Chemtrails: an excellent documentary


Richard Moore

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Mystery Lines In The Sky by William Thomas

Mystery Lines In The Sky
26min 9sec

Those long-lasting lines in the sky aren't clouds because you can watch them 
being created by planes. They aren't normal contrails, because they don't 
eventually disappear, they spread out into a milky haze.

Governments everywhere deny that anything is going on but the evidence presented
in this video suggests that a toxic hi-tech "fix" for global warming IS being 
carried out right over our heads!

Veteran alternative journalist William Thomas and artist/videographer Paul 
Grignon present a compelling argument that, rather than confront our addiction 
to fossil fuels, the powers of the world are staking our lives on a strange 
white powder.

Scientist Says Chemtrails, Shuttle Launches Endangering Earth
by William Thomas
Aug 7th 2006

A Canadian atmospheric scientist warns that chemtrails, airliners and shuttle 
launches are weakening the stratosphere and destroying Earth¹s ozone 
layer‹threatening all life on Earth.

It was one of those messages that phones are notorious for delivering‹the kind 
of call that cancels the sleep and makes flu symptoms worse. But this time, the 
health of the entire planet was at stake.

A concerned Canadian scientist named Neil Finley was on the line to inform me 
that high-altitude jet traffic, space launches and chemtrails are threatening to
destroy not only Earth¹s protective radiation shielding‹but the stratosphere 

This wasn¹t entirely news. Ken Caldeira, the scientist at the Lawrence Livermore
atom bomb laboratories who had run Edward Teller¹s computer simulations for an 
atmospheric ³sunscreen² had earlier told me that a program involving the 
spraying of millions of tons of sunlight-reflecting chemicals high in the 
stratosphere could ³destroy the ozone layer.²

What was news was an atmospheric scientists expressing concern over chemtrails.


On June 16, 2006, while driving on Highway 1 near Victoria, British Columbia, ² 
Finley related, ³I stopped to view a huge, white, flat cloud‹incredibly white, 
incredibly wide. It was shocking to see.²

Sunlight reflected from that massive unnatural cloud through his tinted sun 
visor ³occulted² the sun, as he described it, into prismatic bars: ³all pink, 
green and purple.² Such ³birefringence,² Finley explained, ³never happens with 
water vapor, because color separation only occurs in a crystal index of 

Say again?

Such prismatic interferences with wavelengths of light only occur with 
³extremely, extremely fine solid material,² Finley tried again. These fine, 
suspended particles ³causes interference patterns around each particle, changing
the color of the light.²

Finley said he was specifically referring to the chemicals artificially released
into the sky by ³tankers².

While water vapor freezing into high-altitude ice crystals can put ³sundogs² 
around the sun and an occasional halo around the moon, the oily rainbow colors 
much more commonly seen in jet-trails and artificial clouds are chemical 
signatures, he related.


These chlorine chemicals cascading directly into the ozone layer from airliners,
chemtrail tankers and other military aircraft flying above 13 kilometers‹as well
as nearly continuous solid-fuel rocket launches from Cape Canaveral and 
Vandenberg Air Force Base are chewing up Earth¹s remaining ozone layer.

After years of misleading media reports hailing Earth¹s ³recovering ozone 
layer², we are still ³on the cusp² of ozone recovery, says atmospheric 
researcher Elizabeth Weatherhead at the University of Colorado and lead author 
of the most recent ozone study. [Nature May 4/06; CBS/AP June 1/06]

The Associated Press and CBS News now confirm that Earth's sunscreen ³appears 
poised² for the recovery they¹ve been long reporting. Unless, that is, rapid 
Greenhouse Warming continues to skew atmospheric temperatures and circulations 
patterns, the rapid rise of methane gas from billions of cows and megatons of 
melting permafrost, a steep rise in nitrous oxide emissions from more than 5 
million high-altitude jet airliner flights annually‹and a projected 1,468 
orbital rocket launches between 1998 and 2010 added to 3,174 launches already 
made from 1991 to 1997‹³affect the outcome.² [CSIRO Telecommunications and 
Industrial Physics, Australia Feb 28/02]

Guess what?

Last winter, the protective ozone layer over the Arctic thinned to the lowest 
levels since records. At high altitudes, 50% of the protective layer was 


What¹s going on?

While increased greenhouse gases in the air trap more heat in the lower 
atmosphere, sunlight reflected back into space by artificial clouds formed by 
chemtrails, airline exhausts and solid-fuel rocket launches is causing the upper
stratosphere (between 14 and 26 kilometres above the Earth) to get much colder.

Winter stratospheric ice clouds trap vast expanses of ozone-eating chemicals‹and
they are increasing in size and frequency. From the end of November 2005 to the 
end of February 2006, there were more ozone-destroying ice clouds that lingered 
for longer periods than ever previously recorded.

In late March, when ozone depletion was at its worst, ice clouds drifted over 
the UK and Europe as far south as northern Italy‹frying exposed life forms 

On April 26, 2005, scientists told a meeting in Vienna that "the atmospheric 
lifetime of these [ozone depleting] compounds is extremely long and the 
concentrations will remain at dangerously high levels for another half century."

