CDC H1N1 forced quarantine docs leak
Last night Zero Hedge obtained some interesting documents from the CDC web site. They contain blank ‘forced quarantine’ orders from Iowa and Florida regarding novel H1N1 — including quarantine to a ‘secure detention center’– which appear to be recent — dated April 2009. Some may be aware the NIH and CDC just held an H1N1 conference in DC — August 19-21 2009 — that focused on ‘mass fatality management’. For many, this should be cause for concern. As is becoming clear, our government is quite corrupt. The idea that this same government is now preparing for forced quarantine and mass vaccination should make anyone who has been following recent events shudder. There is something going on here, but governments have not come clean with the public. Why ‘secure detention centers’ in the U.S. and ‘secure vaccination centers’ in France if there is nothing to be concerned about? It is becoming increasingly clear that a global mass vaccination campaign is planned — likely to become mandatory in the 193 WHO member countries, despite serious safety concerns regarding these untested novel H1N1 vaccines, some of which are now known to contain high levels [1] of the deadly adjuvent squalene [2].
Others may be aware that it was only last week that the Massachusetts State Senate passed a law making it a relatively serious crime to refuse a mandatory vaccination or to break a quarantine order. This law also includes rather astounding violations of the 4th Amendment [3], including warrantless searches and seizures of property if deemed necessary in an ’emergency’. This new Massachusetts law also included authorizations for illegal arrest without a warrant [3] and of forced vaccination [3] of the public. But the political activity is not limited to the states. Yesterday Obama held meetings with senior cabinet officials regarding H1N1 [4]‘pandemic prepardness’ including HHS Secretary Sebelius. So this is not idle speculation. There is something going on here. Either the government knows something we do not, or this is the biggest hype since the dot com bubble.
Although the current H1N1 virus does not have lethal genes yet [6], we have been implicitly promised by the national and global health authorities that novel H1N1 will soon return with such genetic ‘upgrades’, just as it did in 1918. Here at ZeroHedge, we are expecting a flock of economic black swans soon, and a pandemic — whether real or hyped — may be part of this flock. An economic collapse will be no doubt be triggered soon , and it will be convenient for the political elites to blame the collapse on an external factor, such as a pandemic or a war. Furthermore, the fall H1N1 pandemic may be a convenient pretext by which dangerous levels of expanding social control can be established by elites which have proven themselves utterly corrupt and morally bankrupt.
On to the documents.