China pledges $20bn for Africa


Richard Moore

       "The scale of China¹s plans are beginning to assume imperial
        proportions, some observers contend."

       "This posed a challenge, Mr Kaberuka acknowledged, to
        traditional donors in Europe, the US and indeed the AfDB who
        are attempting to impose stricter criteria for debt
        management in the wake of their recent write-off of some
        $50bn in African debt. "

Who's being imperial? China loans money without restrictive terms, in return for
access to commodities that it needs. The West, which imposes all sorts of 
conditions on its loans, sees this as 'a threat'. It seems to me the Western 
behavior is imperial, while China's reflects a fair marketplace exchange. In 
terms of Arrighi's 'cycles of accumulation', we are seeing here the rise of 
Chinese financial influence, and dismay on the part of the declining power.


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China pledges $20bn for Africa
By William Wallis in Shanghai
Published: May 17 2007 22:04 | Last updated: May 18 2007 03:22

China intends to provide about $20bn in infrastructure and trade financing to 
Africa during the next three years, eclipsing many of the continent¹s 
traditional big donors by a single pledge.

The scale of China¹s accelerating financial flows were revealed to the Financial
Times on Thursday by Donald Kaberuka, president of the African Development Bank 

The sums involved are beginning to outstrip individual contributions from 
traditional donors, including multilateral development agencies.

Their combined pledges ­ towards a special fund intended to assist sub-Saharan 
Africa to tackle shortfalls in electricity supply, roads and other 
infrastructure ­ are about $7bn, Mr Kaberuka said in an interview with the FT.

China has hosted the AfDB meeting, which closed in Shanghai on Thursday, in an 
effort to consolidate ties with Africa, born from the pursuit of oil and mineral
resources to fuel its booming domestic economy.

The scale of China¹s plans are beginning to assume imperial proportions, some 
observers contend.

During the course of meetings this week, officials from China¹s Exim bank told 
Mr Kaberuka they were looking to spend ³in the neighbourhood of $20bn² over 
three years. ³That is quite something, because it shows you what traditional 
donors are up against,² he said.

But Africa¹s needs were so great, Mr Kaberuka added, the $7bn so far promised 
still represented only ³a drop in the ocean².

While grants and soft loans to Africa from Europe, the US and Japan still exceed
China¹s, they come with conditions attached and often fail to materialise when 
these are not met.

African countries endowed with natural resources but emerging from civil war 
would be treated by multilateral agencies as candidates for debt relief and 

China, however, looked at their potential in the long term, rather than 
assessing their immediate ability to repay loans.

This posed a challenge, Mr Kaberuka acknowledged, to traditional donors in 
Europe, the US and indeed the AfDB who are attempting to impose stricter 
criteria for debt management in the wake of their recent write-off of some $50bn
in African debt.

China¹s willingness to lend money on demand, where it suits its mercantile 
interests, appeals to some African governments starved of short-term credit.

But there are concerns some countries may be locking in their commodity exports 
to deals that could prove disadvantageous in the long-term.

China¹s Exim bank provides funding in various forms, sometimes in straight 
financing, or ­ in Angola¹s case ­ in return for oil.

Its lending is on top of China¹s planned $5bn development fund for Africa.

The $20bn would go partly towards projects already announced, including the 
rehabilitation of railway networks in Angola and Nigeria, and the building of a 
hydroelectric dam in Ethiopia.

Mr Kaberuka, a former Rwandan finance minister, said Chinese premier Wen Jiabao 
had assured him China was alert to the dangers of a new debt pile-up. But the 
Chinese took a longer-term approach to debt sustainability, he said.

³The chairman of the Exim bank used a word which is very interesting. He said: 
ŒYes, debt sustainability is important but development sustainability is what we
are after¹.²

Copyright The Financial Times Limited 2007

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