to find an actual  list of the 40
points referred to in various media reports. However,
there are many references to the smart regulations in the
various urls presented in this Part 2..

7. The Report of Ministers to the Leaders -SPP- North
America June 2005

This is an important url to read.:

It is signed by three ministers from each of Canada USA
and Mexico. For Canada they are : Anne McLellan, Deputy
Prime Minister, and Minister of Public Safety and
Emergency Preparedness; David Emerson, Minister of
Industry; and Pierre Pettigrew, Minister of Foreign

They begin their report by saying that the leaders on
March 23, 2005 asked their Ministers to create an
architecture to enhance the security of North America and
this report is a response to that request.

Read this and you will be left with no doubt that these
Ministers and the Leaders are complying in spades to the
demands of the CCCE. They are in fact creating regime
changes in all three countries with the corporation giving
the orders. They are in fact dismantling the
constitutional structures of the three countries.

The report of the CCCE referred to in number 4 of this
part talks of the need for involving the other levels of
government,  provincial, state and municipal  to fully
effect the plan. Reference is made to meetings with these
other levels of government. This fact has a profoundly
serious implications: the other levels of government are
complicit in the violation of the constitutional rights
and entitlements of the citizens as the constitutional
structures of the respective countries are being

Canada has a very clear division of powers between the
federal government and the provincial governments.  The
division is of watertight compartments.. Not one of the
provinces is complaining about the restructuring of this
relationship, the emasculation of their sovereign power,
nor of unelected, unaccountable chief executive officers
dictating what the provinces are to do.

The municipalities are creatures of the Provinces. Not one
municipality is making any objection to the emasculation
of their powers.

The constitution of Canada does not belong to the
legislatures or to Parliament. It belongs to the citizens.
So said our Supreme Court of Canada. These
parliamentarians and legislators have no right to do what
they are doing.  But they are arrogant, and they do not
care. Our system has become rotten to the core.

Our federal government is in process of reviewing our
anti-terrorist legislation. It has not  been easy to
ascertain just where they are at in the process.  The
Canadian Action Party is taking steps to try to make
presentation to that process.

The Canadian federal government has indicated it is
bringing forward legislation imminently to allow  security
forces to spy on citizen use of the internet, on e mail ,
and on cell phones. It has been impossible for the
Canadian Action Party to obtain the draft legislation.

The US government on October 13, 2005 published its order
made in August 2005 which greatly increased the scope of
legislation regarding the electronic monitoring of
telecommunications providers. The order extends the
legislation to cover broadband internet access services,
including wireless and voice -over -IP (VolP) Internet
Telephony services. Universities are required to comply.
(See: Mike Ingram 26 October
2005 "Order Broadens Surveillance of Internet Users"

End of Part 2.

Connie Fogal, Leader ,Canadian Action Party/ parti action Canadienne
Tel: (604)872 2128; or (604) 708 3372
(FAX: 604) 872 -1504
 E-MAIL    •••@••.•••

Canadian ActionParty Head office : # 385- 916 West
Broadway, Vancouver BC, V521K7;  e mail:

"The world is not, in fact, ruled by global corporations.
It is ruled by the global financial system." David Korten

"The ability of a party to make a valuable contribution is
not dependent upon its capacity to offer the electorate a
genuine government option. Political parties... act as a
vehicle  for the participation of individual citizens in
the political life of the country. ...Marginal or regional
parties tend to raise issues not adopted by national
parties. Political parties provide individual citizens
with an opportunity to express an opinion on the policy
and functioning of government. Each vote in support of a
party increases the likelihood that its platform will be
taken into account by those who implement policy, and
votes for parties with fewer than 50 candidates are an
integral component of a vital and dynamic democracy. " 
Figueroa v Canada (Attorney General) 2003 SCC 37

"Anyone who trades liberty for security deserves neither
liberty nor security"...Benjamin Franklin

"The constitution of Canada does not belong either to
Parliament, or to the Legislatures; it belongs to the
country and it is there that the citizens of the country
will find the protection of the rights to which they are
entitled" Supreme Court of Canada  A.G. of Nova Scotia and
A.G. of Canada, S.C.R. 1951 pp 32


"Apocalypse Now and the Brave New World"

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