From Vancouver community radio, several audio interviews on the current financial crisis.
2009 Outlook by Paul Craig Roberts
Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, interviewed by Jeff Jewell, surveys the unprecedented economic problems now confronting the USA and the world, exploring the underlying causes, future consequences, and possible remedies. His greatest concern for the future is the unconstitutional assault on liberty and civil rights, cynically perpetrated under cover of the so-called ‘war on terrorism’.
Prof Rodrigue Tremblay, interviewed by Alfred Webre, overviews current crises and outlook for 2009, as a Monday Brown Bagger fund-raising special program on CFRO Vancouver Co-Op community radio.
Posted by “foglight” at 1:41 PM 0 comments
Alan Watt, interviewed by Don Nordin, overviews current crises and outlook for 2009, as a Monday Brown Bagger fund-raising special program on CFRO Vancouver Co-Op community radio.
Posted by “foglight” at 1:27 PM 0 comments
Bob Chapman, interviewed by Reg Argue, overviews current crises and outlook for 2009, as a Monday Brown Bagger fund-raising special program on CFRO Vancouver Co-Op community radio.
Posted by “foglight” at 1:04 PM 0 comments
The Rituals of Democracy and Realities of Economy Revisited
Review of the 2008 elections of Canada and USA, in the context of the rapidly exploding global economic crises.
Posted by “foglight” at 11:43 PM 0 comments
The Rituals of Democracy and Realities of the Economy
Commentary on the superficiality of the ongoing elections in Canada and the USA, in the context of the rapidly deteriorating economic crisis; audio clip of Webster Tarpley’s critique of Paulson’s ultimate(?) raid on the U.S. Treasury forcing taxpayers to bail out Wall St.
Posted by “foglight” at 7:12 PM 0 comments
Report on the 2008 US election, featuring audio clips from the Democratic National Convention by Alex Jones and associates, and Dennis Kucinich’s plea “Wakeup America”, plus brief commentary on anticipated Canadian election.
Posted by “foglight” at 7:41 PM 0 comments