As Professor John Pyle explains, ³We thought things would start to get better 
because of the phasing out of CFCs and other chemicals because of the Montreal 
protocol, but this has not happened. The pollution levels have leveled off but 
changes in the atmosphere have made it easier for the chemical reactions to take
place that allow pollutants to destroy ozone. With these changes likely to 
continue and get worse as global warming increases, then ozone will be further 
depleted even if the level of pollution is going down.²


For each 1% drop in ozone levels, about 1% more UV-B reaches the Earth's 
surface. [WMO 2002]

A reduction in ozone of 1% leads to increases of up to 3% in some forms of 
non-melanoma skin cancer. [UNEP 1998]

The UN environment program estimates that for every 1% thinning of the ozone 
layer there is a 2% to 3% rise in skin cancer. It can also cause cataracts--even
if dark glasses are worn. Since some species are more vulnerable than others, an
increase in UV exposure has the potential to cause a shift in species 
composition and reduce diversity in ecosystems. Excess UV radiation cuts 
photosynthesis in plants, reducing the size and yield of winter wheat and other 

Over half of all new cancers are skin cancers. One person dies of melanoma every
hour. More than 1 million new cases of skin cancer were diagnosed in the United 
States in 2004The incidence of melanoma more than tripled among Caucasians 
between 1980 and 2003. [Rachel¹s Jan 5/87]


Onboard a plant that is mostly seawater, the microscopic plants that underpin 
all life in the oceans are being starved as global warming halts the vital up 
welling of nutrients from the deep sea.

Now, increased solar radiation streaming through the holes left rocket launches 
and airline flights are also frying the oceanic plankton that provide most of 
our spaceship¹s oxygen, while scrubbing huge amounts of carbon out of the 
atmosphere. ³Reducing the world's populations of phytoplankton would 
significantly impact the world's carbon cycle,² warns the Guardian, by leaving 
more carbon in the air. [Independent Jan 19/06; Guardian Apr 27/05]

In November 2005, starvation from lack of plankton led, in turn, to catastrophic
collapse in sea and bird life along America's Northwest Pacific seaboard and in 
the North Sea. [Independent Nov 13/05]


The chemtrail saga began in August 1997, when the late Dr. Edward Teller 
presented a paper prepared by the US government¹s National Academy of Sciences 
to the 22nd International Seminar on Planetary Emergencies in Sicily. Teller 
predicted, ³Increases in average world-wide temperature of the magnitude 
currently predicted can be canceled by preventing about 1% of incoming solar 
radiation² from reaching the Earth. ³The total cost of such an enhanced 
scattering operation would probably be at most $1 billion per year.²

But chemtrails are wrecking the atmosphere.

Radar observations reported by Air Traffic Controllers tracking US air force 
tankers and their lingering chemical plumes over Edmonton, Canada and every 
major airport in the USA report specially sequestered altitudes for these 
chemical lay downs at 37,000 feet‹right at the floor of the stratosphere, which 
until recently began about 13 kilometers above the surface of the Earth.

The 7-10 million tons of aluminum oxide Teller urged to be added to jet fuel as 
a protective ³sunscreen² are being released into an ozone layer that, if 
compressed at sea level would be no thicker than the gap in a spark plug 
(approximately 0.1 inch thick).

Exactly as Caldera¹s models forecast, chemtrails are reflecting enough sunlight 
from this planet¹s upper atmosphere to cool the stratosphere and form giant 
ice-clouds that concentrate megatons of long-lingering ozone-destroying 
chemicals. Finley has discovered that a 3-degrees Fahrenheit temperature drop 
per decade at an altitude of 40 km has resulted in ³about a 10% cooling of the 


After a year or two, Finley said, millions of tons of aluminum oxide in 
chemtrails and solid-fuel rocket exhausts falls downward to form a new boundary 
layer between the troposphere and the stratosphere above. According to Finley, 
these aluminum oxide deposits are allowing the troposphere where we live, and 
where weather is formed, to push higher into a weakened stratosphere.

Storm clouds are characteristically flat on their ³anvil² tops because they are 
hitting the bottom of stratosphere. As the stratosphere weakens, storm tops 
broaden and rise. As convection updrafts drill upwards from 13 to14 to 15 
kilometers, more moisture is sucked higher, where, Finley explained, ³incredibly
low temperatures holds hail up there become baseball-size killer stuff²‹just 
like the monster hail that hammered Arizona, stripping paint off cars and 
causing flash floods, in late July 2006.

During the past three decades, researchers have measured a cooling of the 
stratosphere and a warming of the lower troposphere. These changes could affect 
the height of the tropopause, the boundary between the troposphere and the 
stratosphere. Such a change could, in turn, affect the height of convection 
currents within the troposphere, such as those associated with thunderstorms, 
and could possibly affect the intensity of those storms. It might also alter the
positions of the planet's jet streams and thus the movement of weather systems. 

The upwards-expanding troposphere is especially invasive of the stratosphere in 
the hot tropics, Finley added, ³where typhoons and hurricanes form.²

Comparing the chemtrail and shuttle-shredded ozone layer to ³a tire being eroded
to core,² Finley warned that an atmospheric ³blowout² could be fatal to life on 


Stratospheric cooling resulting from reflected sunlight is not the only 
atmospheric threat posed by chemtrails, whose microscopic particle irritants are
also linked to severe human health affects on the ground. According to the Space
And Missile Systems Center Air Force Materiel Command, ³Worldwide use of CFCs 
over the last several decades has resulted in the introduction of about 25 
million tons of CFCs to the atmosphere.²

But as ultraviolet radiation from sunlight breaks down these chlorine molecules,
about 300,000 tons of chlorine atoms are liberated into the stratosphere each 

Now comes the Catch-22 of ozone depletion: The destruction of atmospheric ozone 
results in no net loss of the chlorine required to cause the destruction. This 
means that the same chlorine molecules are available to restart the destruction 
cycle! [Space And Missile Systems Center Air Force Materiel Command Nov 1/94]

³And that pool of more than half a century¹s accumulated chlorine emissions is 
enormous,² Finley observed.

This anxious atmospheric scientist cautioned that by reactivating this 
atmospheric reservoir of ozone depleting chlorine, the aluminum oxide found in 
lab tests of chemtrails fallout is acting ³like a detonator to dynamite.²

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