Original source URL: http://www.dailykos.com/storyonly/2007/12/12/19210/608/933/420107 [videos in original] CIA Torture Jet wrecks with 4 Tons of COCAINE This Florida based Gulfstream II jet aircraft # N987SA crash landed on September 24, 2007 after it ran out of fuel over Mexico's Yucatan Peninsula it had a cargo of several tons of Cocaine on board now documents have turned up on both sides of the Atlantic that link this Cocaine Smuggling Gulfstream II jet aircraft # N987SA that crashed in Mexico to the CIA who used it on at least 3 rendition flights from Europe and the USA to Guantanamo's infamous torture chambers between 2003 to 2005. The US mainstream English language media no longer reports this type of news hell they haven't even been reporting the fact that we are losing the war in Afghanistan. These days anyone who demands the truth is labeled a wacky conspiracy theorist or a traitor so the result has been a reluctant group of journalists who have allowed themselves more or less to be bullied into silence by the facist inclined Bush administration. -- -------------------------------------------------------- Posting archives: http://cyberjournal.org/show_archives/?lists=newslog Escaping the Matrix website: http://escapingthematrix.org/ cyberjournal website: http://cyberjournal.org How We the People can change the world: http://governourselves.blogspot.com/ Community Democracy Framework: http://cyberjournal.org/DemocracyFramework.html Moderator: •••@••.••• (comments welcome)